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Joined 1 years ago

Do the Song of Solomon.

I want them to launch a Deck v2, Controller v2, and a new take on the Steam Machine simultaneously with a goal of knocking Xbox out of the market and replacing them as the third console. A new Steam Machine right now would play all of Xbox's exclusives on day one and some of Sony's.

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I beat Halo 2 on legendary. I also refuse to attempt that again and haven't bothered playing legendary at all on any Halo in over a decade. Pretty sure my thumbs will not do that anymore.

Getting a gem was also the only way to save. Crash Bandicoot may be the only game series where each new game is easier than the one before it, and Crash 3 was still one of the most challenging games on the system.

So you can send the robot back in time, obviously.

The motion controls made the Wii version seem harder. Plug in a Gamecube controller and play with that and you'll smoke the AI and any wiimote players online.

My ad blocker is part of my security.

I mean, if she wasn't 'of child bearing age' anymore there wouldn't be any point in tying her tubes anyway, so that's a pointless reason.

Here, try this.

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And definitely not worth the $2500 a year they're asking for the feature.

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It shouldn't be, though. The Russian military should have shot it down long before it got to the target.

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I think it's more that you have to purchase the item before you can agree to the EULA. That said, it's extremely rare for anyone to try and challenge them in court, and when they do they pretty much always settle so the court can't actually demand any changes to EULAs.

They already did. The percentage range on your phone's battery display is basically a usable range rather than an absolute range. The article talks about phone manufacturers making changes to their charging systems to optimize battery function, but the headline bit about not charging past a certain point has been taken into account by Android and iOS for ages.

According to the video, game logic is still opperating at 20hz and the GPU uses frame interpolation to tripple the FPS.

At a guess, are those flushes inventoried and accounted for? Would someone notice if they came up short?

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According to Data on Star Trek TNG, reunification is scheduled for this year.

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They had better call it Team Fortress 2 Episode 1.

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It didn't originally, but it had a bluetooth transmitter it was using for the joycons and other controllers. A system update in 2021 added bluetooth audio support. The patch noted that not every headset would work, and microphones won't work at all, but it's there. Go to System Settings -> Bluetooth Audio to use it. I haven't had any problems getting stuff to connect, but I've also only tried pairing two things so that's a tiny sample size. One of those has volume control that successfully sends volume up/down commands to the Switch, the other fails to adjust the volume.

The PS5 also uses bluetooth for its controllers, so they could do the same thing if they wanted.

That was specifically hippies, who strongly tend to be pacifistic and egalitarian. Find an old hippie that kept the philosophy, they're interesting to talk to. Pre-marital sex among the general population did increase thanks to new and readily available forms of birth control, but I'd expect that people in the '90s were probably having more casual sex than people in the '60s. Remember, hippies were a minority.

It's also three times the price of a 65 inch 4k TV.

Seriously, everyone points to our brains and thumbs as to why we're the dominant species on the planet, but our ability to eat damn near everything is also a major factor. We can eat a wide range of plants and animals native to every region of every continent. Wolves/dogs are our closest competition there and they can only eat a fraction of what we can eat. This made us completely unlimited in where we could go and colonize way back in the stone age.

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Combat ability does not equal command ability. Point Luke at someone and he'll ruin their whole year, but he's not good at leading people into combat or organizing groups of soldiers.

Mixing up a couple movies. The planet-killer fleet never got to use their main guns. Starkiller Base did destroy planets in another star system, but none of them was Coruscant. The main planet was commonly mistaken for Coruscant, but that's due to bad communication with the audience. The laser splitting to hit individual planets in the same system being visible with the naked eye from anywhere in the galaxy also indicates Abrams has no idea how distance works.

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"I know it's not your nude, but it's a nude and that's what you were looking for, right?"

It's his favorite letter or something. He'd wanted to name something X for a while. The closest he got before was SpaceX. Which I suppose now retroactively means SpaceTwitter.

Or how bots that scrape websites to gather data work.

Are they all kind of the same, or do they serve different purposes?

Different performance tiers and feature sets. You could spend anywhere from $100 to $1500.

The A series has a headphone jack, but doesn't support wireless charging. Current tiers are 0, 1, 2, 5, and 7. Not every generation has a tier 7 offering. Tier 5 and 7 are close to S series performance, but much cheaper and with worse cameras.

The S series has a wireless charging, but no headphone jack. Comes in standard, plus, and ultra sizes. Better performance than the A series. All the same processor, but bigger sizes can mean more RAM, storage, and better cameras. These ones are billed as premium phones and have a premium price point.

The Fold and Flip are neat, but not generally worth the price. The Fold is better overall, but both have issues with creases. I'd generally recommend skipping the Flip. The Fold can be neat if you really want the larger screen, but an A or S series is generally a better choice.

'Dogfighting' mostly just means air-to-air combat now. They do still make fighter jets that have guns or can mount guns, but I think they're primarily intended for surface targets rather than air targets.

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Satoru Iwata was a treasure.

Supplement it with a strong ad blocker and you've eliminated most routes other than phishing for getting malware on your system. It really is shockingly good.

It did. The Disney continuity does have him as an Imperial veteran, but an enlisted footsoldier lower ranked than Stormtroopers. He also deserted on what was probably his first deployment.

"The Web brings people together because no matter what kind of a twisted sexual mutant you happen to be, you've got millions of pals out there. Type in 'Find people that have sex with goats that are on fire'and the computer will say, 'Specify type of goat.'"

  • Richard Jeni, 1998

Ah, so the Sanctuary Cities that preceed the Bell Riots.

They also tend to deliberately stay out of each other's service areas so they can ramp up prices with de facto local monopolies.

I told a friend this and his response was, "I don't like that I agree with you."

And the tree's owner can sue you for comically large amounts of money. Ye olde r/bestoflegaladvice actually had to ban tree law posts for much the same reason that r/nocontext had to ban content from r/crusaderkings.

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Yeah, I'm American and have no idea what a conker is unless it's having a bad fur day.

This man made nothing on his invention and was not motivated by money but fame.

And then he sued the company for $20 million because the CEO didn't want to respect his efforts and stiffed him.

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Especially if the bot could take into account the bullet patterns for the guns. You'd be looking at full-auto cross-map headshots through a keyhole.

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