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Just to be “that guy” I wanted to say that an acronym is technically an initialism that you pronounce as a word, like SCUBA, LASER, or NASA. If it’s just letters that stand for something, it’s called an initialism. No one cares (not even me), but I had to say it :P

Most acronyms that have a W in them are pointless to say aloud in English. It’s almost always shorter to just say the words. Like WTF, for example. Those are my least favorite

Oh and YMMV. I used to work with car data and we would use YMMB to mean “year/make/model/body” and so I always start reading YMMV wrong and that bugs me

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The game's size on PC is 139.84 GB. It's 100.19 GB for the Standard Edition and 117.07 GB for the Premium Edition on consoles, which also comes with a digital artbook and soundtrack, skin pack, and the Shattered Space Story Expansion (when it becomes available).

Preload for Steam users will start on August 30 and require 125 GB of free space

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“There is no choice.” “You do not have a choice.” Classic catchphrases of a healthy, functioning democracy

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One time I got trapped in a store because the door was behind the counter where the register was and a guy was sitting there the whole time. I decided not to buy anything, but I looked around for a while so I felt like he might question me. So I just kept pretending to look around which made it even more awkward to leave empty handed.

I think I decided not to buy anything after 20 minutes but spent a whole hour in there trying to figure out how to leave

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It’s just a reference to this 80’s film title, “Breakin 2: Electric Boogaloo”: https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0086999/

I’ve never even seen the movie, but I’ve said the thing. It just comes easy because boogaloo and two rhyme so well, so it caught on a s a meme. People have been making that “joke” for over 30 years

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Obviously this is inappropriate and essentially robbing the tax payers of their money, but I would rather falsified stops than have them pulling over innocent people and issuing tickets to “meet quotas”. This country needs serious police reform one way or another

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I had to block the whole !random@kbin.social community because it was so out of hand. I was blocking the users and reporting the posts, but there were just too many. I can always unblock the community later after the mods clean things up.

Not sure what kinds of tools Lemmy mods have to prevent this sort of thing because it seems really obnoxious for users of all federated instances and also for the mods themselves to keep up with it

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I remember traveling through some random town on a job with a work buddy many years ago. He was always a bit of a goofball and I loved his zany humor and offbeat jokes. For example, he would say things like “wrong number” after hanging up a long phone call that was clearly with a client or family member.

Anyway, we’re driving along and he points at someone walking down the street. He says to me, “you see that guy right there?” Sure, I say, what about him? And in a completely deadpan tone he answers, “you’re never going to see him again.”

We sat in silence for a beat and then both laughed. What a card. But I think my brain actually changed that day. I started seeing strangers and passers-by as entire people with families and goals and problems instead of extras in the background of the scene. Every time I make an honest, simple mistake it made me realize that everyone is capable of the same thing. That not every idiot in traffic is just some idiot. Not every difficult customer is just some asshole. It seems obvious, but that moment really pulled that way of thinking into the front of my mind and I’ll never forget it.

Anyway, it was after that that I learned sonder was a word, and it applies perfectly

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Which part of this is infuriating you? The fact that a message is popping up or what it’s asking you to do? Or is it the fact that it’s all in comic sans? Honestly, 2FA is a really simple way to greatly improve security on your account. I’m no expert, so maybe it’s got major flaws that I don’t know about, but just set it up really quick and choose to remember your device. Now you’ll never need to worry about it and you won’t see this message

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Love this guy’s videos. They are hilarious. You definitely need to watch the RPG series if you like this one. Other honorable mentions are the Curious George one and the Lanky Kong one

Adventure awaits! Huzzah!

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I’m really interested in playing this on the Deck. I know they said that it would run on Deck performance-wise, but I just don’t see how the controls won’t be awful and the text way too small.

Hoping for an official controller support patch and maybe some UI/text scaling options.

I have no problem playing on Desktop, but this is a game I would love to bring over to a friend’s place and play in handheld or on the TV, but right now, I have my doubts that it’s not cumbersome as hell. I can try the trackpad and R2 mouse style, but I dont have high hopes

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Such a jam with great guest voices. I unironically love this movie and soundtrack, but this song is especially good

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I actually kinda love WYSIWYG because it’s pronounced “wizzy-wig” in some circles and that always makes me chuckle

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Notice that Q14 still allows for commercial tournaments but only if they acquire a license first. This is something Nintendo has been pushing since at least last year. That’s the debacle that killed Smash World Tour and the hill that Panda Global died on.

Not saying I agree with it. In fact, it’s so stupid, but there is still a path forward for now if Nintendo continues to give out those licenses. The real question is, what absurd rules will TOs need to adhere to in order to get a license?

First I’ve heard of this but it looks like it definitely has some Chrono Trigger DNA and Yasunori effing Mitsuda involved in the music department! I will absolutely have to check this out

Congrats! First one I beat as well, but it was the GBA version back in like 2004. To this day, FF1 stands as one of my favorite games just due to its simplicity and hands off storytelling, while still letting you customize your party and spells. My first win was Paladin, Master, Ninja, Red Mage

I’ve been pretty psyched for this as someone who consumes a lot of 2D Mario content including Mario Maker and SMW ROM hacks. Glad to see basically everyone saying it feels solid

However, this quote from Digital Spy,

Instead, Wonder's strongest moments are when it takes a breather, taking the time to set the scene while letting the platforming do the talking.

Is something I was kinda worried about as well. The wonder effects that were shown seem cool, but I really want the platforming to take the lead role. SMW ROM hacks show us that pure platforming can still be creative as hell. I wonder how SMBW will stack up to the likes of, say, GPW3

If you really want to play games on the classic devices, consider checking out IPS screen mods that add a backlight to most models of gameboy. I’ve also seen rechargeable USB-C battery packs mods people install

Me at 4am laying in bed thinking about exactly how I’m going to divvy up the $100M I’m left with after taxes in an imaginary lottery win

If you don’t Rock and Stone, you ain’t going home

I’ve been watching some GPW3 gameplay, but I also would probably not be able to play it lol. I just beat Jedi: Survivor yesterday. I waited a while to pick it up because of all the performance issues and it really did run like crap, but at least I got it on sale and it was still quite fun.

I’ll probably either go back to Sea of Stars, which I only played for a couple hours so far, or maybe I’ll play The Messenger, which I bought at the same time in a bundle.

Also, with the release of the Rivals 2 Kickstarter, I’ve been playing a bit of Rivals of Aether with friends. It’s one of the greatest platform fighters out there, but I feel like it’s still very underrated

Super Auto Pets is simple and can be played for free in a browser. It’s a team building game that puts you against other players’ teams, so it’s competitive in that regard.

If you like Pokémon and consider that simple enough, Pokemon Showdown is a free online battle simulator for competitive battles against other players. You can even do “random battles” that just instantly throw you into a match without requiring you to make your own team

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This Venn diagram should just be a circle. Implying that the guys aren’t part of the homies? Seems wrong to me

Gotta love those frog noises 🐸


You basically lose just guessing the 5 vowels

I’ve got to recommend Monster Hunter Freedom Unite. One of the most legendary games in the series for its sheer amount of content. It might feel a bit dated if you’ve played World or Rise, but still good

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Yeah, that’s the other real killer. So many guest musicians on the album. It makes it a lot of fun

Granted, I haven’t played the original Dragon’s Dogma in like 10 years and I’m watching this on a small phone screen, but if you told me this was DD1 footage, I would believe you. I really don’t see the difference. That said, DD1 also looked awesome and I did enjoy it for the most part… I think it was just missing something to be truly great. I’m just not sure what that is. Back then, I thought it was multiplayer. As a huge Monster Hunter fan, DD felt like a great competitor or rival (despite both being from Capcom) and so I just thought multiplayer was a no-brainer. Now, though, I really appreciate single player experiences more and more, so I’m not sure that was really it. Maybe it was the Pawn system just didn’t do it for me or maybe it was that the quests didn’t flow.

Either way, I think I’m excited to give DD2 a try. The classes in DD1 were very cool, especially the advanced classes. Looking forward to see what this game has to offer

Probably my second favorite Incubus album, though I’m not a huge fan of their whole discography. This one for sure though. The Warmth always hits and Wish You Were Here is one of my wife’s all time favorite songs

Not sure what you mean, but it sounds like you just don’t care because it doesn’t affect your choice. I wonder how you will feel if one day your party’s candidate finally crosses your line

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In the US, the names vary a lot by location. Even which grades are included can change based on the local population and how they choose to organize it. My wife and I went to school in the same state, maybe 45 minutes apart, and we did not have the same names or grade delineations.

For me, pre-school and kindergarten are each there own thing. Grades 1-3 were “elementary school”, 4-6 were “middle school”, 7-8 were “junior high”, and 9-12 were “high school”. We called them this based on the actual names of the school buildings. But even by the time I was in junior high, they started moving the 4th grade classes to the elementary school, so I’d assume kids in my own home town might say 1-4 is “elementary”. We didn’t have a “junior high” building. Grades 7 and 8 were still part of the “middle school”, but based on the changes in curriculum and the fact that they were held on a designated side of the building, it was colloquially referred to as “junior high”

I had a Genesis and a Dreamcast as a kid, but never a Saturn, so when I played this level I was so confused who the hell this was and what they had to do with anything lol

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I think I know what you mean, OP, but it seems like most of the comments think you are just complaining about people saying “thanks” at the end of an email, or in general.

So forget email for now. This is an in person thing or instant message. Ending an email, even a short one, with “thanks” is fine and normal. But if you message me “please update that ticket. Thanks.” It has a more aggressive tone than you might have meant. It feels like you aren’t asking and so the “thanks” comes off as fake or even sarcastic. Maybe also a bit dismissive or distracted. Like this isn’t a conversation or even a request. I’m telling you what to do and walking away. It’s a bit terse. You’re not even giving me a chance to reply. If you say “please update that ticket” and I say “sure thing” and then you say “thanks”, the tone is much different. That doesn’t sound bad at all.

Again, email is different. Emails are meant to be send and forget. The thanks at the end can even be read as a “thanks for reading”. I think OP is talking about something different, and I agree it feels bad when someone talks to me that way.

As for your actual question, OP, I can’t say I know why they said it that way, but I’d guess they mean no offense, like most people are saying. It could be a second language thing or they really are too distracted or busy to wait for your reply. They don’t want to get into it, they just want to check off that someone is taking care of that one thing

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There are definitely some older Tales games I might play again if they had an “enhanced” port. And localizing some of the JP only games would be cool too. I’d love some kind of Destiny 1 and 2 combo game. Would I buy Tales of the Abyss a third time, though? Probably

You could check out Freedom Planet. It didn’t quite do it for me, but it has a decent fanbase

Also I kinda noticed that not every feature, screen, or setting is exposed in Memmy. I wonder if most people are just using the web UI these days

Monster Hunter is a great example of a series with quality sequels. They always add some new, interesting mechanics, trim the fat from the previous iteration, and add new content while still keeping the core gameplay exactly the same. There have been some exceptions, but generally every MH game before they split the dev teams had been an improvement on the last. Even when they cut the swimming from 3U to 4. It was a system that most players didn’t enjoy, and 4 had so many great new additions like mounting that it hardly felt like anything was missing.

That said, one of the main criticisms you’ll hear from players is the “ultimate” edition being the same game with just some new hunts tacked on. Or even that the base version isn’t worth it and the ultimate version is the “real” game. Nowadays they do expansions instead, which I think players generally find more palatable

First one I saw was the YouTube algo showing me the Lanky Kong vid a few months back, but yeah, he has a unique, slightly dark sense of humor. The RPG one had me rolling though. An absolute gem in my book. Thanks for sharing this one. I hadn’t seen it

Yeah it gives you and your opponent 6 random Pokémon each, but the moves and abilities are pulled from a small list of potential “competitive” move sets for that Pokémon. Then the levels of Pokémon are adjusted so that stronger Pokémon are a slightly lower level to balance things out.

It’s very fun to sit down and be in a battle within 10 seconds, but it can take a little bit of practice to get used to quickly reviewing your available moves for your whole team.

You can even play without even making an account and then you can create the account later if you want to save your progress