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Joined 9 months ago

just me

probably because the screenshot was found on a platform that would shadow delete a post for "bad words", think tiktok or instagram

i'm guessing they used those single banana plastic containers as mold for uh, that

yeah it's really weird. Like if someone said something racist/otherwise bigoted i'd try to argue with them too? And pointing out they have no valid sources for their bigotry is an effective tactic that might make them question their beliefs

oh that reminds me, I need a proper whetstone, the metal rod thingy from tesco's is just not (making it so my knives are properly) cutting it

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thank you lemmy, for showing me this post 2 days after it was made

dang, what does the rod do? It was sold under the name of "knife sharpener"

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ohhh thank you! yeah my 2 year old knives definitely need a whetstone at this point. I suppose the honing rod can only help you so far

to this day, I find 15 million merits to be one of the most terrifying episodes.

Would you sell your soul for a peaceful life?

I don't know about you but I can't answer that question. And it terrifies me.

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so you know photography right, doing it in your phone is easy but it pales in comparison to professional quality, and it's mostly not because of the device, for your photo-taking machine to bring meaningful difference you need a certain skill level.

Here's a few tips how to improve dramatically even with just your phone! Manual is great and all but whatever algorithm your phone uses will always give you an ok photo, and you want to take both good and shit photos! Variety is the spice of life after all

  • turn on the 3x3 grid on your camera screen. Then try to allign people's eyes, faces etc with the top line horizontal in whatever orientation you use. Objects of interest go along them as well, or even in the bits where they cross. Landscapes look best when you get the horizion running the bottom horizontal line. For more information check out rules of composition

now photography is all about light, without it there would be no photo after all. Here's the 3 key setting that are fun to mess with:

  • go to "more modes" or similarly named menu in your camera. Select pro, here a few fun setting will appear

  • ISO controls brightness and grain, the bigger ISO the brighter the photo but the more grainy too

  • shutter speed control the lenght of exposure to light your photo gets, the longer shutter speed the brighter the photo but the steadier your hands need to be to compensate (with a very long shutter speed you can also take those fun light drawing photos, but that often needs a tripod or some sort of steady spot for your phone)

  • f stop, in phones you get maybe one or two options for that but this controls the depth of field and, you guessed it, brightness. The lower the number the more open your lens is and the more light flows in, but your depth of field gets smaller (blurry background)

most of photography is learning how to balance those 3 settings! All of them have their use, a sports photographer will use much different settings than a studio portait photographer.

though perhaps the most important rule of photography (and all of art) is that there are no rules, just guidelines, when hearing about a "rule" your first thought should be to see what happens when you break it, so then you can understand why it's a "rule" and perhaps even think of ways to break it with intent so the critics of the world can go "ahhh how clever" at your work :D

I'm not a girl nor autistic (though adhd) but I hope this brings you some fun :3

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double cock for you then

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bold of you to assume they're using it for more than their weekly groceries

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he got famous by giving away money, now he's giving away money with extra steps (those steps being various degrees of having to "earn it" through challenges) so he's basically became a game show host

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they needed researchers to tell them that?

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this golden retriever has committed many atrocities in the old testament

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FPS without a mouse? VATS is doing some heavy lifting there

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not a single gay or young person on whatever team decided the name lmao

or maybe there were some, giggling in the background

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i'm tryinggg 🥺

who are you and why are you attacking me like this

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counterpoint: a disabled child is not a fascist

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I think they betted on modders to do that but after a month or two when the excitement wore off and reality hit in even the most hardcore bethesda fanboys, most of the ambitious projects got cancelled and everyone went back to modding skyrim lmao

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self driving comapies is a wonderful idea, don't even need an advanced LLM just put some half baked chat bot and it'll make all the bad decisions for you!

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"would fuck" but English speakers hate- speaking so they shorten everything

you shoot mainly in first person, it is a first person shooter "FPS". A game doesn't need to be exclusively an FPS to be an FPS

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It's funny that in the human history there will be a gap of around 100 years where photos and video were considered to be solid proof and evidence that could determine the outcome of somebody's future

we're back at square one I guess

also by that logic there should be no gay or trans schoolchildren as homophobia and transphobia were in the curriculum way before queer people began to be accepted-ish in the society

how is it fear mongering when shit like this is happening? AI as it stands is unregulated and will continue to cause issues if left this way

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this won't stop the fact it'll keep happening and keep making people sad

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your mental health greatly affects your physical health. It is very much related to medicine

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the problem with that, and a big reason why it probably won't be adapted, is that portrait mode shows you fuck all, it's good for showing one person (you know like a portrait) but if you want to show multiple people you have so much deadspace top and bottom. Landscape is just aesthetically better

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even better when you know that we don't even know how it sounded. Ancient Egyptians didn't bother to write down vowels, all we have today is educated guesses as to how some words could've been pronounced

it works half the time?

If I google something in English I'm going to get results in English (plus localised ads of course). But if I have a linguistic question about English, no matter how advanced, I'm going to get surface level results in Polish.

Tbf whatever info they have on me imples they're very confused. I get ads about: "stay legally in Poland! :)" and "leave Poland and get a job in the Netherlands/Germany! :)" then "polish lessons!" and "English lessons!", I'm starting to think that in the eyes of the AI overlords I'm both polish and not polish at the same time.

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mushroom 1: tastes like chicken :) mushroom 2: oog died :( mushroom 3: arg says he saw the world melt and then spoke to god

falling asleep is fine, getting good sleep is hard, waking up with a toy inside your now dry hole is rough

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theory is useless without practice.

That's why the 3 neurotypical psychiatrists I talked with sounded like "but did you consider depression/anxiety?" on loop, but when I found the one psychiatrist in my area that also has adhd we clicked immediately and I finally felt listened to

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haha that is the main reason why I'm choosing to live in ignorance about what's happening in the news, I can't handle so much of it. It makes my blood boil. The important things get to me through memes anyway

I'm not much into American politics and have not read a single paragraph of TOS in my life. Could you please explain?

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I may be reading it wrong but this is just not what the article says.

By "highlight authoritative sources" they mean display credible videos made by the authorities at the very top of the search results.

And within the article you'll read that one of the first instructions given in said videos is to call an emergency service, and not that youtube is going to do it for you

you only unlock that skill after attending enough transgender classes at the gay agenda meetings in your local LGBTHQ

even when i'm late i always go to the bus stop anyway because the chances are the bus hasn't even arrived yet lol

to be honest, if they modelled an IKEA store, and arranged 3D models of their furniture in it like in real world that be amazing. If you could move them around for easier comparison it'd be even better! Nothing feels more awkward than walking back and forth between two similar pieces of furniture for the 5th time wondering if you like this style better or the other one

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