
2 Post – 370 Comments
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Welcome to a day in the life of a billionaire. You'll need to get up nice and early for a personalised yoga routine devised by your trainer, and then it's straight out of the house to work. You've got breakfast scheduled with a CEO, and you're going to spend an hour objectifying women with him before heading into the office. Quick hello, report from your executive team, and now it's time for a power brunch with the man who sources child slaves for you to have sex with. Private jet flight to the next city over for lunch, you have a corrupt mayor to bribe so the minimum wage won't go up. Then it's time to fly back and spend an hour in your office looking important. You ended up sleeping with your secretary instead of getting anything done, but hey, we can't all be faithful to our wives. Now that it's 2pm, you've got to go play golf with your "professional contacts". You refer to your caddy with a racial slur. At 4pm, you go back to the office for the last time today, where your son is waiting for you. It's very hard educating a young man on how to inherit a fortune 500 company that runs itself. You spend most of the next hour telling him about golf. At 5pm, finally get in your limousine to go home. You've been working all day, and you're beat. You praise yourself for your work ethic, and wonder if the single day you work next week is going to be as hard.

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At least he didn't audibly shit his pants while answering a question

...as far as I know

I always struggle with believing thin people as a convincing love interest. I understand that's what most people like but I still can't relate to it.

EDIT: looked up some pictures, she's big enough to be a halfway convincing love interest

Hey Ozma, do you think we should let Trump drop bombs on the west bank on the off chance it pisses off Biden?

I can confirm this is true. I'm not into women and I love big boobs.

Well that sure would prevent the fall of democracy for another 4 years

Based on the comments in this thread, it seems like the show is making the other women look unappealing on purpose.

Germany and supporting genocide. Name a more iconic combo

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Down with reality! http://soulism.net

The original is a boomer humour comic complaining about PM10 pollution from cars and all the allergies it gives kids. The message of the comic is that we should invest in public transit and walkability to reduce car pollution.

Sun Wukong is way cooler than Jesus


Mr Resetti from Animal Crossing. If your game closed without saving, he'd show up the next time you turned the game on to yell at you, and he wouldn't let you play until he was finished. He even forced players (often little kids) to repeat "I am dirt" back to him.

Child abuse simulator 2001

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He runs the rescue service after being fired from the reset service

Fuck that guy. He permanently ruined multiple kids' save files because life happened and they were too small to jump through his hoops. A child who is panicking because you yelled at them isn't going to do a good job at the spelling game where you have to get the punctuation exactly correct.

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I would like to see Trump in a debate with someone young who knows the issues and has a specialty in antifascist takedowns. Not a respectable Democrat character, I mean someone who can get up there and call him a rapist, a criminal, and an unpatriotic traitor and back it up with intelligent citing of the facts. You know, a Greta Thunberg type character. I want to see the Greta Vs Donald CNN debate.

Planescape Torment

I want okay. I want a country that doesn't backslide into fascism. I would be overjoyed by okay.

I want to stay a virgin because I don't like sex. If I wasn't a virgin, it would mean something very bad had happened to me.

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It's too late to ask for that now. You gotta say that at the primaries.

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He got disqualified on purpose in order to make a point

Yeah, it's a shame.

Sex is a combination of genetic, hormonal, anatomical, skeletal, dermal, muscular, trichoic, and arguably neurological factors. Most of those things are to some degree malleable, and in any case their grouping under the construct "sex" is social. Sex IS a social construct. It was not written on the bones of the universe in permanent marker that there would be males and females. Sex is a correlation that humans noticed, connected, and gave a name to.

Perhaps you are instead thinking of genotype. Which yes, is largely immutable barring retroviruses and new technologies, but trans people have conclusively proven that genotype is not the same as phenotype.

By the way, biohackers have already started using CRISPR on themselves for fun.

This just in: men do not watch horror movies

Ah, common mistake. The law is only for poor people, you see. Don't you feel silly now?

Interesting. Source?

He invested hundreds of billions in green energy?

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Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines

I think the best solution is a healthy balance of kindergartens and child labour factories.

Extremes always tend to be dangerous.

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That's very ironic given that they ban anyone further left than "Capitalist Russia is the best country in the world! Let's support their invasion of Ukraine for no reason! Ughur genocide fake by the way! Is not so bad that Stalin banned being gay."

@BigMacHole@lemm.ee is making fun of Trump for being an unpatriotic traitor.

On the other hand, these veterans being pardoned 4 years earlier could potentially have cost Biden the election, cost America democracy, cost trans Americans their freedom, and cost West Bank Palestinians their lives. It's a fucked up calculus but I can't say I disagree. I blame this failure on the short memories of voters and on those who are working to make a Trump presidency happen.

Bill Gates shot down the UN proposal to make patenting covid vaccines illegal. That caused the pandemic to go on for longer, and that gave me long covid. If Bill Gates weren't a billionaire, I wouldn't have these long covid problems.

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But make sure you do so quickly after the dryer is done. Otherwise they'll cool down and the creases will set.

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I fear alarms because they hurt. It's not like Spiders where learning more helps. I've been hurt by alarms hundreds of times in my life. Learning more isn't going to help me fear them less.

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Autism. Too loud. Hurts. I'm very slow to evacuate because I always need to take the time to put in my nose cancelling earbuds so I can evacuate safely. If the alarm were quieter, it wouldn't hurt as much

Do you even understand what a meme is?

Then build more trains and bike paths!