
0 Post – 146 Comments
Joined 10 months ago

Oh wow what a relief bro, thanks.

Um Adderall is not less useful than coffee for non-ADHD peeps.

Edit: reading other comments, I see what you mean. For dementia/clarity, no, but just wakefulness, yes it does something.

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Not to mention the part of the bill they were referring to was paying doctors for end of life counseling, like living wills, which help people die with comfort and dignity.

I mean, fighter pilots are given them to stay sharp on long missions. You think that's because they're emotionally stuck?

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Not to mention, it's incredibly common to open a storm door to knock. Even if he had opened it, that doesn't show any ill intent.

Comes out to 13.39 per 100k pop per year, lower than Mississippi 20.7, Louisiana 19.8, Alabama 14.9, or New Mexico 14.5.

Edit: Googling suggests a rate of 25 in 2022 for Mexico, so that total must be low.

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Lol and this is the company Missouri sued for to block the debt relief.

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Alternatively, if they must be together, bring the Speaker as well.

That is silly to say. Cars themselves are a convenience technology.

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In the article it's pretty clear they mean US numbers to call from.

The article says it was actually an air rifle pellet, which is probably always going to be legal. They are quite powerful for some models.

"“At one point, he discussed his plan to bring the corporate tax rate down from 21% to 20% … and was asked about why he had chosen 20%,” Sorkin said Friday on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.” “And he said, ‘Well, it’s a round number.’”

“That unto itself had a number of CEOs shaking their heads,” Sorkin reported."

This is hilarious.

Trucking companies have switched the terms in the same way, since "accident" lightens responsibility. Even a not-at-fault crash could have been preventable often times, which is what they try to emphasize.


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De Nim A

Can you elaborate on Eisenhower, please?

I do pay a little for Usenet and my NZB indexer, about $115 per year all said and done. And I pay for hardware and electricity, but I wouldn't have it any other way.

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No, he was trying to say he would have been sentenced to life instead of death if the jury hadn't heard certain expert testimony.

I would guess the testimony would be along the lines of blood splatter or some other pseudoscientific forensics where the expert might say the crime was particularly vicious.

Love it haha. I don't care about Tesla at all, but including the share of miles driven on Autopilot versus other companies' tech would be much more revealing. If 90% of miles driven were on Autopilot, they would be outperforming their competitors.

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I am not defending him, just saying it's wrong to use misleading stats even with a good point.

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If you don't think Reich is suggestive of the Third one to English speakers, I don't know what to tell you.

Hughes net is popular in my area. It has such severe latency it is unusable for gaming, unfortunately.

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Yes, take the special offer to hear the pitch, and never buy.

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I would love to share this with friends if it didn't misspell "y'all".

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They just call it a fence in that role. Gotta find a fence for these stereos.

.5 is not 25% of 4

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As a seperate person, my frenulum gets its own ballot this November.

No, tumbleweeds are native to the Asian Steppe and were brought to the Americas by accident.

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Solidarity strikes aren't legal here

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This is how it feels as a leftist from Texas. Family is too important to leave, but the scales feel like they keep tipping towards moving for climate and politics.

Actually the last few times, Verizon has called me to upgrade for little or no money, sometimes paying more for my old phone than I did when it was new. I asked once why they do it, and it is some sort of loyalty program.

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I just think production machinery should be properly lubricated. You types always talk about it seizing.

I also hate people that don't finish the crust.

Certainly doesn't apply to the "secure in their home and persons" part when it comes to limiting police.

Business cards are useful for this. I have enough revolving credit limits now that it doesn't matter, but at one point I preferred to churn business cards, since a month's worth of expenses could ding my credit.

Grindr profile pic

I learned it to write a resignation letter 10 years ago. I haven't touched it since.

The letter looked fantastic.

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Same with my policy in the US. Already have it seasoned past the mark, so I joke with my wife that I can make her a millionaire.

I am building a wooden boat right now, and this isn't true. I'm about $1500 in on a Bolger Cartopper, which is 10'6" with 4' beam.

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pension for fascism

If you are making a joke here, it is funny.