1 Post – 77 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Funny how a company that is known for extortion is parading itself as something that looks out for cheating in reviews.

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It's public business if any politician is fit to serve us, whether they're having health issues, conflicts of interest, or anything else. He can just say "I had a few issues/seizures (etc.). I'm taking care of things and getting medical treatment. I'm doing well, and I'm fit to serve. Now let's move on"

But of course he says nothing like that.

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It's hilarious that Microsoft will be testifying on the antitrust behaviors of another company.

I agree Google can be taken down a few notches, but it defeats the purpose of Microsoft can't also take some spotlight over the Windows 10 and 11 shenanigans.

Their whole ecosystem is built on antitrust behaviors.

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Bluetooth still has its place in several instances. From what I can tell, this wifi protocol depends on you having a WiFi network mediate the connection, such as at your house or at a Cafe. Bluetooth is true ad hoc requiring no middleman.

Bluetooth struggles with bandwidth enough that it affects sound quality and latency, but that doesn't mean it's unusable. It also has enough range that I beats some other competing wireless protocols as well.

I'd love to see WiFi or a higher bandwidth option come out, and I'm hoping this is the beginning of that. They may have to resolve issues with channel conflicts and the need for network mediation. It would be awesome for gaming.

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Having tested Android 14 a while, there have been some nice battery life improvements. I'd consider that worthwhile.

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From what I understand, they're divesting resources that aren't in Firefox or at least involved in a trustworthy/open source AI project.

I see a lot of people in this theead are upset at this, but I'm tentatively excited. If they can pull off a good AI engine, especially built into the browser, that would be nice. If it had offline capabilities, that would be amazing.

Even if they can pull off a good AI solution that's not built into Firefox but it's offline, I'd be really excited. I'm not crazy about having especially detailed and intimate information being thrown to some vendor out there, not knowing where it's going. Modern AI can do some amazing things, but a lot of them reserve the right to have a human read whatever you put in them and warn you about that. This is too limiting to me for my preferred use-cases.

Once concern I have is that Firefox and its engine are one of the last non-chromium browser platforms that have a household name and are FOSS. So to me, that has to be the first goal to keep healthy. Maybe the AI thing will help in this respect

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If biology for humans were such that both participants had an unpredictable, uncontrollable, 50/50 chance to carry the baby, abortion access for all and would be a non-issue.

Alternatively, if Jerry Falwell never existed, it still wouldn't be nearly as contentious an issue.

What do you mean Albuquerque has fewer people than NYC? One time I was at this cafe in Albuquerque and it was packed!

I'm rooting for Intel in these efforts. Hopefully someone can pressure TSMC 's prices down and maybe even offer alternative fab sources for chips. Especially with the geopolitical situations with China.

I probably sound like a crazy person, but sometimes I worry about too much global reliance on TSMC and their plants usually being in Asia. Diversity should keep the market more affordable and at lower overall risk.

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I had to look up that hand gesture because I'd never heard of it, and finding out what is pissed me off. Are they fucking serious? The O-K hand gesture??

It's so evil and rotten to try to corrupt such a common, useful, and benign hand gesture and to try to turn that into a symbol of hate. Absolutely enraging

If Rittenhouse hadn't even murdered or physically harmed anyone, I'd still say he's worth society's most energetic condemnation on his views alone.

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He allegedly does not drink and is allegedly quite the connoisseur of stimulants. Look up "Noel Casler on Donald Trump" for the details of the latter allegation.

Oh, Grant Cardone? The fake-billionaire scientologist grifter who got his ass handed to him by T Mobile's CEO? The one whose inner circle reeks of fraud?

THAT Grant Cardone?

Wanna listen to that grifter get called out and embarrassed? (Video includes background info on who Grant Cardone is)

Antonin Scalia's replacement blockade comes to mind.

What do you have to say about all that Mitch?

Mitch: ....... O.O ........

Technically he needs to sell way more if he intends for the sales to fully cover his legal costs. 900,000 * 399 = 359,100,000 but that's pure Revenue. The shoes likely have a cost per unit and then Trump has to pay taxes on that Revenue, not to mention other business operations costs. He might need to sell 30 to 50 percent more of those shoes.

His legal settlements are 83,300,000 for the E Jean Carol suit and 355,000,000 for NYC, which might actually be way more than that after other factors and interest (I don't know exactly what he owes for the NYC case, bit it's 355M minimum, maybe up to 450M and with contingent interest depending on when it's paid).

He actually has to put the FULL AMOUNT of each settlement for the government to hold for each case he chooses to appeal, and may even owe interest if he loses the appeals.

I'm just a tired stranger on the internet who tried to put some numbers together. If I got something wrong, let me know and I'll correct it

You aired my frustrations really well. He spent a lot more time making claims and discussing his own background than demonstrating Wayland's alleged issues and showing that they're egregious. It's an entertaining rant at best, but that doesn't make his points valid nor does it make anything actionable.

Yeah, the security in knowing that if you're way top busy right now, you don't have to install or even download any updates. And you don't have to worry your system will suddenly become crashy, glitchy, and unstable because it decided on its own to install some things and let you know you can reboot whenever.

It's so freaking annoying I have to use Windows at work. It takes liberty to do what it wants and then my workflow gets hosed.

I get that there is security, but if you force updates, I should have some kind of notice or "hey, we need to install mandatory updates. You can schedule in the next 24 hours when or you can get them over with"

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There is actually a global scarcity of 9's but about 80 percent of the world's 9's are stockpiled in Nevada

y govment not explains. i move to bunker

Am scare

This is super cute, haha

Sad spyware and adware noises

Two big issues with the death penalty aren't solved, and may never be solvable.

1 - We cannot know perfectly that a person is guilty in every case.

There is often evidence that exonerates suspects and criminals. Sometimes, we really do know without a doubt, but we don't necessarily have a process of "we know this person did it because there is no reasonable doubt" vs "we know this person did it with perfect certainty because this person admitted it proudly, ad nauseum, there were cameras, there was plenty of DNA and lots of witnesses. Their own mother testified against them."

This issue may not ever be perfectly solvable. This means we execute innocent people, too. You can look up famous cases where we executed innocent people. We can't know exactly how often we do this, but we are aware of doing it regularly.

2 - Our methods of execution are often inhumane and torturous. Some of them char the person being executed. Others paralyze them and put them in a state where their whole body is in excruciating pain but they cannot move or make a sound. There's a good John Oliver episode on this fact.

We might be able to improve in this area with better methods and technologies, but we'd need federal enforcement to ensure all states are using these.

Also, people who perform executions have no medical expertise, so they wouldn't necessarily be able to clearly tell we are torturing someone. If an execution fails, we have to revive the victim, who is probably traumatized and tortured, and we try again later.

This process seems inhumane and we definitely would rather get it right the first time, quickly and painlessly, than legally torture people on American soil.

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Rooting for more power-efficient silicon in the laptop space to create some competition and choices. Hopefully, we'll see Linux support with these new chips. I'd also die for a Framework version, but I'm sure that's not happening for a while, if ever.

When you have millions of players, .03% is 300 people per million. Consider the fact that the .03% of people in this figure are those who report this bug to Riot.

Perhaps not included in the .03% are people who lost their install and:

  • are not tech savvy enough to even file a report or recover their computer

  • gave up or quit trying

  • haven't yet recovered their PC to file a report the usual way

  • stuck to reporting issues and seeking help elsewhere, such as on Reddit, perhaps even PC subreddits

  • quit when they realized how insane the Vanguard saga is

Riot is has a colorful history and a future of misuing and abusing statistics across the board. It's practically their modus operandi.

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Not condoning prison vigilante/revenge behavior, but if this guy's fellow inmates find out what he did, and that is very easy to do, he may be in for a horrible time in prison. Not sure if he will be put into a 'special-cases' prison for his own safety or whether he'll just go straight to a general public prison.

He has really bad paperwork and fellow prisoners always find out what your paperwork is as soon as you land in your new prison. Torture of animals is among the worst things one can do.

Again, I'm not condoning any of this. It's just the reality this guy faces in American prisons

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I don't see this behavior on android. Is it impossible that there is some kind of phone battery or memory usage process that's causing the sessions to be discarded?

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Strict tracking protection makes Firefox on Android a ton faster, especially on any website owned by Google or any link that has a Google wrapper (e.g. clicking a link on the Gmail app)

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I think two great ways to manage this are

1: using permissions the user can see and grant/deny "Allow persistent background usage" or something like that with a tooltip or something that warms the user about resource usage. IIRC, this is already a thing in Android 14.

2: providing visibility into background app usage and history. They do this to some degree, but it's not as good as it could be. Especially when I want to know what is draining my battery when my phone is in my pocket.

"stfu Donny, you're out of your element" ... "life does not stop and start at your convenience you miserable piece of shit."

She additionally lacked remorse. She was feeling sorry for herself and how this conviction would adversely affect her own modeling career.

I think 18 months was very little all things considered.

It wouldn't shock me. A lot of improvements to 14 are reeling in idle usage. In fact, that's a big focus on the last 3 or 4 Android versions, and something Android is doing to catch up to iOS.

It seems better for battery life to do batching and budgeting of background activities as much as possible, instead of continuous, unregulated usage.

I think the one thing I miss is that Android used to have idle background battery usage estimates, so that you knew which apps were killing your battery in the background. It's not quite as easy to figure that out anymore, but maybe something new will come along to help out with that.

Can we keep a fresh batch of embryos and take the HOV lane? Im sure requirements will be to feed them and play music to keep them appeased during car trips

Re-enters group reluctantly, 29 minutes after the message, and sighs: "Fine. It's been almost an hour since the last time. I really am overdo for more"

It might also be a debugging behavior built into the device

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TVs have a history of listening and collecting a lot more data than a smart device.

With a TV device like an android or Linux box, you can prevent that as well as ad-injection because you can install whatever you want on the device and it's not as locked down as a TV. You can even disable or physically remove recording devices if you'd like, and many smart boxes do not even come with them.

Also, a pihole does not guarantee you filtered out everything or prevented the TV from interfering with your experience.

A TV can also change its policy on the fly and suddenly start injecting ads. Many TVs do this to add additional income after your purchase.

Competitive games, usually. It is supposed to provide lower latency.

I agree tearing sucks though and I wouldn't go back to it.

I don't think I have this on the latest 6.8 RC. I have one of the RDNA 3 dedicated cards as well. Hope they get it resolved either way.

If helps in the meantime, I think you can often TTY switch in order to restart the display signal. Ctrl + Alt + F3/F4 should get you a new console. Then switch back to your desktop with Ctrl + Alt + F1/F2 (the right one may depend on your distro).

This gets my display fixed when it gets any kind of funky 99% of the time. Sometimes it takes a few tries

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Technology never ceases to amaze me. It's crazy to think about what ancient people must've had to do to get pants on

I haven't used Windows 11 interestingly, so I don't know if they've changed their update habits, and I wouldn't be surprised either way. Windows 10 is the last edition I've used. Since Windows 8, I had plenty of issues with Windows and Microsoft, and it got worse every release. I'll bullet-form my personal complaints at the bottom of this page.

My final straw for Windows 10 in my personal life was a forced restart, and I had all my update settings where I wanted them, and still, I lost a really important session to that reboot. Since I was pretty comfy with Linux, I went that direction. Since then, Linux has gotten more user-friendly and plays videogames, way more than Mac. It's still not something I recommend to most people, but probably someday, it'll get to a Mac or Windows ease of use.

At work, most of us haven't been migrated to Windows 11 from Windows 10, and I still get updates installing in the background a lot, causing issues even on our Windows servers. I'm sure our ops team can tune these abhorrent update defaults, but it's just a frustrating experience nonetheless.

I think a prompt or reminder could go really far to let the user configure that during setup.

Here are some of my complaints over time:

  • Force installs and bloat. Inclusion of bloat by default. Reinstallation of bloat on updates.
  • Resetting of my settings and registry edits regularly.
  • Ads on the desktop
  • Needless nagging to use their other bullshit like Onedrive. You think it's good? Great! Let me uninstall it and use the cloud providers of my choice.
  • Forcing an inferior start menu without a choice to use alternatives or the old ones.
  • Windows tracks insane amounts of users' data and actrivities, and I do not trust them to admit to all the tracking they do but the tracking they admit to doing is already mind-boggling.
  • Windows 10's forced upgrade and Windows 10 popup scandals were completely dishonest and disgusting, and I have not heard enough apologies for what they did. This personally affected me and broke a bunch of crap before Windows 10 was even well-baked.
  • A history of forced updates. A history of forced reboots. A history of lost work. This is me and my family. It sounds like Windows has reverted some of their worst practices, but the precedent is set, and I'll never trust Microsoft to stick to it.
  • The Windows seeker's scandal personally affected me. They put all sorts of beta garbage on my computer without telling me. This caused a loss of files. They've made a resurgence on their unethical behaviors in the browser space. I have faith they'll continue to revisit their other old habits. Look up Embrace-Extend-Extinguish and it'll get you started. IE was their old baby. Edge is the new one.
  • Buying and killing small companies and studios, such as Rare, a bit like EA had done
  • Moving away from some of the nice things earlier Windows versions did, like a start menu with a neat list of organized and searchable programs.
  • Having just 1 UI experience that isn't super customizable and breaking 3rd party UIs.
  • Fullscreen popups and nonsense over nothing
  • Microsoft's anti-competitive behavior has been a factor most of my life. They still push the boundaries of anti-competitive behavior to the Nth's degree. Again, that reading on Embrace-Extend-Extinguish will give you a taste of their BS.
  • Having fewer features and techs than Linux that I like to use, such as specialty filesystems, IO schedulers, process schedulers, swapping systems (ZRAM/ZSWAP) etc. Being stuck on NTFS (are you kidding me?) REFS is too little too late and you can't even boot off it
  • Way worse IO/Disk performance and features
  • inferior memory management

Overall, I don't want to do business or help in the success in an organization I do not like by offering up my data, watching their ads, and using their products less than necessary. I like some of the things Bill Gates has done, but it doesn't change any of my views on this.

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You can build in subscriptions or support licenses to your open source apps. Look at cryptomator and bitwarden for example. I know others do it. (And the free version is about as good as paid. But you can pay for a few near features and to support the devs)

And the beauty is that the package management takes no cut and puts no rules on payment methods.

Google drive also works great on kde