11 Post – 246 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Don't search for computer speakers, just look for normal speakers on which I can't help out too much on. Unless you want to invest into an expensive sound card, you probably should go for an AV-Receiver which transmits the audio through HDMI as this will give you the maximum quality depending on the supported formats. I have a sound card -> old school amplifier -> speaker setup. Basically it is your choice where the digital to analogue transformation happens, whether through a receiver or sound card. A sound card does have the massive advantage of providing virtual headphone surround sound (yes on stereo headphones, and no, this is really working) which receivers typically don't have, because reasons and it will provide you with a massive immersion boost. And no onboard sound is not comparable, even the best one is a clear step down.

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External sound cards have the advantage of less electrical interference, but usually the internal ones have external power not coming from the PCIe slot so it isn't a big problem. Asus left the market leaving you with good old Creative Sound Blaster again. Choose whatever your budget allows, the two upper tier ones just differ in accessories, but that might have changed. And AV receivers the same, I am not the up to date audio guy what is a good deal. Just try to stay >120 dB SNR on sound cards for high end.

A pedophile predator is somebody who systematically texts underage people, and fishes out the vulnerable ones to exploit their weaknesses for their own satisfaction and exerts control over them. Speaking to a single, depending on the jurisdiction (+-1 year), consenting adult (17 is young, but not completely stupid), with slightly flirty messages is absolutely not that. it isn't even toxic. in fact, it devalues this tag for behaviour which is not cool due to the cheating and a bit skittish because of the age difference, but is otherwise kind of okay. See, next time somebody tells me about a pedophile predator I will be thinking about a conversation between two adults, or almost adult and not nasty abuse scarring people for life.

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But would give you a hell of a beating in the spanish Catalan referendum on Independence which was just a bunch of years ago and not some ancient happening.

These things are ableist. We are reaching the point where AI can solve these much more reliably than a human. As a result the difficulty has to rise and will exclude more and more people which might have problems with "basic" tasks from a neurotypical perspective. Not to speak sometimes there might be multiple solutions depending on language and cultural interpretations.

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Bruh, if you had invested your school lunch money instead of literally eating it and thus draining it down the toilet, you would have been a millionaire by now. Subscribe for more of my finance tips for just $20 a month.

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There is the nuance to it. The subscribers did not sign up for this initially. Therefore they will have to build a new community up which certainly won't have as many subscribers for a very long time and none of the post history.

At the same time posts actually asking about the Steam platform get downvoted heavily and thus dissuade further interaction.

Effectively the sub becomes useless, just the same as if it had stayed closed. It will drop in engagement in the long term.

The John Oliver memes attract more mainstream attention and clearly signal to investors the platform is not healthy, irrespective of the traffic it causes.

With more and more subreddits joining in on this, the All page gets flooded with shitposts annoying everyone. Those who stay certainly won't want to deal with this all the time and unsubscribe.

Of course group dynamics are unpredictable at times, but reddit is certainly more in turmoil than whatever traffic.

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Please don't defederate. Just have it reserved for actually intentionally malicious or negligent instances.

Dislike the meme, because I fully believe the beehaw decisions have solid, purely technical, grounds.

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It is. So where is the police report? She said she was groped on several occasions (which is sexual assault) and quit the job by her own decision, so why not throw the men who groped her under the bus?

I am tired of reading these things. I am absolutely aware these are done in good faith to have some neutral instance to deal with this, but it not the reality. If you are low on money, you are right out or a bit later, if you are an "undesirable" person, you will lose, and if you lack time, energy and mental health going through the paperwork will break the last bit you had and money too.

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Not quite correct. They didn't start charging for API usage. They banned it and pretended it could be paid for with completely absurd prices nobody could reasonably afford.

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There is the psychological factor that Windows behaves more like malware with their forced full screen overlays to shove the Edge into your ass. Over and over again. Microsoft doesn't take No for an answer like an abusive partner.

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Bullshit. Piracy is the only thing preserving it. Why? Because as a PC user 4k HDR Blu-Rays are forbidden for me anyways to play legally despite owning them.

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Deranged to spend the money on a case where you don't even know what you get. I chose to pay a much more reasonable $50 for a Valorant knife. Elden Ring's production value is great, but have you seen these 5 animations?

Yeah, my sleep schedule is pretty bad since the holiday.... Oh, Oooooh.

Any type of neurodivergence is not graspable for the majority of people, as it would require high skills to think in somebody elses shoes.
Debilitating chronic fatigue is called being lazy and as I just found out very recenty I have cerebrospinal fluid leaks which cause these issues. Hope it gets fixed soon. And shoutout to the doctors trying to tell me it is in my head and doesn't require urgent care.

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What a horrible way to handle this. A bit like YouTube demonetization policies.

I think is too large for the health of the fediverse. A nasty incident which takes it down permanently could "kill" Lemmy as a whole. Perhaps a sign up stop is in order.

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u/spez tries to paint it was just mods trying to be powertripping and not standing for the communities. This refutes the sentiment along with the reactions of /r/pics and the likely coming r/aww action.

It is not a joke it is genocide with manipulative excuses.

I am strongly opposed to the way this is handled. Discussing piracy may not be censored in any way and being afraid of shady lawsuits is not good, this is one of the main responsibilities of a server admin of such a grand operation. Especially so for what is effectively an image board which is grey zoning on copyright all the time. It is fine to ban communities who direct link to well known piracy sites, both because of the legal and perhaps ethical complications this brings.

We need now more than ever platforms where we defend basic freedoms as discussion of hot topics. I view the negative impact of this as banning discussion on drugs. Disclaimers about dangers and help lines for addiction should be forced, as the banning of purchase options, however please stay out of experiences, discussions and warnings on them.

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That headline is deeply appreciated.

Which is also what the last CEO of Square Enix rode on. This is either investor appeasement or indeed improvement of quality with these tools or, and far more likely both buzzwords and producing crap to cut costs.

I hope this will become international law that police has to be identifiable by face or ID on request and can be recorded, but not published, at all times during public service. Germany does none. Not even ID, which varies by region. I see it as militia, because unidentifiable, unrecordable armed groups are not for safety and not under control.

Pirates are the librarians of the new age. But I caution you, much media cannot be found as soon as you step of the path of the big releases. So it really isn't the final solution.

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Badly worded article name. This is nothing new. Ukraine can't use foreign airbases and immediately fly strikes already. In other news, water is wet.

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We are stuck at meme page admin in this timeline.

This is a terrible moment for the internet. When people look for hobby information the loss of information accessibility it might be painful, but not critical. But there is tons of information on rare diseases, drugs and supplements which can be absolutely vital for the tiny minority which is affected by rare genetic conditions.

GTA V's single player content support was immediately cut when they found how much money their MMO style game makes by F2P monetization.

We will see the same terrible business tactics: Delay PC release so much that people buy the console versions, the PC release will be superior thanks to the then progressed technical advancements and the mod support to double dip, and then triple dip, because new content will be online only with MTX, if they don't abolish single player from the get go.

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Firefox is a good browser and unfortunately the only fully independent one. But I also believe there might be a bigger Chromium development split happening. Nothing increases action and unites people like a monopoly pushing greed.

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Some instance owners indeed do not understand the difference between running an instance and and running a community inside one. And those bad decisions are amplified by the inability to port your account to another instance easily.

We might end up with very few gargantuan instances, especially as soon as financial thresholds hit. Still an improvement over reddit overall, but I expect some things like that happening regularly.

Somebody claimed 4 moderator's for the entirety of beehaw which is hilariously low. They should have chosen a defederated instance from the get go then. But perhaps they will open up in the future.

No, because open source apps need to have enough eyes on them to spot malicious code. And highly complex ones need proper audits and even that might not be enough to catch every fancy vulnerability.

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Mastodon went in two seriously wrong directions, but seems to remedy them which is difficult. First they have no proper quote supporting and failing to realize all communication works this way on the internet. Be it comments on articles, all the newspapers quoting others and thus creating those articles etc. Second the lack of algorithms due to a misguided opinion they are inherently evil. What we got instead is a random feed of random messages where a news like structure like on Twitter is not possible. Extremely important events are buried behind tons of crappy posts. And the only region for whom the explore tab is working is America as nothing is localized. Also scrolling through the feed doesn't tell you what seems to garner attraction by the number of comments. So most clicks are wasted on deadend topics.

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I think the best way to judge success is to look at the overall engagement and that one is very high.

I understand the CPU hardware limitations due to Spectre/Meltdown issusles, but at the same time it is an ecological disaster. Two decades ago you would ditch your hardware frequently, simply because it could not run any new application. Now I have systems which do have more than appropriate computing power for my specific tasks and are forcefully obsoleted. They should at least extent Windows 10 critical fixes until 2030.

I believe the situation will cause to Windows 10 to become the next Windows XP immortal ghost for quite some time.

One idea of subcontractors is to split and delegate societal responsibility to others to appear to be clean. Surely the law is focused on Cognizant here, but the responsibility lies fully on Google, including their ability to intervene.

When not overloaded the site works better now than ever. But in general this instancen is kind of unusable now as everything is too slow.

Many had and have multiple accounts due to federation shenanigans. The actual userbase might have actually grown despite significantly lower numbers compared to the peak.

What made this cliffhanger so truly bad was the main game's story was complete as is until Episode 1 unwinded it. And Episode 2, compared to Episode 1, was a much better game in most aspects for me.

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You could call ESO pay-to-win to fit this definition, because there is new content added as subscription or paid. There will be new gear sets offering effectively an advantage for many builds and some new skills.