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Nah, its not Trumps playbook. Back when I was in college they tried to pass a constitutional amendment that would annul same-sex marriages for simply entering the state. NC GOP has been wild for a long, long time

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We had hardware getting massive leaps for years. Problem is, devs got used to hardware having enough grunt to overcome lack of optimizations. Now we got shit coming out barely holding 60+ on 4080s and requiring usage of FSR or DLSS as a bandaid to make the game get back to playable framerates.

If you’ve got 30 series or 7000 series from AMD you don’t need to look for a more performant card, you need devs to put in time for polish and optimization before launch and not 6 months down the line IF the game is a commercial success.

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“You are now manually breathing” works substantially better

That is what happened here. Republicans came to the table and said “we will give you Ukraine aid if we get a border deal”. Biden undercut progressives and started making offers that Republicans wanted for Ukraine aid and to put his name on the border deal. So Republicans took their ball and went home.

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whoa now, don’t take away Elite:Dangerous one claim to fame. They have an entire milky way of procedurally generated planets with no POIs!

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I went to a public high school in the renaissance of MySpace and Angelfire and Geocities. My Current Events class was entirely breaking down political speech and recognizing the undercurrents. World History was as much about what happened but also how the situation developed, including a stint on understanding modern journalism through the development of Yellow Journalism.

Public school can do exceptionally well if it’s actually funded like it’s supposed to be.

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did you really read past half the article saying that they primarily starved to pop out an “uhm ackshually”?

Its like how you deal with killbots. You send wave after wave of troop at them until they hit the limit of their kill count and deactivate.

taking the other side of the argument, planetary landings in E:D are just loading screens at 10x the length. Travelling to a planet at .3 C is neat the first time but then you look at trade routes as “how long do I sit paying attention in case of an interdiction?” StarCitizen falls into the same trap. QD is neat but then it takes you 5 minutes and a fuel stop to go from one side of a system to another. Its mundane trudging for reality rather than getting the boring monotony out of the way of the player.

Just because the tech exists doesn’t mean it makes for compelling gameplay.

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Thats if you set the toaster to anything above 3

I mean, sure. But store bought ibuprofen? It’s $9 for 500 count 500mg bottle off Amazon.

We only charge extra for life saving drugs, normal stuff is cheaper than dirt.

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I’ve always viewed Digital Delixe thru the lens of a collectors edition without the $200 statue. Horse armor is how we got to $20 for a skin in Overwatch. They aren’t entirely unrelated but are genuinely different product categories.

Yep, the linux driver issue is either crash on 535 or get a rock solid 26-31 FPS on 525 irrespective of settings with frame timings being so smooth you get a more pleasant experience chewing sand.

which is hilarious because the game plays better on a steam deck than on my 3080

I would wager yes as Starfield is currently unplayable on Linux with an nvidia gpu.

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Basically anything that isn’t Siege, Valorant…anything without an abusive anti-cheat

I remember seeing nosebleed Metallica seats for like $200. Instead got a VIP festival weekend ticket for $200 with Metallica doing 2 shows that covid cancelled! 🤣

Personally it feels like a lot of the promise of Mass Effect: Andromeda was channeled into Starfield and they took the launch version of the story in No Man’s Sky and ran with it. It definitely stands on the shoulders of other games but it is a reasonably solid iteration.

Funny part is, an MMO has already died because of this premise. EverQuest NEXT was going to use a foundational system called Storybricks that would generate a living story for the world, in real time, using AI for the npcs, quests, zone events. That worked so well that the MMO half of EQN got cancelled and turned into a weird, plot based, EQ styled version of Minecraft that never got to full release.

Used it to explain stuff during my full stack bootcamp. It is immensely helpful when you have an idea of what you don’t know but are unsure what question you need to ask to find the answer. Even better when you know what function you need from a different language but don’t know what it’s called and has some esoteric name you cba to remember.

If a libraries docs are indexed it also helps quickly find the method you need to implement.

LLMs will likely always have a place as a supporting technology during and after education.

you cant really compare gate-to-gate traversal to the other primary space games though. unless you are in a capital ship, generally you have a warp around 3-5 so even Niarja (minus dock workers) only takes a few seconds to cross. If we just focus on hub routes, I don’t recall the exact number, but Amarr to Jita/Dodi is between 25-60 jumps depending on your risk tolerance. That is 25 discrete load screens, with a Leopard and no 0 tick gate camps thats still around 10-20 minutes of just loading. EVE is an exceptionally bad example to pull and why I excluded it.

If you want something like Star Control then running the bubble in E:D is your best option, just never install a fuel scoop.

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Got Nova Lands. It’s like Forager with a factory

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Yeah, Forager is one of the very few games I went out of my way to 100% and I just stumbled into Nova Lands. I’m sorry man.

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Maybe there is, but I don’t see one easily accessible on Memmy

per 2022? A little over $58k, so definitely not bananas


Yeah, Forager is one of the very few games I went out of my way to 100% and I just stumbled into Nova Lands. I’m sorry man.

Well, guess what? You can walk to the starport, open the door to your ship, walk into the cockpit, sit down, launch into space, target your next system navpoint, power up your grav driv, and jump to the next system. You won’t be on a planet, you will be in space. Will you find a trader? System security fighting pirates? A bounty hunter wanting to cash in on you? An old lady that wants you to come over for tea? Dunno. But you aren’t fast traveling. Genuinely the crux of your complaint has been “i dont know how it works but its bad and I dont like it”

transit in EVE isn’t really anything to write home about though. Target, align, warp, jump, target, align, warp, jump.

Gate camps are player based RNG with a difficulty slider. Do you take the shorter run thru Niarja or do you add an extra 30 jumps for relative safety barring CODE affiliates.

if what you want is a completely bespoke experience where a system has only explicit experiences then you immediately lose out on the design intent behind Starfield and the storyline within is immediately hollowed out and meaningless.

besides, its a video game. everything is a generic random encounter rolled on a table hidden from the player. if you want a better experience, Starfinder is there.

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The best answer I have to minimizing the interaction is setting routes from your mission list. On PC this cuts down to L > click mission > R > hold X.

It is still 4 discrete inputs, which sucks, but it is substantially better than navigating by the star map which is how my brain defaulted to fast travel for most of my first play through.

Commenting to find this easier later

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Im gonna go on a bit of a logical leap here using current information regarding The Completionist. Karl Jobst and SomeOrdinaryGamers released their initial findings regarding the charity fraud in their own videos. As they have each found info that develops the situation, they release another video pointed at that specific information. Karl does a high level whereas Mutahar does deep dives so his videos take a couple days longer to emerge.

In this instance, they are releasing one video pointing one finger at one issue at one creator rather than a 4 hour compilation at nearly half a dozen people covering dozens of complaints. Bald mans video, at the very least, has hallmarks of a compilation rather than any actual investigative value.

Nah, I can absolutely confirm in at least one of those cases he is several months behind the curve and just tacking it on to pad video length.

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From looking, his recent video is retreading drama that had happened over the last several months but OP is claiming bald man did all the work.

I dunno about the other 2, but the iilluminautii segment in the video has been done dozens of times at this point and involved half a dozen creators that were direct associates of her bringing her down. But, nah, all bald man.

edit: I forgot but she also partially took herself down by posting one of her editors notes containing suicidal ideation because of her in her video defending herself against that editor…

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