5 Post – 91 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Sunwise, as it was based on the movement of the sun during day (in the Northern hemisphere). As watch faces were modelled after sundials, sunwise and clockwise describe the same direction.

Turnwise is a word invented by Pratchett for a book, but it's clearly based on sunwise. He also used widdershins in his book, which is indeed the unmodified antonym to sunwise.

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How the fuck was Uber supposed to help traffic? That's the most American take on solving traffic issues I've read in a while.

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I think some of us also had hopes that the new CEO would put a leash on Musk and steer Twitter into calmer waters again, but this was just proof that Musk is still doing wtf he wants and the CEO is just there for show. So people have now abandoned their last bit of hope and therefore abandoned T...I mean X as well.

While I haven't been an active user in a longer time, I've still been a very active lurker until Musk took over. By now, I've only checked Twitter every now and then when bored, to see what happened (as I mostly used Twitter as some kind of news feeds for stuff I couldn't easily follow in any other way). But today I started migrating off completely - going through my follow list one by one and finding ways to follow those things (like local police, local town, local zoo, etc.) in other ways.

For some that means slower news, or only the most important news - which kinda sucks, as e.g. local police info were good to have in real time during major events or when there was some protest going on. For some this even means mailing lists, ugh.

And a few I couldn't replace at all, so I'll miss out on those news. Sucks, but hopefully those people/entities will provide their news feed through some better means sometime now.

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Coming from the Land of Muesli, it's really quite simple and it's really the same way we eat any cereal over here:

  • put Muesli in a small bowl
  • add fresh (ideally cold) cow milk
  • eat it all with a spoon (quickly, before it loses most texture and becomes a soggy pulp / porridge-like)

If you like it a bit sweeter, mix a fruit yoghurt into it. Personally, I add the yoghurt after the Muesli and stir/mix it a bit before adding the milk.

Of course you can also add fresh sweet fruits (bananas, apples, strawberries, peaches, etc.) cut into slices/cubes.

If you prefer vegan milk alternatives, oat milk works great. Honestly, I think a good oat milk complements the Muesli (which usually contains oats) better than cow milk and I would suggest everyone try it.

9 more... was the startup Musk (and others) launched in 1999. It merged with another startup to create PayPal in 2000. Musk bought the domain back a few years ago.

So yea, he's been obsessed with the letter X for a while. Other than SpaceX, there's also Tesla Model X.

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If you use 1 rubel coins, sure. Personally, I prefer to splurge on TP.

Let me know once the 50 rubel note is cheaper than a sheet of TP.

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You're paranoid, mate

The real question is, how much is an account worth and where to sell it

... my friend said.

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Yea, my 29.1k coins aren't happy about this change

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Will Google really manage to make it impossible to root your phone?

Google has managed this years ago, but it's optional. There was a fairly short timeframe when most phone makers enforced it, but now most allow power users to disable the security and root their phones. But usually they will disable some security-sensitive features like Samsung Knox. And many security-sensitive apps like banking apps will not let you run them anymore (if yours does, great for you, but that also means your bank's security is shit, just FYI).

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Either you innovate or you pay that company $32M every summer forever

I mean the Xbox Series S will be a 4 year old non-high-end console by the time the Switch 2 will be released. I can definitely see them go in that direction.

Maybe it will have more RAM, but it will most likely have slower/cheaper RAM. LPDDR5 or LPDDR5X instead of GDDR6. Should also be more power efficient.

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So privacy first first and privacy last second, interesting combo

demand living wage

Sir, this is the US

On Reddit, you also have r/memes and r/meme (and many other similar ones). I think there are r/woo(oooo)sh subs with between 2-6 os. But in both cases one has vastly more users than the other(s), and most people probably only know about the most popular one.

So yea, over time one of these tech communities on Lemmy will probably be much bigger than the others, and grow faster because it's the biggest and thus most attractive.

No. If Reddit would negotiate with them, they'd probably leak small subsets as proof that they have actual data that isn't available publicly. But with no negotiations, there's not really any need for that.

I was talking about the traditional way of eating it and that's with cow milk. I specified it precisely because I'm making a contrasting recommendation later on.

Bird flu is an influenza virus, not a corona virus. Thus the "flu" in "bird flu".

Also, Covid-19 wasn't Corona 1, we already had SARS, etc.

KHTML/WebKit/Blink has always been built with the intention of many browsers (or anything else that needs a rendering engine) integrating it, thus it's very easy to do so.

Gecko hasn't been built with the intention of being integrated into any browser at all. Gecko isn't integrated into FF either. You integrate the browser into Gecko, not the other way around. It's closer to building a browser in Electron than to building a browser with the Blink engine.

Who do you reach out to


and why


Let me guess, you belong to the people who call an ananas a pine apple?

Gonna get fucked in the ass either way

So your PC was old (thus the new one faster) and its HW no longer supported by some software developers (because it was outdated and not enough users were on it anymore). The same can hold true if you have a 5 year old PC now. You didn't notice this due to going 64bit, you noticed it due to going away from a heavily outdated system.

That (well, this) community was created on and your account is on as well, thus it doesn't "need"/show the full address.

Matrix is the federated alternative to XMPP and IRC first and foremost, imho

Can't be air, because the i was already opened

There's no proof that cheese, or even milking, was a thing in the Americas before the arrival of the Europeans iirc

I think tomatoes made it to Europe before cheese made it to the Americas, but not sure

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The XMPP stories/comparisons are such bullshit, imho.

Sure, both Google and Facebook both used XMPP for a while (even at the same time, so you could message someone from Google on Facebook), but XMPP was an unpopular niche protocol before that and it's still the same today. I used to be an uber (foss) nerd at the time but even for me the appeal was close to zero - although I've tried it several times.

I've also literally never heard of anyone signing up for Google or Facebook due to their alleged XMPP 3E strategy. Google Mail was already the most popular and most hyped mail provider and Facebook was at its height as the defacto quasi-monopolist social network as well - everyone who was willing to sign up with them had already long done so.

(Funnily enough, the Cisco in-house messaging and video calling solution we use at my work, through which we also receive landline calls, is still running on XMPP to this day, so I sorta became a XMPP user after all...except I haven't started this software in 10 months because fuck landline calls and we have better alternatives for chatting.)

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The point is that Alphv is an operator of ransomware as a service (RaaS), specifically BlackCat, independent of whether they used ransomware in this specific attack (which it indeed doesn't sound like).

At least here in Europa NA beers have improved wo much in the last few years. I literally don't know when I last drank one with alcohol when I just felt like drinking a beer (as opposed to when I wanted to drink alcohol).

And since OP likes it fruity, (NA) Radler/Shandy is just great. It's 50:50 (NA) beer and lemon soda mixed. This was one of the original ways to get a fruity beer with a lower alcohol content (since the soda doesn't have any) when NA beers weren't good yet, great for a hot summer day.

It's a nice bonus that they can interact with each other, but microblogging and link aggregation are two different things, no need to make them more interoperable than they are.

You know this meme is old because he still cares to wear clothes at all

If you have ADHD, forget combating it with willpower. You need to reduce distractions.

But most of all, get diagnosed properly and then a psychotherapist can help you further, as might the appropriate meds.

It's illegal to a post dog picture without calling them the bestest. First and last warning!

Yes, a faraday cage does work. But note that modern wifi uses high frequencies, which means fairly small waves (edit: of about 5cm). That means your faraday cage needs a meshing of maximum ~~~2cm~~ 1.25cm. The tighter the less signals it will let through.

Essentially, any mesh storage box should do the trick.

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I just wonder whether they want to use DLSS for more FPS on the handheld or whether it's simply their future way to upscale from the native handheld resolution to 4K when docked.

Surely DLSS would be very taxing on the battery life, but it would be great to improve the docked experience which is often rather bad (stuttering, etc.) with the old Switch.

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Do we know for sure that Star Trek and LOTR don't play in the same universe?

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Maybe we should create a community that is called c/nostupidanswers instead of c/nostupidquestions

Okay, technically I'm reaching out to my homie depression