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Joined 12 months ago

I love that this comes out of Dragon age's dev team, as if they weren't part of the reason why people started being so aware of reuse and just general laziness.

Also, nobody cares about reuse, we care about reuse that makes the game worse.

The fact that dragon age 2 had 6 dungeon tilesets they reused super lazily with a very mediocre random generation algorithm and they got shat on for it doesn't mean all reuse is bad, it means the ratio of content to playtime has to be higher than whatever that fucking was.

But most of all, going from a completely bespoke, no repetitive side quests, all killer no filler CRPG to whatever the fuck DA2 thought it was going to be? Step down, no matter how much of it would have been original assets, it was just worse design and a lower overall level of craftsmanship. I could throw that gameplay loop together in a day of work, it's just not interesting.

I have no political goal.


Soon to rebrand from "game" to "merch"

4 more...

This isn't like, basic necessities food. This fast food.

The cost is the manpower and prep involved in being able to deliver food, fast.

The deals are there to make you check the rest of the website and be acquainted with their products, in exchange you get a price reduction.

There is no ripping off, you're just not doing an additional bit of trading. If you don't want food at the price Domino's offers nobody says you must purchase from them.

The best thing is he apparently actually didn't get the fish sticks joke which, if true, makes Parker and Stone the best satirists of all time on merits.

21 more...

For me it's straight up the fact that the guy who made Sync is porting it to Lemmy.

It's a great client, and if he picked this I guess he thinks he can keep that quality on this platform, so here I am.

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Ah yes, PC and mobile. Two platforms that are both very similar and absolutely core to Horizon's fanbase.

This will go well, I'm sure.

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Former CEO of EA does EA things, color me shocked.

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Post scarcity societies can't be approached in any meaningful way with modern economic theories.

Star Trek is neither socialist nor capitalist, as both are systems designed to manage and portion out scarcity, and are based on economic theories that lack any predictive abilities in systems that don't work in a context of scarce resources that need administration.

Neither the labour theory of value nor marginal utility theory make any sense when all resources are trivial to obtain for individuals and whatever resources your community uses can be reused virtually endlessly within the limits of entropy.

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  • 116 docker containers
  • Running on 25 docker hosts
  • 50 are the same on each docker host - Watchtower and Portainer agent
  • 38 Proxmox LXCs (19 are docker hosts)
  • 8 physical servers
  • 7 VLANs
  • 5 SSIDs
  • 2 NASes

And a partridge in a pear treeeee.

Person who does not care about a topic

No reaction

Person who cares

Strong reaction

No way!

1 more...

It should still work fine with SteamVR right? I'm not too pressed.

5 more...

Yeah, it's got a very satisfying game loop:

  • open library
  • browse my 800+ games
  • realise this is how women feel when they look at their packed closets and say "i have nothing to wear"
  • close steam
  • wait a bit
  • open steam
  • repeat
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The problem is not affordable housing, there's plenty of that in the US, the problem is getting people to states where housing is affordable without significant drops in quality of life due to lack of access to services and such.

Like, you could buy land in Detroit for the price of a decent car, put a trailer on it and you're already on the property ladder, but you're in Detroit.

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Yeah, during work breaks or when chilling in the living room with my wife while she does her hobby stuff.

It's not my main machine by any stretch of the imagination but it does see regular use.

That would be incredible, doubt Sony would go for it though.

18 more...

This feels very "just found out about politics and damn" tbh.

The game isn't really teaching anything of note beyond "private entities have their own interests," which anyone who would even find this compelling already knows.

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Everyone consumes whatever they agree with with less critical thinking, it's an absolutely normal bias to have and nobody is immune.

That's why when you hear someone say "I do my own research" you don't think "this person must be highly educated" but rather "this person listens to 'alternative' media."

Just because you consume a different kind of propaganda, doesn't make you wiser, it makes you have a different set of biases.

7 more...

Yep, big ol' case under my desk with some 20TB of storage space.

Most of what I host is piracy related đź‘€

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Arthur Dent

Because MLs are inherently authoritarian, unlike a lot of other types of commies that are just accidentally so.

Marxist-Leninist ideology is a mirror image of classical fascism.

8 more...

They found their Ellen Pao.

Don't buy this, the idea came from the board, Riccitiello has been selling his unity stock to the tune of 50k stocks over the last year, he knew the ship was sinking and was just coasting until the inevitable golden parachute.

The rot has set in deep, the issue isn't him and firing him won't fix anything.

This is extremely common with media that is seen as "artless" mass market as well. Dr. Who was pulp and not deemed worth preserving.

Another example is the show that made me get into model making: Art Attack. A disney show made in the UK that was never collected or released in the original version.

There are some torrents of the Hindi version apparently, but that's all.

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Population density is a shit stat to use for this, most of Egypt is uninhabitable.

For my money? It won't allow that without jailbreaking.

6 more...

So, this is what passes for nuance these days?

I fucking hate tankies, but.

The problem i have, every time this conversation happens, is that cutting them out doesn't solve anything, and that I don't want to be coddled.

The 2 main issues we have, as lemmy at large, is that there are some wildly uneven standards enforced across instances and that we have no say about that. There was that hugbox instance that would ban people for being rude and yeeted itself into the void, there was hexbear that got de-federated for its mods actively encouraging being subversive (despite its users receiving intolerable psychic damage after 5 minutes in any lib space where people are free to call them names, or was that lemmygrad?) and now we're talking about removing for the fact that its mods are somehow sentient pieces of actual shit.

And while I agree to all of those reasons, I don't think defederating is the answer.

Every time we fragment the fediverse we make it overall worse.

Average users don't even understand what they're looking at when it comes to decentralized networks, let alone can they understand that there's politicking between instances and such. If I were told "you can make an account on instance x or y, but they don't talk to eachother so if you want to see stuff on instance y you can't make an account on instance x" as a rando, I would go back to reddit, the only reason I didn't is that i really hate the app and I am tech/net savvy enough to handle this.

I am a tad more radical when it comes to speech than most, and I accept that, but I do believe that these people have no power so long as they can't abuse moderation, so the answer to the question "how do we handle open propagandists", to me, is to create perhaps a "moderation neutrality charter" and making it very clear which instances subscribe to it, having each instance's moderation team maybe be required to weigh in on appeals to bans from other instances to ensure a certain amount of balance.

That would take care of that real quick. They can subscribe to the charter and start abiding by neutral moderation standards agreed to across the board by some democratic standard, or they can defederate themselves.

That's actually something twitter does right with the idea of community notes, that for the note to be published it needs to be agreed on by multiple parties that don't usually agree in those votes, to ensure there is a bipartisan agreement.

I know this is perhaps too lofty for a ragtag group of essentially microblogging self-hosters, but a man can dream.

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Looking at the curator list, whatever the intent, it's actually a very handy list of titles with mid to astoundingly poor writing, a lot of which apparently even SBI seems to disown, since they're not on their website (but they are credited by the games themselves).

So yeah, I don't think I need it cause I already didn't waste my money on any of those on their own merits, but it's funny to see there's a common thread.

Obviously, but this info might extend to emails and such as well.

It's important to be aware that unlike reddit employees who are liable to their company and the law, some rando with a grudge isn't, and there's very little recourse if they choose to abuse their access.

It's not that it's intrinsically bad to do this, but it's something that should be clearly explained and signposted to the users.

ETA: Apparently account details are only on your "home instance", so pick your home instance well I guess.

The thing that really bothers me is that some of the communities I was active in through mobile are pretty much impossible to find outside of reddit.

They're way small on it, too, so who knows if they'll even migrate or just fade away.

4 more...

I remember "subforums" back in the day, so it definitely didn't start with reddit.

Same, loved the arkham style combat without the plot armor.

You want to do a killer overlong brutal takedown? Cool, cool, you're gonna have to clear some space and hope nobody decides to whack you with a lead pipe.

Plus the story fit perfectly, and the visuals were on point.

One of the rare times I'm sad to find out there was DLC planned and they didn't release it.

I really don't understand why she hasn't had better reception and support from the US maker community and tech press.

She's hot, hyperfeminine, and has spicy political opinions.

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But for those who don’t, and who don’t see beyond the surface veneer of “we’re defending Earth from invaders”… It looks a lot like AmericaWorld, where everyone is happy and free and kept safe from the nasty aliens.

If you don't think of it as a military dictatorship (remember, this is not the real world, it's fiction and people read into it whatever they want) then super earth is the good guys.

Super earth is painted as the most pristine fascist ideal of the polity united under a single uniform banner (because everyone who wasn't in line has already been purged or will be, shortly), why would your average normie (who by definition won't be strongly objecting on principle) ever oppose that if not for the means it was achieved with?

Most people come into fiction assuming the author agrees with whatever they think.

That's why you can hear lefties praise Ocarina of Time as anti-monarchist because Link is deposing Ganondorf, when it's obviously restorationist since Link is actually reinstating the rightful king of Hyrule, not ending monarchy altogether.

That's also why preachy, obnoxious, clumsy propaganda that bludgeons you with its political stance sells about as well as a kick to the teeth. Anyone who agrees will be bored by hearing repeated talking points, and anyone who doesn't will despise the message, not be moved or convinced.

Good art with a political message makes you actually come to the conclusions the author came to through the process of enjoying the art and having the experience the author has built in it.

For instance, by humanizing a character with ideas or traits you find distasteful.

Like the original Starship Troopers book, whose main character is not a blonde blue eyed all American boy, but Tagalog-speaking Filipino Johnny Rico, whose ethnic background Heinlein hides until the final chapter to make his 60s mostly WASP teenage boy audience identify with him, so they can have the realization that in a society that does not care about race they would not even realise which race the characters are until something practical comes up (his natively speaking Tagalog in this case), which was exceedingly anti-racist for the 60s.

Bad art tells you the political conclusion you should reach then calls you a bigot for rejecting its message. It's less than worthless as a political tool, it's actively detrimental because it creates the kind of staunch opposition and attempted purges we see weekly at this point trying to get woke shit out of media, the same way we had those in the 2000s with conservative trash like the "drugs are bad and a single joint will ruin your life" we would see in sit-coms every fucking season.

Every side does this when they have hegemonic control of media production, and everyone who isn't aggressively brainrotted eventually gets fed up because not only is it not helpful, it makes for bad art even when you agree with it.

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Technically, Godwin's law was used to mark the point where a conversation was over because most comparisons to nazis are unwarranted and the argument was that once the tone has become this incendiary it's pointless to continue, not that all nazi comparisons were intrinsically wrong.

I mean, being an unhinged transphobe with an ego the size of a house does not mean anything regarding your insight on piracy or tracker politics.

Nah that's essentially the same as buying and refunding. If you can't afford a purchase it's perfectly fine.

I think what a lot of people miss here is that when people say "keep politics out of x" what they mean is "keep blatant cringeworthy soapboxing out of x."

Helldivers is tongue in cheek and doesn't feel the need to bash you over the head with "But actually fascism bad" every five seconds, instead it has gag recruitment ads and an overall really funny presentation that works whether you get it or you don't.

I guarantee you that no rightoid looks at a one world government "super earth" with fond eyes.

  • If you're an identitarian the fact that the Helldivers can be men or women is unacceptable, not to mention it's not clear if they're ethnically homogeneous

  • If you're a libertarian the de-individualization and constant surveillance/propaganda from a totalitarian state is unacceptable, double that if you're an ancap

  • Monarchists would probably like this if it were an explicit monarchy, but it's not, so they would probably also not like it

The only faction who would like this game's world is classical fascists, the kind Mussolini was, which ironically a lot of people seem to really really like on any side of the political spectrum, cause it's literally just totalitarian ideological illiberal authority.

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No, but russians game a lot.

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What fucking pathetic excuse for a union doesn't immediately negotiate a collective contract with prerequisites for termination and mandatory reporting of layoffs?

By what definition is this even a union if they don't take management to task and actually, ya know, strike instead of bitching online?

Frankly if this is what passes for a union in the US I am not surprised nobody fucking unionizes.