20 Post – 272 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I'll do this later...

I believe fleet is still in preview. I'm not a power user so I can't tell you how it compares to VS Code.

And here I was thinking I was gonna get a Golden Sun successor...

Wasn't Sword of Mana on GBA? I think I had fun with that game.

Tipping needs to end. It's the employer's responsibility to make sure their employees are paid reasonably. Instead they pass that responsibility to the customer, ensuring tension between customers and staff.

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One of us! One of us!

They're clearly using shaming tactics. By calling it a "tantrum" they try to make those mods look childish. In reality the mods demanded something to make their jobs easier, the company refused, so they parted ways.

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Agreed. I hate tipping. Some tippers will hate for tipping to go away because they can use their charisma to make a lot of money. More power to them but tipping is just a way for these businesses to keep their labor low. Many other countries don't have tipping and can still have restaurants. For some reason the US needs tipping to be able to have restaurants.

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If only we could do this in Ohio...

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Shit happened to me yesterday. Pissed me off. Bought this TV years ago and suddenly I can't use it until I accept their new arbitration shit. I'm building a stream box and disabling the internet on this thing. I'm sick of ads anyway.

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I find it funny that a company as big as Google is loosing to little ol uBlock

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So you went and put all your trusted passwords, 2FAs, FIDO2, and other secrets with Google? Looks like these tech companies are turning into data dragons. Only a matter of time before some adventurers decide to loot the dragon.

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Include this position on your resume. Reach out to people within the company to help spread the word that you're looking for employment. They said that it was their fault so hold them to it and have them help you get a job. Work on your LinkedIn profile, apply for unemployment, work on your resume, work on yourself. I recommend watching ALifeAfterLayoff's YouTube channel.

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It's not how you think. For starters not many inmates will risk adding several more years to their sentence for assaulting a sex offender. Most people in prison want to go home. He'll be fine as long as he keeps to himself or stays with other sex offenders. Also, before someone starts their fantasies, prison rape is not common. Prison Rape Elimination Act ended most of that. The type of sex offenders who do get assaulted in prison generally ask for it. Their specific offense plays a factor but its usually because they're annoying as hell, keep pushing boundaries with other inmates, actually it's mostly because they push boundaries.

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This is totally an Onion headline, just not an Onion article.

Just gotta let the smoke blow over then it's business as usual.

Lol. No they won't. It will just confirm their world view. They will see it as persecution because they know the truth. And they will find another way to make a living. One that doesn't rely on the opinions of the public and doesn't care for its own image.

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Lmao! Dead internet theory!

Social media is dead. Long live decentralize social media!

I would really like Mozilla to make the best browser in the world please.

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Those poor AI children!

Can these ads be blocked with pi-hole?

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To people like Jesse the only true American is white.

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Wait so they haven't caught them yet? The article gave no names. And why do these pumps have Bluetooth? You might as well put in a USB service port.

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I feel uncomfortable when people thank me for my service and I wasn't even in the military. I was a civilian working for the Air Force and it's on my resume so I'm always thanked at interviews. It's always so shallow, like a greeting.

"Hi! How's your day? Thank you for your service!"

"No I didn't fight. I was a civilian doing engineering work in support."

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Isn't Nginx written by a Russian? So is it now banned in the US? What other software has been effected by this legislation?

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Wells Fargo must think this is some sort of flex.

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I would hope there is dashcam footage to corroborate their report.

I look forward to all the complaints on how linux isn't like windows. :)

Let's see who's side Biden is truly on.

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I send Lemmy some money every month. Not a lot but what I can. I'm also learning Rust and once I get confident I'll contribute. I like Lemmy and the fediverse in general.

If they want to truly go after tiktok we’re gonna need data privacy bills and oversight that affects ALL social media platforms.

You mean like the GDPR? Oh the US can absolutely not have that. Big Brother will have a fit!

I wish I had the foresight to do an options call on Microsoft stock last Friday...

I've noticed that many users in this thread are just angry that the average person doesn't take cybersecurity seriously. Blaming the user for using a weak password. I really don't understand how out of touch these Lemmy users are. The average person is not thinking of cybersecurity. They just want to be able to log into their account and want a password to remember. Most people out there are not techies, don't really use a computer outside of office work, and even more people only use a smartphone. Its on the company to protect user data because the company knows its value and will suffer from a breach.

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Didn't Microsoft do a study on security vulnerabilities and found that the overwhelmingly number of bugs was due to memory management?

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All those who condemned Hamas for attacking civilians, I wonder if they will have the same energy when Israel starves civilians?

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There are a lot of things I wished they did similar to other countries such as VAT. Hiding all these fees seems deceptive from both the business and the govt sneaking in their taxes.

Well looking on the bright side. If death threats are starting to become common for the decisions that companies make then maybe WFH should also be common to protect employees. Can't target employees at an empty office. The employees will have to be careful with social media however.

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There is no shortage in skilled labor in the US. These companies just don't want to invest in Americans. When you're on a visa your status in the country is tied to your job. Employers can demand from immigrants what they cannot demand from citizens.

I also find it dangerous to rely on foreign talent. Looking at the situation between Canada and India should show you why. If we have a fallout with another country then their citizens will be caught in the middle. This was apparent with the rise in crimes against Asians due to the virus and more surveillance due to concerns on spying.

It's also as safe as the user allows. You can put in all the safety measures but that means nothing if the use disables them for convenience.

Rules 10 and 16 seem to be contradictory. What if one of her "followers" was a woman and she humiliates her?