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I resonate with what @gaywallet said about how we shut ourselves off in environments we can’t trust. I think I forgot how “easy” it can be to engage when you expect others to assume positive intent. I’ve wasted so much time writing and rewriting Reddit comments because I was worried it would be taken the wrong way. And then half the time I’d decide to just scrap it because it wasn’t worth the sweat.

This place has been a breath of fresh air in contrast.

Hotels aren’t the only ones who stand to benefit from codes such as these. NYC’s may have been overly harsh, but more cities should be looking to clamp down on housing being sucked out of the local market by big money interests.

Color me surprised you found yourself on the lemmyverse but don’t feel confident to install a mod. Not a dig! Just unexpected.

HC is coming out eventually though, not sure why it “obviously” isn’t?

Why do you say traffic doesn’t matter? Isn’t that the most likely reason they brought r/place back?

I’ve seen LGBT lobby and Rainbow Mafia thrown around too. Anything to dehumanize and attempt to paint us as some faceless and unreasonable oppressors.

I don’t understand the timing of this. The man is only 52 years old and, regardless of how you feel about him, has many open-ended chapters of his career. Why now?

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Upvotes ideally don’t equate to agreement though.

It’s telling how many people equate preheating oven to cooking frozen pizza.

This is too broad of a brushstroke. Is there any megacorporation that cares about its customers? Doubt it. But are plenty of small studios that clearly value the quality of their product.

I’d bet most people can get behind the idea that those in leadership positions or saddled with greater responsibility should be compensated more. The issue for me is the magnitude of that compensation.

Can you elaborate? As it is, I’m not sure of the need for whataboutism.

Florida's form linked by that article isn’t the same as OP’s. But yeah, that practice is fucked and point taken, OP’s could be from a high school in another state.

I’m no fan of FL’s current governance but wishing every citizen is displaced is misguided IMO.

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I’d add it also depends on your familiarity with the host. Most hosts don’t appreciate if the first guest is a friend of a friend or distant coworker that they feel obliged to entertain while still busy with final preparations. Whereas if you’re a good friend, they can (often) feel more comfortable saying yeah make yourself at home I’ve got last minute things to do.

I mean, sure seems like this is just ragebait and the “school” is more likely a university health center asking an optional question on a new patient form.

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Who is “they”? Because your hypothetical situation is the exact opposite of what happened in Biden v Trump. Plenty of “them” did turn out and vote for Biden even if he’s not their preferred candidate.

I bounced off the game originally too. There’s a lot to take in (and I never quite mastered the spaceship), but once things start clicking it’s an unparalleled experience.

This has been a godsend for me because my personal obstacle is always just getting started. So I give myself permission: I’m only going to do 15 minutes of this huge task today.

More often than not, once I get started I just keep going. But I give myself the freedom to stop and if I do, hey at least some of it got done!

You’re omitting the part where OP is fine with the “trash dumping” in the streets of other locales. That’s what makes it NIMBY (as OP admits).

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I’m surprised too! Feels like this game came out of nowhere and still has lots of room to grow, good for the devs.

Does a map have to be large though? Theres value in a map being exactly as large as it needs to be to fulfill its creative vision.

If anything, this is a call against complacency everywhere. Foolishness ignores man-made borders.

Is a game like Starfield “missable” though? Games like this’ll realistically be accessible for years (decades?) to come (not even counting Bethesda’s love of rereleasing their latest hit a la Skyrim lol). They might miss out on the cultural discussion if the game’s a hit though, that’s definitely a trade-off of late adoption, like what I’m experiencing with BG3 lol.

Safety is my main concern and I actually received an ebike rebate from CO. I ultimately decided to not purchase one because my commute to work didn’t feel safe enough; I’ll stick with public transit. Denver’s not the bike-friendliest city but I can’t even imagine biking in most of the rest of the country’s cities.

I mean, it doesn’t sound fun written out in bullets but parties are usually a great time for my own socially anxious neurodivergent ass lol. That said, besides work events, I haven’t gone to a party where I don’t already know most of the people in years. Jumping alone into a convo of strangers is my hell.

I’ve got a system going with library cards from various cities I’ve lived. I’ve got the max ebooks on hold on each so I have constant queue of books to read. It’s free and I’m supporting the usage stats for a public service.

We used to bounce around with all the meal delivery services when they were offering good deals. I’d quit one, try another, and soon the first one would have a good “come back to us” discount. That dried up so we just use the recipe cards and buy the ingredients ourselves. Saves some of the cognitive labor of hunting down recipes every week and we can cook in larger amounts to have leftovers throughout the week. I don’t know how some of you skip meals regularly, I’d be a mess.

Tbf, they tried dual screen with a console and it flopped (for various reasons). With the switch acting as both a console and handheld device, I can see why they dropped dual screens.

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How many people have you DMed?

surely there has to be a better way to handle this especially with the amount of support people are throwing at the whole Lemmy thing.

There isn’t though. We can all agree better mod tools/user settings are sorely needed, and people are working on it, but it still takes time.

If I can chime in for the faculty side of things: absolutely, we’re in this together.

I’d add, though, that the ballooning of responsibilities over time is not unique to staff. Faculty have been increasingly pressured to take on more students, inflate cohorts and class sizes, bring in more dollars in a more competitive funding landscape, etc.

In the same meeting today where I met our new Associate Dean who is filling a newly-created position to chop in half another associate Dean’s duties, we were told there’s a reorganization and one of us has to “volunteer” to take on slew of new admin duties.

The crux for me is: I don’t know of anyone that’s saying we should “cut the fat” from the staff on the ground keeping these colleges and departments alive (it sounds like you’ve got some shitty colleagues and I empathize!). But there’s multiple tiers of senior leadership being paid on scales far and above other staff.

It’s great your president is fortunate enough to be able to donate her entire salary. But that’s doesn’t take away from the high dollar figure she and others like her are being paid. How many staff could be hired if the “extra fat” from her salary were directly rerouted to staff compensation?

100%. There’s no need to use the thick, waterproof sport-grade sunscreen if you’re just running to grab the mail or drive into work. Cosmetic sunscreen is light and sinks in almost instantly.

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That’s true of any blue state though; WA, OR, CA, NY. Solidly “blue” but leave major metro areas and it’s a whole different story. It’s a shortcoming of brushing any state with a red or blue brush.

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I imagine it’s an even looser norm in places outside the west, considering the west tends to view time/punctuality as more “concrete” than some others. For some of my friends born outside the west, if we tell them the actual start time of an event we shouldn’t expect them any sooner than an hour after that lol.

It’s such an interesting idea, isn’t it? Theres a lot to gain but also, a language can mean a lot to people: identity, community, history. If we’re at A, I can look ahead and see the benefits of getting to Z, but I have no idea what all happens in between.

The spelling error makes this delicious.

On a serious note, IQ tests have done more harm than good in this world.

It’s an interesting dilemma. As one example, I feel a tinge of regret that two blue votes are leaving Texas when my partner and I leave. On the other, which of us are obligated to stay and sacrifice personal security or comfort for an uncertain political “battle”?

I’ve been loving the surge of reverse bullet hells/vampire-survivor-likes that have been coming out. Between feeding my addictive personality and being able to play on the couch while watching tv with my partner, they’re perfect for some weeknight relaxing. Brotato and 20 Minutes Til Dawn are two of my favorites but Halls of Torment is a new one with OG Diablo-inspired visuals that I’m excited to see grow.

For what it’s worth, I’m in the US and just as confused by the $325 pricepoint for internet as well.

I was gonna say, people have been falling in love with things that provide less reciprocal interactions than AI for ages (e.g., body pillows, life-size dolls).

Bought it a couple weeks ago and played it dry. I’m excited to see where this game goes from here.