95 Post – 495 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Ce să vă zic, mă, bine ați venit? bine ați venit, rău ați nimerit. La locu' ăsta îi zice șerpărie, de la șerpii care umblă pe-aicea. Dracu' știe cum au ajuns...

@hedge I dislike Facebook, so that's why I am here. But if the only way to stay in touch with people I know irl is on Threads, so be it. Either my server federates with Threads, or there's one more Threads user in this world.

Well, at least that's what many people would choose, imo. On the flip side, if Facebook itself would be federated and my server would federate with it, I would simply delete my Facebook account. Period.

I get that Meta is an outrageous organization, but people seem to forget the purpose of these platforms altogether - which is communication. And communications happen when other people use the same platform as well. And okay, let's say I have a managed Fedi server (which is the most hassle-free option of self-hosting, leaving money and legal stuff aside). What am I gonna do if, e.g. I get a Tinder match and the girl is asking me for my Facebook or Insta? Should I say something like "hey, I don't have either, but make an account on this random-ass website where only a few hundred people are there as well, and you don't know anyone of them personally"?

If people want to get people to leave the Meta platforms for Fedi and whatnot, then federating with Threads and educating people this way would actually be a better option imo.

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Wouldn't it have been better to just selhost an instance? Like, they'd have more control...

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@0x815 I always when I see news like this I sit and think whether in a similar situation it would be worth risking my life, my integrity, my career etc. just to make a statement against the government.

I don't think I could resist after some point.

I have huge respect for such people!

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@hedge Wow, this is big. Fedi needs more macroblogging options to compensate for the domination of Mastodon and other microblogging platforms. And also it being another corporate actor like Meta, but smaller, will create the incentive for Meta to play more fairly in the long run and not EEE the Fediverse with Threads, just like it did with XMPP by integrating it under Facebook almost a decade ago. This is exactly what we need to become and stay mainstream.

I think this means allowing the listing of third party app stores inside the Google Play Store - so you could search for F-Droid in Google Play for example instead of downloading and installing the .apk manually.

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@admin this is a result of the enshittification of technology. You're no longer forced to learn, you're only displayed a button that you need to press. Doesn't matter what will the button do behind, just blindly trust that it does what it says it does.

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@CoderSupreme This would sadly also be easier for any interested party to block it. i.e. ISPs could block it easier, copyright holders could have an easier time suing the platform owners and have it shut down and if the platform gets big and popular enough (like, for example, how YouTube is for videos of any sort) some content that would be hosted exclusively on that platform would likely be gone for good.

For a platform this big to survive and serve its original purpose, unhindered by DMCAs and stuff, it would be really, really hard.

Plus, the internet now is more regulated than it was 20-30 years ago when nowadays popular names like Piratebay first appeared.

And I personally don't mind going to a few dozen websites that only a handful of people on the internet know in order to get my stuff. If any of that website gets too popular, it risks closure. Better to only have 1 website of these closed instead of all these.

On one hand, it makes sense for Threads to enable Fediverse integration only on public profiles, technically. With a Threads-only private profile, they can ensure that if you want to delete stuff in your profile or even your profile altogether, this can be deleted for good.

On the other hand, for people like me, it makes me unable to get in touch with my close ones who might choose to keep their profile on private. If they'd like to keep using the Fediverse in the future, they would have to choose between this or switching their profile view to public, and some people would dislike that.

This just makes Threads a poor choice for joining the Fediverse.

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@0x815 at this point no one willing to live a civilized life (i.e. in the city and just about any sort of settlement) has any reason to stay in Russia whatsoever. There's no point in living like a fugitive, like some sort of a criminal just to avoid drafting.

It's sad that it happens this way though.

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@Penguincoder I have no degree in Computer Science. I graduated International Relations. However I am still really passionate about FOSS due to the way it brings real world democracy into technology.

While there are some places in which technology has no place (particularly voting), I believe that technology can help our societies become more open, transparent, involving and better functioning.

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@QuazarOmega Checkmate atheists!!!

"Changes to our Search results may send more traffic to large intermediaries and aggregators, and less traffic to direct suppliers like hotels, airlines, merchants and restaurants," Bethell wrote.

This is exactly what is happening right now. Every time I search for some random stuff on Google, I get eMag links (eMag is basically the biggest online retailer in my country. Kinda like Amazon).

They usually sound like:

Looking for [query]? Choose from the eMag offer

And then I get redirected to their search page if I click on it.

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@Ulara the US and pretty much everyone in the world became spoiled about how warfare should be fought. Probably there's also the memory of WW2 when entire cities were leveled to 0 in bombings and shelling, so the alternative of carrying an urban fight became more desirable. Despite this, Russia seems to not care about this fact and actually bomb and level entire cities and other settlements to the ground instead.

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@uninvitedguest Now you can really call yourself a Torrent Leech, haha!

@maculata No, what you said is double-folded racist:

  1. It assumes all Roma people steal - which is not true, there are great people of Roma origin that contributed greatly to the society, but the situation this minority went through along the history put it more to the edge of the societies and made them more exposed to criminal activity.
  2. It assumes that all Romanian people are Roma people who steal and scam people - so, as a Romanian myself, thanks for making me a thief or a scammer I guess? :)
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@alyaza world's hottest year on record so far!

@Ulara why do they care anymore about elections like being the milestone for something? Like, they know they're rigged, the Russians know they're rigged, everybody in the world knows that the Russian elections are rigged.

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@maculata This racist take of yours has zero link to the news in question.

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The million dollar riddle for me would be this one:
If I stick my finger in someone's ass, who will have a finger in the ass? Me or that person?

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@Riccardo_Mar It depends on the crack I guess, but most likely yes. The crack is usually there only to bypass license check.

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@MoshBit Sure. Filelist is a (mostly) Romanian private tracker (the website is available in English as well, though). It is also kinda hugely popular here (pretty much the most popular Romanian torrent website altogether). A couple of days ago, the admin announced that due to personal issues and being unable to find a replacement, the website would shut down. Now a solution was found.

@PugJesus me too. If there's on other servers I go there. lemmygrad and are servers owned by the same people who created Lemmy itself. When you get your first ban over practically noyhing (as I was in the past) this means that this is the server's policy.

(And yes, Lemmy creators are hardcore commies, but they candy wrap their server as being something general, while supressing any opinion that doesn't fit their tankie narrative)


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@ninjan Clearly not, lol, not at all. The guy is not a newcomer in politics, either. He's previously served as a prime-minister until 2014 and then has been the President of the European Council, so I'm not seeing him go anywhere close to Donald Trump, unless I'm missing something.

... yet they still couldn't make it compatible with EU legislation

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@hedge They're pretty active here as well.

CC: @Tutanota

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It's always great when not depending by other countries I guess, specially when they are bloody dictatorships

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  • 2013 - Everything is an app
  • 2023 - Everything is an app. With DMs dudes!

@underwire212 imagine that you can tune in on Spotify, YouTube or wherever you want and listen to whatever you want. Imagine that you can legally buy whatever newspaper from the local shop, or go to whatever internet website and legally read whatever news you might find there, whether it is a government website, a conspiracy website, a satirical website or whatever. Legally. That's what democracy makes it special. This is what freedom is all about.

Here in Romania, during communism, if you were caught listening to Radio Free Europe, you would be prosecuted immediately. If you listened to AC/DC, Beatles, The Doors, Pink Floyd, Sex Pistols, Led Zeppelin or other iconic Rock bands back in the day, you would be labeled as a potential risk for the society, possibly extremist, and followed 24/7 by the secret police. You could have a police record with this, all with this nonsense like what were you wearing, where were you going, what you were doing etc., and it would weigh down hard on your career. Your phones could be tapped, your mail could be tampered, especially if you sent it outside. The secret police was so well infiltrated in the society that anyone could report you. Anyone could be a collaborator, and you wouldn't be aware of it. Imagine you throw a party, and you make some random jokes about the regime, or that you all listen to one of these bands. In your group of friends, it was enough for just one of them to be a collaborator. You can imagine that all of you might be fucked, the next day if you're lucky enough, on the spot if not.

There were cases of spouses reporting to the secret police, parents, children, relatives of all sorts. Teachers could be collaborators as well. Priests were known to be collaborators of the secret police, as people would go to confess their sins, and then in turn, they would confess these sins of them to (you guessed it) the secret police. You just couldn't trust anybody.

It's just mind-boggling how the secret police (in Romania even aptly named Securitate meaning Security) could follow you for basically nothing. And probably the teens in the article in the OP were in a similar situation.


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@i_am_not_a_robot Lemmy itself does not allow you to follow people, that's why you cannot see him (unless he posts/comments something on Lemmy).

Kbin is the closest thing to Lemmy that allows you to follow individual persons.


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@tardigrada slightly funny thing: neom in Romanian kinda translates as non-human which seems perfectly fit to the company's overall project.

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@brie for whoever thought that App Store was just something to keep Apple users safe.

@The_Picard_Maneuver I do as well. Watching @FoxNews all the time to keep up to date with the relevant events.

@Blaze I'm not buying phones that often, but I recently changed to a Nokia G22 (yes, they also have phones with jack), and one of the things that made me decide on that was the jack as well. I got a pair of wireless headsets from work and I can say they're pretty good, but I am still not over the thought that I have one more thing to charge its battery every once in a while. Wired headphones are pretty much okay and I don't see any problem with them that would make me switch (at least right now).

Edit: I almost forgot. I also listen to the (FM) Radio, so I need the wired headsets to be used as an antenna.

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@funn Online content is, sadly, more vulnerable than we think. All it takes is one server to go down, and the entire website/thing goes bust.

@SoniKozak I am all ok for supporting Russia and Russians as long as Russia will pull out it's forces from Ukraine, stop invading and threatening other countries, stop with the imperialistic & superior stance it currently has and reverse it's current way to authoritarianism.

Russian culture is indeed wonderful, the Russian language is indeed beautiful but that's no excuse for supressing other countries' culture, language and identity

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@Calvinball I'm not on Lemmy, but I can say that my Fediverse experience was above expectations as well 😁 when I first joined, I thought it would be either a deserted place that I would access whenever I remember (like on XMPP and Tumblr, pretty much) or ridden with alt-right people - the way Gab and other "alternative" freeze-peach networks of such kind are. On the contrary, I actually met the coolest alternatives yet.

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@admin So that's why I kept receiving all these warning screens even though I updated already. Thanks, I will do this multiple times, I guess. Hope it works.

@ChanchoManco seems fair. It's just wasted customer money for HP.