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Joined 6 months ago

Crying billionaires are a sign of society healing.

A healthy society has zero billionaires.

Let’s go further with these taxes.

What, the people who buy elections are fleeing? Sign me up for that.

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The only thing that’s changed is all the good modetators have left and the default subs have gotten worse.

God forbid you say anything mildly positive of Palestine on the main politics site. The AIPAC hired mods immediately permaban you.

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Well the first problem is the question was asked on Musk’s hellsite. No one who still uses that platform is ok.

Since he took back over, Spez has been making reddit an objectively worse experience. Doesn’t deserve that pay.

I’m pretty sure Hitler’s takeover of Germany was worse. You still have idiots marching in the streets today claiming to be NAZIs

Or the insurrection that actually managed to kill thousands of Americans, our Civil War.

This was horrific, but getting hyperbolic about it just feeds the right wing propaganda machines further.

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And Florida’s answer to this, along with so much of the country, is more guns. Absolute insanity

Love Reddit’s lies about them taking down hateful content when they’re 100% behind Israel’s genocide of the Palestinians and will ban you if you say anything remotely negative about Israel’s govenment. And the amount of transphobia on the site is disgusting. Let alone the misogyny.

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Awesome. How do I port this ability over to an American PC?

What?? You mean licensed taxis with unions and accountability will suddenly get business again?

Fascists don’t care about and won’t respect governmental norms. The only way to stop them is preventing them from getting onto power in the first place and we’ve been failing miserably at that since Reagan.

The Gulf of Tonkin incident being created by the US was a conspiracy theory until it wasn’t.

Not every “conspiracy theory” is wrong. Sometimes people in charge are actually trying to cover something up. It’s not insane to be skeptical of an official line until it’s backed up with proof.

Lizard people, however, don’t exist.

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You can socialize more than one thing at a time. Student loan debt affects everyone too. We have an entire generation right now who can’t afford to buy a house, and who are putting off marriage and having kids. That effects the entire economy. Not to mention they can’t save for retirement if a good chunk of their income is going into student loan debt.

I’m sure it doesn’t help that he’s letting the military slaughter the Israeli hostages that were taken on 10/7 as well. That alone was the end of his rulership. He should fear his next election. If he’s not removed before that.

And if there is a CHANCE you might do something they don’t like…they cancel their primaries

The Libertarian party is a third party conservative party and they did take votes away from Trump last election

The founders dropped the ball when they gave us no way to recall a supreme court justice.

Granted their massive failure of imagination has ended us up with the shitshow that is congress today

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No way this supreme court upholds that ruling. Which pisses me off even more that Biden refused to stack the court when he had the chance

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Because they’re considered safe loans because they are very hard to discharge. So your student loans are funding your parent’s pension funds and 401k’s

I learned how to use bit torrent in an afternoon on summer break in high school. Zoomers will figure it out and there are enough of us older millennials around to teach them as well.

My dude. No leftist is pro Hamas. Hamas wants to create a religious ethnostate just like Israel wants to create a religious ethnostate. We ARE pro Palestinian freedom. But Israel is the one who keeps making Hamas the dominant Palestinian political party, in order to use them as an excuse to continue their genocide.

Stop pretending to know what the left thinks when you’ve clearly never actually spoken to their members.

I will not federate with any meta products

How does us banning TikTok make us any better than China then? How does it make us any more free?

The whole point of freedom of speech is that everyone has it, even that speech you hate. The answer is more speech.

Lets see Biden grow a pair and go on new media and answer actual questions, not softballs. Then maybe people will start listening to him. And maybe he’ll learn what we’re actually concerned about.

A lot of people not in govenment are also working against stopping mass shootings. And the only people who CAN stop this are in the government.

I am much less concerned about foreign news reaching the American people than the outright lies being spread in the American news without people batting an eye. And the fact that a foreign government (Israel) literally owns our government.

Oh so a chinese news source pointed this out to the youth? Good. It shows that we are so sick of not being able to trust OUR news that we’re looking elsewhere. Banning TikTok won’t fix that. I won’t go back to CNN or Fox if you take away that option. I’ll continue to look elsewhere

Who’s next? Al Jazerra? The hindustan times? The BBC?

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Why isn’t the news covering the prosecutions of those involved in thr coup the way it covered the coup itself? If you want to convince Americans this was bad, show them the people being sent to jail over and over again.

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The answer to the whole mess is single payer. Where the hell is Biden on that?

What do you mean? They fail all the time. Fail to secure doors. Fail to have working oxygen masks. Fail to warn pilots about a system that points the nose of the plane down constantly…

The world would be a better place if CEOs were poor and starving and teachers were given 6 figure salaries to start

They’re rich enough to easily hire a good hitman.

And have the motivation to silence this guy before the entire country is calling for Boeing to have their corporate charter revoked

I feel like “risk of door blowing off mid flight” or “25% of oxygen masks don’t work” is something the public is entitled to know about

If you’re gonna ban this speech, then you should ban all speech from foreign governments, including the propaganda Israel is filling our country with for their genocide.

But this same congress who is so ready to silence China is unwilling to silence Israel. And Israel is not our ally. Our allies don’t try to drag us into genocides.

It depends on how their beliefs are challenged. Calling them morons won’t work. You have to gently question them about their ideas and not seem to be judging them.

Do we honestly think any of the hostages are still alive at this point? Gaza has already been reduced to a pile of rubble, and there is widespread starvation in Gaza already. And we know Israel shot three of the hostages a couple months back.

If someone invaded your home, locked you in a cage, and then started casually murdering your loved ones while calling it “mowing the lawn”, you would also be doing anything you could to make it stop.

Yes, Hamas knew this would happen, but for most people in Gaza, choosing to die hiding or choosing to die fighting is the only choice they get in life.

Except they’re not. They’re focused on blaiming everyone around them while not looking for actual causes. The CDC is banned BY LAW from researching the actual causes, because the NRA knows the answer is going to be mass gun ownership and them instilling a very toxic version of gun culture in this country.

No one is doing anything substantial to stop the next one.

Thanks for this. Looking to make an account on a better server now

This is the life hack I never knew i needed. Thanks!!

In favor of. As in they support Israel unquestioningly. Though as someone else commented I wouldn’t put anything past r/conspiracy these days.

Ironic since Biden is the reason you can’t discharge your debt in bankruptcy now.