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Joined 10 months ago

I'm getting troll vibes, but I'll bite lol. Fusion reactions are the exception since you're turning some mass into energy according to:

E = mc^2

There's many quality videos on YouTube that can provide a better explanation than I ever could.

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Windows is becoming more of a shit show everyday, comically so. Glad I finally installed Linux Mint today. I've used Windows exclusively up until now and just quit cold turkey, putting Mint on my daily driver. I was hesitant to upend my computer habits by swapping OS, but I should have done this ages ago. I'm sure I'll run into some kind of issue sooner than later, but I'll take a technical problem over one manufactured by a corporation's greed any day.

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As a fairly longtime lurker on Reddit now bought into Lemmy, I'm making it a resolution to break that habit and post/comment more. Thanks for the PSA!

That would be in the same spirit as the system of government in ancient Athens. Common people being chosen by lottery to have a seat in governement. From the little I know on the subject, I always thought it seemed like a really solid democratic system.

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On the point about why they didn't use cows instead of humans as an energy source. I think I've read that in the original conception of the Matrix, the humans' brains were meant to be used for computation for the machines, rather than the humans being energy sources. This was changed since computers were new to the general public in 1999 and it was believed the concept would be too confusing.

Knowing the incompetence of Microsoft is making me re-think my pro-nuclear stance...maybe it should be banned.

I'm fairly new to the fediverse, but I see it this way. If Threads integrates with the Fediverse then users will become accustomed to the content from Threads, which could cause more friction in the future if there's a movement to defederate from Threads. I think it would just be easier to avoid all that in the first place. I also feel like if anyone really wants to see Threads content they could make an account there, and then everyone gets what they want. Then there's all the downsides others are theorizing could happen, but they can't be comfirmed until Threads actually joins the Fediverse.

Otherwise known as the C-suite executives. CEO, CTO, CFO, ect...

Have you heard of thumb-key keyboard? It's basically a 3x3 grid with swipe gestures for extra characters. I've been trying to switch to it for a bit cause I think eventually my typing will be faster and it will be a better one handed typing experience.

Anyway, I think this would work well on a small screen device too, if you can get used to a whole new keyboard paradigm.

It's on the IzzyOnDroid repo for f-droid.

Hope this is helpful to someone!

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Could you share what that trade is, even vaguely? I'm curious what kind of job might be suited for someone with ADHD symptoms. I feel it might help me choose a career. No worries if not, and have a good one!

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Thanks for the reply, that's interesting. I've been on some construction sites and scaffolders definitely earn their pay. From experience, I think work with a physical component is easier to stay focused on, at least for me.

Yeah I had the same problem. I just had to commit to being a slow typer for a while, but I inproved quicker than I thought. Still learning tho. I keep a regular keyboard I can switch to with the button on the bottom right of the home buttons for the rare times I need to type something urgently.

Definitely give Office Space a watch then, great comedy.

I read this comic in a few days. Once you start it's hard to put down.

I'm having the exact same problem.

That's interesting, thanks for that explanantion. I definitely feel like being glued to my desk is something I'd like to avoid.

Maybe I'll consider moving to Germany now, that could be a whole other adventure.

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Thanks for all the info. That's a generous offer too. Take care!

True, thanks for the clarification!

Funny that the association was founded in 1876 when that's the century being emulated by banning "obscene" material.

PowerToys is so useful. It's the main thing I will miss if I ever switch to Linux. I'm sure there is software to replace most of the functionality on Linux, but I've yet to get the motivation to look into it.

Thanks for the advice. If I change directions I'm leaning towards something in the realm of IT or electronics technician work. I'd like something with some sort of physical or at least hands on component, or something gameified like you deacribe with closing tickets.

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You're no fan of us? Cause our movie and TV shows are so amateur?

Edit: I guess they're aren't many Classified fans on Lemmy

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