Already planning for how to survive in jail

Lt. Worf, son of to Lemmy – 1346 points –

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One time I got trapped in a store because the door was behind the counter where the register was and a guy was sitting there the whole time. I decided not to buy anything, but I looked around for a while so I felt like he might question me. So I just kept pretending to look around which made it even more awkward to leave empty handed.

I think I decided not to buy anything after 20 minutes but spent a whole hour in there trying to figure out how to leave

Legend says he's still stuck in that store to this day

Man I've done this before but maybe spent 15 minutes and that felt like an hour. A whole hour must have felt like a whole day.

My problem is that I AM buying something but I stand there analyzing all the options just walk out with 1 thing. As I'm checking out I start to wonder if anybody realized that I've just spent 15 minutes standing at one shelf to end up buying 1 bottle of infant cough syrup.