Feeling the lack of moderation now Reddit?

kratoz29@lemm.ee to Piracy: ꜱᴀɪʟ ᴛʜᴇ ʜɪɢʜ ꜱᴇᴀꜱ@lemmy.dbzer0.com – 1439 points –

Shocked Pikachu face meme.


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Don't they understand the mods leaving is a consequence of that "tantrum"?

They're clearly using shaming tactics. By calling it a "tantrum" they try to make those mods look childish. In reality the mods demanded something to make their jobs easier, the company refused, so they parted ways.

Not "job", these are "volunteering contributions", that are not only time consuming, mentally consuming, and unpaid as well.

Hello, I'm meep_launcher, and I'm a recovering moderator.

Not only did my tools get taken, after the mass exedus, my mod queue exploded. There were so many more racist reports than before, and I was mod of a political satire subreddit.

Turns out the exedus took all the left leaning redditors leaving behind real pieces of work.

Glad I made the switch, and I set up cartographyanarchy here, so maybe I can get back to doing what I love, shitposting maps.

Shitpost maps with me!

One more edit, I want to get this community up and running, so if you post in the next 24 hours I will write your map a song and post the link in the comments.

Oh also DM if you want to be a mod! Definitely looking for folks skilled in the art of Lemmy, coding, or just being all around wholesome.

I can get back to doing what I love, shitposting maps.

Nature is so strange and beautiful.

Psh, nice shameless plug for your community bro

…to which I’ll subscribe as soon as I can

Dude the name alone sounds awesome

edit: I want to post this map but its complaining that the content type isn't html. I don't really see the purpose of linking a webpage when linking directly to the image will allow it to properly embed? Not sure if that's an instance limitation or a community limitation but it seems like not the right choice for meme communities

Finally, the rail system U.S. deserves, old, loud, slow, never on time, and is under maintenance EVERY! F**KING! WEEKEND!

I've just been uploading to imgur and then posting the direct link. Lemm.ee won't allow direct image uploads, so we kinda need to Jerry rig it for the time being. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯

After Reddit, Xitter, and Duolingo, I start to feel like hosting our work on a proprietary and profit-driven service is not a great idea.

Let us know when it is setup. I would appreciate some shitty map in my day.

Looks like its here: !cartographyanarchy@lemm.ee

Took some poking before it fully showed up for me so I'm guessing I'm the first person on my instance to try to view that community.

I just made it a few weeks ago and finally am getting around to sort of starting things up!

Thank you so much for joining! It makes my day :)

Tried clicking on that link, got this error...

The server returned this error: FetchError: invalid json response body at [Redacted]. This may be useful for admins and developers to diagnose and fix the error

I'm assuming you were trying to link to here?

Like Trainguyrom wrote, you're probably the first user on your instance trying to access it. Try the link again. It's the proper way to link to communities using Lemmy. Your link doesn't give people on other instances the easy option to subscribe to the community.

EDIT: Interestingly enough it looks like someone went through the first page of my profile and downvoted each comment of mine. Hmmm, how very strange ;P

Try the link again. It’s the proper way to link to communities using Lemmy.

I'll try the link, and if it works, it works. If it doesn't, I move on. It's not my job to try to make it work, it's supposed to "just work".

Your link doesn’t give people on other instances the easy option to subscribe to the community.

I'm aware, I was just trying to give a pointer to the forum (assuming the link doesn't work for others as well), so people can manually subscribe if they wanted to, as a community service.

That is how Lemmy works. Not my fault if you didn't know that.

That is how Lemmy works. Not my fault if you didn’t know that.

But, I did know that. I literally click on a link, if it works, it works, if it doesn't, if I get an error message, then oh well, and I move on to the next thing.

I'm not attacking Lemmy, I'm saying this for any website and any web link.

So you're saying you did know that Lemmy has the thing where if you're the first one to ask to get community data from another instance the link will give you an error and you must click it again (or reload) to get the instanced version of that community for your instance, and then say that it doesn't work?

That doesn't sound to me like you knew how Lemmy works. I can agree that it should be more hands-off for the user and the server should silently just do the thing to get the instanced community before sending data back to the client, but that's a different argument.

it should be more hands-off for the user and the server should silently just do the thing to get the instanced community before sending data back to the client

Understanding how much data it might be potentially requesting, I'd even accept a "please wait while we load this community" screen that then redirects to the community once its been loaded onto your instance

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So you’re saying you did know that Lemmy has the thing where if you’re the first one to ask to get community data from another instance the link will give you an error and you must click it again (or reload) to get the instanced version of that community for your instance, and then say that it doesn’t work?

Yes, I did, and that's bad design, bad programming, and goes against the expectation of every last freaking human being on the Internet as to how a link should work. And I'm saying that as someone who was a software developer for their whole career, and uses Lemmy on a daily basis, prolifically.

Edit: forgot to mention, I tried reloading twice, went back and re-clicked a couple of times, as well as when I did my reply I embedded that original link into the reply and then I tried it again from there, so I tried to resolve the link a bunch of times over a seven-minute period.

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Probably not, I doubt they even understand what the fuss was even about and are now wondering why quality has gone down so much and why subs are becoming full of spam and reposes.

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