Are there any gpodder servers that are not the official ones? to Free and Open Source – 9 points –

The official one is always down and is inaccessible on the web.


I use the nextcloud gpodder integration myself with antennapod (phone) + kasts (desktop) and it mostly works well with subscription sync and timestamp sync. It'll occasionally forget that I've listened to an episode on desktop but I guess that's just growing pains.

I've been keeping an eye on podfetch as a potential nextcloud-gpodder replacement but it's not just there yet for me.

I also just saw podcast merlin added to the supported list at but I don't use windows so I can't speak to that.

As for finding an alternative to the sync server, my only suggestion is to find a free/paid option at that'll let you install the gpodder nextcloud app or use the oracle free tier to host something light like podfetch.

@darcmage oh, okay. Would I be able to install/remove/disable Nextcloud plugins on these providers or will I be limited on what they offer?

I'd also be interested in switching. I even thought about hosting it myself but it's kind of a lot of work and I shifted to only using AntennaPod on one phone for podcasts so I wouldn't get much out of it. I still like to have the list of podcasts I subscribe to backed up on gpodder so when I switch phones I don't need to import/export anything.

@jeena yea, I'm using AntennaPod myself and I used it since the website was still available. I'd like to sync the podcast on desktop as well, but there's nothing I can use to sync it with (okay, there is the option to use Nextcloud, but I have no self-hosted instance)

What do you use on the desktop to listen to podcasts which is compatible with gpodder? My biggest problem is that even if gpodder syncs the list of podcasts I'm subscribed to, it doesn't sync listened/not listened nor timestamp for listening now or anything like that.

@jeena I used gPodder (Yes, it's an app as well). But I didn't really check the sync capabilities, apart from the played/unplayed episodes and syncing subscriptions. I also tend to listen to each episode from start to end, so syncing timestamps or something wasn't really a priority for me.

The website was also great because you could choose which podcast to sync where.