1 Post – 134 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Eew keep your gross American opinions to yourself.

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I miss my smart watch waking me up outside of detected REM sleep.

On the Microsoft Band you could set a time window where the alarm would go off - say between 0700-0800. If you're in REM sleep at 0700, the alarm stays off until you naturally rouse, or 0800.

I've worked as a sleep scientist for 7 years, and the idea of not being woken out of REM is such a neat idea, and yet no other watch seems to do it.

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There often more caffeine in a standard coffee than half a litre of monster energy drink.

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When is CRISPR going to grant me immortality god damnit. Every year that drips past is one less with my immortality guarantee.

I want to be immortal even if it kills me.

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Hey who you calling primit-




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I mean, to be fair, the original comment DID say he was the ONLY adult in a room full of children...

There's a good Louis Theroux documentary that might give some context.

Tldw, Israelites aren't really respecting the borders - in this doco they send over zealous Jewish people from various countries to buy up and live in properties in these disputed areas to slowly take it over. Palestinians retaliate aggressively, typically violently.

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I tell you what would REALLY help me not get distracted at school, if the girls had to wear burqas.

Then us fellas don't need to worry about learning self control or mental discipline. It's win win! By which I mean, two wins for men.

Heads up OP, on Windows if you press Windows+Shift+S, it opens the snipping tool which lets you select a portion of your desktop to screenshot. Saves it to your clipboard too.

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Sharing articles from profits fear-mongering Rupert Murdoch.

Install the Bye Rupert extension to deprive the fetid turd of income.

Smacking children and how it literally has no benefit to the child whatsoever, and makes you a bad parent if you still do it.

I used to be a strong supporter of smacking kids, I even signed a government petition to revoke the NZ anti-smacking bill, but after studying it at uni and then keeping abreast of the research afterwards, it has only negative effects, and yet bad parents still defend it.

Hard to talk about because people get weirdly defensive even when there's NO evidence that smacking kids is either beneficial or effective.

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Maybe it's like those Facebook posts where you tell Mark Zuckerberg that he's not allowed to profit off your photos.

I was on PIA for a few years before it was bought out by Kape.

Kape has a poor track record with keeping user data safe, and has reported shady business practises.

I switched to Mullvad and have been happy, excluding the limited devices which I bump into pretty frequently.

I think I read somewhere that friends are made at places where you're both obligated to be. That's why so many friends are made at school or uni, or later in life, work. Personally I tried stand up comedy and had success in meeting friends. Funny people like funny people. My brother found friends in theatre groups. My friend meets his mates at football clubs, and my partner meets her friends as a twitch streamer at meetups.

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"may be a placebo"

My friend, there is no "may".

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Pure speculation here, but I feel like it's an American thing. With the minimum wage over there being stupid low, coupled with "grind-set culture", the young generation is doing everything it can to make money to meet their fame-obssessed ideals. The effort to reduce sex-worker stigma probably helps a lot too.

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At least there's no gold to thank kind strangers for on Lemmy.

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Calling someone a Muppet. In NZ (and to a lesser degree, UK/Australia), it's a common thing to call someone who's being an idiot. Not sure why. I think as a nation we generally like the Muppets, but not someone who's being a Muppet.

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Couldn't that logic be used against literally any good action? Like giving $100,000 to a malaria charity isn't going to stop malaria. If everyone thought like vegans, the world would be vegan, the climate crisis would almost entirely be averted, rivers swimmable, billions of animal lives saved each year.

If during your supermarket shop, you use vegan recipes instead, you'll be one of those dominos. You could be the systemic change!

There is no "within reason" for child abuse.

The vast vast majority of scientific research proves that hitting children only results in negative outcomes, not only in child development, but it's constantly shown to not reduce the undesired behaviour.

If a child can't be reasoned with for why it's actions were wrong, they can't reason why their loving parent strikes them.

If you choose to ignore what's essentially scientific fact and continue hitting children, then the adage "I was hit as a kid and I turned out okay" might be plain wrong.

Furthermore, suggesting that an action is okay because the child "turned out fine" can be used to justify any objectionable behaviour. "I was molested and I turned out okay, therefore molestation is justifiable". If your child did indeed turn out okay, that is despite you choosing to assault them, as ALL research shows you were in the wrong.

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A: if we know cow milk is bad for the planet and bad for the animal, and we use "but I prefer it!" as an excuse, couldn't we apply that to everything? Sexual assault? "It feels good!". Theft? "I like having stuff!"

B: (in order of ease and taste) Oat milk, rice milk, flax milk, hemp milk

C: Soy milk... "sounds like crap"? We might be at the end of carnivore arguments. You know cow milk literally has faeces in it, right? The fact "soy is in everything" being used to not have it is also not logical. Water is in everything.

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Man I watched that whole video, it has nothing to do with the headphone jack. It's about how fairphone releases repair schematics. The title is clickbait, he still says "the removal of the headphone jack is still bullshit and I stand by that, but they sure do release schematics which is nice".

God damn it LET ME LIVE FOREVER LET ME LIVE FOREVER LET ME LIVE FOREVER I'm sick of lying in bed every night scared of the nothingness of death

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I have two kinds of tinnitus, the classic high pitched ringing that if I pay too much attention can swell like an orchestra, and a newer weirder kind, a low rumble that sounds like a diesel engine is in my driveway that never drives off.


"Specious reasoning" is all I can think of. That's what Lisa Simpsons says when Homer thinks the Bear Patrol is working like a charm (because there's not a bear in sight).

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I'll start with the wholly negative effects of hitting children, specifically the section on Effects on Behaviour and Development. Time and time again, scientific studies prove there is literally no benefit to hitting children, with only poor outcomes.

My understanding is the most effective means of punishment involve first establishing an environment of rich support and love for the child. Then when there's poor behaviour, short time outs.

You remember that episode of The Simpsons when Bart steals the game cartridge, and what upsets him most is Marge's total loss of attention?

A secondary strong punishment is removal of positives, like revoking video game access etc.

It's hard to critique whatever parents you mention without knowing specifics, but it often comes down to:

  • Poor follow through, with parents threatening punishment but rarely enacting
  • Limited positive attention given to the child, likely due to "no time"
  • Poor communication of reward/punishment system, or poorly established system.

Finally, sometimes children and just little shits with bad temperament. It's vital to understand that countless studies show physical abuse does not result in corrective behaviour, with only negative developmental outcomes.

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I back NZ in their decision to ban cigarettes entirely. What a joyless drug to kill yourself with.

All of your other examples at least have some upside up em.

...or plants.

Got WAY TOO drunk at a club, kicked out (which I genuinely accepted with good grace). Walking home, realised I'd forgotten my jacket. Figured I'd just nip in past the bouncer, grab the jacket and leave without bothering anyone. I didn't nip past. I got bounced. Rebuffed from the club, and pushed backwards I fell over and broke my foot (a Jones fracture). Was in a moon boot for 3 months or so, but now it hurts whenever I walk wrong.

I spent years fighting against veganism, and there was literally no valid argument against it beyond "I don't care, I'll eat animals anyway".

There's just nothing. Eating meat is bad for the planet, bad for the animals, and more often than not in western cultures bad for the human.

Slay The Spire: 850 hours. I feel like I'll never get bored at a retirement home because I'll just keep playing Slay The Spire. It'll be my mahjong equivalent.

I'm a NZer living in Australia, some people didn't understand me saying "a wee bit *", like "it's a wee bit annoying".

I'm not very well traveled.

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There's more than two choices here for you and your father that don't boil down to logic puzzles or child abuse.

It sounds like his heart was in the right place, but without understanding your mental capabilities.

At that ages, punishments need to be clearly established and actionable. The child is behaving badly, the parent demonstrates "if you keep doing that, you'll lose out on (Xbox, free time, family game night etc etc), then following through. If that fails, then removing the child to isolate for a while. Once they've calmed down, then following through with the aforementioned punishment.

Your father's punishments would probably start working around 9-10 years old according to research.

Finally, the "I got hit and I turned out okay" is terrible logic. That justifies any behaviour that someone can survive through. Just glance at the research to see why smacking is a wholly negative ordeal with no upsides for the child.

I suspect it's less of a trigger warning, and more of a means to reframe perceptions of food.

Like, if TV commercials just started putting little "viewers may find the following depictions of dead animals disturbing" stingers before a commercial of a family eating steaks, it might change perceptions over time.

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Our (Australian) right wing government stopped increasing the amount they pay doctors when people visit, and the new left wing government isn't doing anything either.

So now I have to "co-pay" $30 whenever I visit, when it used to be free. I found that so outrageous that next time, I'm travelling half an hour to go to a clinic that still "bulk bills" (read: doesn't charge the patient).

If I was an American I think I'd just die of rage. I wonder how much that'd cost me.

Edit: Oops, turns out our new left wing government just recently INCREASED the GP payment rate, so hopefully we'll see more bulk billing places return.

I don't know, you see a cow being shot and cut up, it's NSFW. You put some parsley on it, it's now food.

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Looks like those clowns in congress did it again! What a bunch of clowns.

Not if I live in a geodesic dome sealed off from outside harms until the heat death of the universe, and hopefully by then we'll have warmed up the universe so I can continue with immortality