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Joined 10 months ago

Tetris with touch controls is not my favourite way to enjoy Tetris though

It's not about completely preventing infection, you can still get infected. It's about minimizing the odds of infection and lowering severity when infected, to mitigate transmission as much as possible. It's more about society as a collective and less about the individual. You can ride it out, sure. But if you pass it along to someone who can't, then what?

Never heard of FMHY or awesome before, what are they? Could you point me there too? Thanks!

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Has that happened yet? I thought it was supposed to have happened by now

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duckduckgo does that with @duck.com email addresses too, I've liked using them so far

Very specific - linux mint occasionally... crashes? Goes back to lock screen randomly, and closes all open programs. Very annoying to have happen when playing Beyond All Reason with 15 other people, causing the game to pause while I scramble to get back in (if possible). Haven't looked into why too much, just went back to Windows to game. Mint for casual browsing and most else.

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Share your incantations! Here's one of mine: https://www.summarize.tech/. Uses AI to generate summaries of youtube videos. Pretty handy when you see someone reporting on the latest news but they tend to rant and ramble a lot. Turns 20mins into one or two!

Relevant RuneScape short from Jackson Field

This is a fantastic list I've bookmarked, thanks. But I do want to highlight OP's first point where it says:

...they are too confusing because they list too many apps for each category.

Might be a little more beneficial for OP to highlight a couple useful for their use case that are fairly beginner friendly? I'd do it but I'm basically in the same boat as OP right now, lol

Do you know if the ML works offline? Or does it require an internet connection?

Quote from the article confirming your guess:

Hamas claimed the three men as members, calling the operation “a cowardly assassination.”

Did you need a specific blu ray drive for that? I thought about trying to backup my disc but the drives to do it are like a couple hundred bucks each... Little bit steep for me.

Hey that's the raccoon whisperer but Soldier from TF2. I've never seen that, that's great.

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That's pretty funny, was ordering a smile actually a thing? What happens?

I've thought about using them like that as someone without access to privacy.com, but they do charge an activation fee and other random little fees I didn't want to deal with. So I just... didn't buy whatever it was I was considering at the time lol. Always keeping an eye open to see if there are any alternatives though.

I keep seeing this, and yes, it's running the image of the Linux community. Even for me who's part of it.

"Help, Windows problem."

"Linux is the answer."

"But I want to use Windows."

"Then you're a stupid ingrate who's below me and deserve nothing good in your life."

Do you hear yourselves? I'm exaggerating, but come on guys. You're better than this, good grief.

Tbh, I just like that mobile app watching is free instead of paywalled

Are you able to differentiate between emails as they come in? E.g., seeing an email was sent to lemmyworld@abraxas.me vs spammynewsletter@abracas.me?

These are the most comprehensive lists of resources I've ever seen, thank you!

They've said they're committing to keeping perpetual licensing and are using Canva's resources to speed up development though. So far, seems okay to me. At least for now. Unless anyone knows otherwise?

I'm in the same boat as you but haven't figured out how to install different DEs yet. Did you find a good guide for installing/uninstalling them?

I only wish you could manage files in the backend without going through the web GUI. So slow having to manually upload everything through there.

So if I wanted to sync photos from my phone to the computer, then delete the local copies on my phone to save space, that would not work?

E: But keep the copies on the computer, of course

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Fair point, Mint doesn't represent Linux as a whole. I finally settled on Mint cause I didn't like the look of stock GNOME and... I forget why I decided against using Mint's KDE. Choose Cinnamon cause I was tired after distro hopping a bunch and didn't want to tinker anymore.

I'm sure you can customize GNOME to look like KDE/Cinnamon, but if it just breaks in the next update or two I'd rather not go through the trouble.

I think I read somewhere that Mint is getting wayland support soon though? It'll be nice if that fixes the crashing bug.

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Listen I'm all for Linux and use it myself, but this is not the way to get people to switch. Even I'm starting to get annoyed by all the answers in these threads being "Just switch to Linux, there are definitely no problems and it's a 1:1 workflow." (Yes, hyperbole. But you get the idea.) If a user has an issue and does not want, or cannot, switch to Linux, then Linux is not the solution.

You're not wrong. They're still stuck in the "abusive relationship" with MS. In fact you're absolutely right. But trying to push Linux onto these people like this only results in their view of Linux getting worse, and makes them more likely to stay on Windows to avoid the insufferable Linux users. It's coming from a good place, but it's honestly not helping. Every solution needs to consider the user's use case and their parameters, or else it doesn't matter. In the end what you're saying is not wrong at all, but you're still not offering the right solution.

Oof, memory issues are the worst. I haven't tried Dolphin myself so I can't offer much help there, but good luck finding a solution! I should give it a try sometime

Is there a way to check if the little Android box you already have is one of these infected devices?

That is crazy, are there more clips or compilations? I'm just finding out about it through this post

I've never heard of this before, and it sounds interesting after a cursory search online. Why the downvotes?

I'm completely uneducated in this field, but there's a 2 min video attached to that page that demonstrates before and after. Sure sounded better to me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Very neat, I wonder how effective they are at confusing facial recognition and 3D facial scanning systems? Not that we often encounter the 3D scanning, but an interesting aspect to consider.

Does that include lessons for Canto by any chance? Or just Mando?

Was that hard to setup? Do you need to pay for server hosting or anything? That sounds pretty useful.