
2 Post – 372 Comments
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EN/NL PhD @ TU Delft CGV Loves EDM, LoL, TFT and MTG

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Reddit already decided from the executive level they were gonna do it, and there was nothing anyone could do to stop it

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No conflict of interest going on here guys

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Game of Thrones. Sad we never got to see past season 6...

Serious answer: I just heard The Peripheral got cancelled after Westworld also got cancelled :l

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I have no idea if this is meterhertz or millihertz

Wtf are these levels, do I have to get XP from pokemon battles?

Valve actually gives a shit about its consumers, and is working hard on making its OS competitive. ASUS just dumps specs on the market and then abandons it.

What's Figma?

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It actually is someone's job at the moment; NLNet gave a grant to Dessalines and Nutomic to work on it IIRC

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Lmao without Larian's dedication I doubt they're gonna get anywhere close to BG3 in the future

for it to get mainstream

It will never get more mainstream than this.

Lineage has been the go-to ROM that beat every other ROM in active users by one or more orders of magnitude since the beginning of Android. Everyone that cares a little bit about custom ROMs knows what Lineage is, and if they don't they will recognize its previous name CyanogenMod.

Average users are never going to care about custom ROMs because it's not worth the effort for them, so why would you care about making LOS more mainstream?

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And when trying to find a backup, no search engines can find it due to the AI garbage fucking up the SEO


How is this not criminal behaviour? They were paid to do the job and then didn't do it. Sounds like fraud to me.

Disable "Play Protect" in your phone's Security settings

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Things I don't need:

  • OLED

  • Smaller bezels

  • 1080p

  • More advanced controller buttons (DS5 triggers)

Things I want, in priority order:

  • Higher efficiency everything (mostly SoC) for better performance, lower battery drain or both

  • FreeSync

  • Bigger battery

  • Two M2 slots

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It's definitely a post that makes me feel like shit

Just read it, it's good

The old one was fun as fuck

I couldn't tell you the last time I bought a AAA game.


You're an experienced player but create a new account to get matched against noobs. Since the game is free, there's no cost to doing so.

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It seems like we also imported these kinds of disgusting people from Reddit

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You WILL have AI in every device you own and you WILL enjoy it

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Mp3s from YT are garbage quality, it's double transcoding from YT's already low quality input.

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AI becoming sentient is the least of my concerns

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They're not truly competing because they make every show they can exclusive to their platform

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Baldur's Gate 3 is not a MMO

ew spez

Facebook's copy of Twitter

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So a shitpost?

Stuff like technology has multiple big communities, I can go to the one on .ml .world or beehaw and still get a lot of content

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The Fold/Flip were pretty big jumps in tech.

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That's specifically LLMs. Image recognition like OP has nothing to do with language processing. Then there's generative AI which needs some kind of mapping between prompts and weights, but is also a completely different type of "AI"

That doesn't mean any of these "AI" products can think, but don't conflate LLMs and AI as being the same

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No, because they can always push anything over Play Services updates. But right now it does disable it.

Remove the cringepto

Beanday sounds like an upgrade

You can pay for any streaming service that serves FLAC and rip that. Very easy to do for Tidal and Deezer for example.

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It's mostly all a meme. Most modern motherboards have good DAC+AMP built in, and 44.1kHz 16-bit is indistinguishable from 192kHz 32-bit or higher for most people. 75% of audio quality is your listening equipment, 20% is the quality of the source file (YouTube rips are shit), the last 5% is the rest of the pipeline unless you did something really stupid.

Sidenote: You can get a bit of a quality bump by knowing how to use Parametric EQ to compensate for imperfections of your listening equipment.

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Scalability. This is much better for people running a lemmy instance without terabytes of disk space.

How is this getting upvoted. This is ridiculous garbage, every exe whitelist would obviously have checksums attached, not just a filename.