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Joined 12 months ago

6 more...

It honestly worries me how many people roll their eyes when you say this. When it's blatantly fucking obvious. Where are all the patriots to scream " THE SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE IS THERE FOR A FUCKIN REASON"

12 more...

Fuckin missed opportunity. Would be even better if it was over 98 and the killer says like a really bad joke about running hot.

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I think a lot of people in this thread are missing the point. They didn't refuse out of hate, they refused out of fear. There's a Nazi problem in Florida right now, a lot of them target companies and organizations that teach about racism.

The JCC isn't being a dick here, their being cowards.

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The reflection of my face on the monitor.

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That's some 4D Level international espionage.

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Damn her bosses boots must be fuckin spotless

Yeah, cruel fact about humanity. All these great technologies could give us luxury space communism in 100 years or so, but that won't happen. Shitty people will be shitty and these technologies will be used for shitty purposes or intentionally stunted.

The surprise is an obvious trap to be put in the prison or zoo.

Lol, essentially the company closed down a bunch of plants to make one big plant. Dude in question was a foreman at each plant at one point in time. They start the new plant, fast forward like six months and I get hired to do IT. The guys laptop has a memory leak issue that we couldn't track down, so we were gonna reimage the machine. Had to backup data first. The company i worked for forced us to use a singular proprietary tool to do both. I was not allowed to manually back up anything ( like I wanted to, because seriously wtf) Well lo and behold this software doesn't give a shit about the D partition of the users HDD or anything on it, so it wipes that part. Well that was the part of the drive that had all calibration data, measurements, contacts in the industry. Pretty much the guys black book got wiped. This is literally during first quarter of a merger. I get fired. A few weeks or like a month later I see the company stock took a huge hit because of issues with a merger. I also run into an old coworker at a gas station like 6 months later and she informed me that everything went to shit when I left and they cut the staff by more than half. Over a hundred people lost their job because of my fuck up.

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🦂 Holy shit. Favorite emoji ever.

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your shitting me. I can play starfeild on the deck? How?! Those system requirements were not small.

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I caused the loss of multiple millions of dollars in stock of one of the largest manufacturering companies in the world. All because I listened to my boss instead of my instincts. I got fired because the senior foreman "couldn't stand to look at my face"

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I wonder why no new companies have picked up this technology. Some patients surviving 30 years, with no surgical intervention required is a pretty bold claim for any pacemaker. Regulations be damned.

13 more...

Man put that over an old fashioned bathtub and you got yourself some art.

I hope you wear this to DnD sessions.

10 more...

What an absolute piece of shit. Could of destroyed someone's life. I wonder if that was the first time.

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Honestly Dr.manhattan was kinda dumb. "Oh I need to stop humanity from nuking itself" meanwhile I demonstrate easy ability to travel to other planets. Meaning I coooooooould of made humanity interplanetary, which would greatly reduce the likelihood of any humanity killing apocalypse.

So I'd get human colonies on the Moon, Mars and maybe Venus. Then focus on unfucking the Earths biosphere. Then focus on eliminating world hunger and bringing a higher standard of living to all mankind.

Then I'd fuck off to space and let humanity kind figure it out knowing they proooooobably won't kill themselves anymore.

7 more...

Yeah I call bullshit. Plus the least buggy game release ever for Bethesda really isn't setting the bar high.

This is just.... beautiful. You can be anything you wanna be kids.

Your not wrong, and definitely not the first person to tell me that. But it still fucked with me for a while. There were a lot of really good people there, just trying to make there way. My actions, whether my fault or not, indirectly caused probably like 150+ people to lose their job, and that's on the day shift, idk if they even kept the night shift. I know it's not my fault, but like, I still feel a lil shitty about it, ya know. This was probably 6-7 years ago. Sense then I've learned my lesson and never ever keep my mouth shut and make sure I have all concerns documented. Ho boy has it saved my ass.

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One of my best friends started doing this. It was around that time he started to become a little narcissistic.

Come on OP, try it an report back on the flavors.

4 more...

Play Skyrim instead of wow, or something other than an MMO. Most mmos are literally designed to do that to you. Hell most mmos now days won't reward you unless you play them like that. Don't play MMOs. Single players are great for just 30 min sessions whenever the hobby gets boring. I recommend Dave the diver.

Don't forget Erich Traub who probably helped us make bio weapons

Dude I've lived in Florida all my life. Trust me we have a Nazi problem. Shit has only gotten worse the past decade. It's just actually being televised now because it's becoming more of a main stream current issue. But I've seen this shit sense i was a kid.

If you think those videos your seeing are actors, my friend you have too much faith in humanity. I have old friends from highschool that I wouldn't be surprised to find out they were part of those groups. People are hateful, spiteful people, especially here in Florida where it's reinforced by community and now law.

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This one took me a second lol. Love it.

Either 1, a bunch of textbooks and encyclopedias. Or 2, a tablet/computer with said texts downloaded, a battery pack for said tablet/computer, and a few fold out solar panels or maybe one of those hand crank things. If I still have space I'd bring a soldering iron, a bunch of tips for it, flux and a bunch of different solders. Maybe a few spare parts for the laptop.

The flessssh ssssuit issss rotting.

Does Lemmy have a writing prompt community? I used to love reading the short stories there.

I mean it's kinda attractive now not gonna lie. If they got rid of the misogyny and nepotism they'd be grade A.

Wait really red pigment is mainly rust? I'd imagine that would turn a orangish brown. Or brownish orange.

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I taught my cat this and it's adorable. She doesn't headbutt, she just gets up in your face an incessantly meows until you start kissing her forehead or rubbing her face with your face.

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Really cheap crack pipe

Good Lord. Yeah I mean, that doesn't sound super believable. 14 year old going through with what their parents want? Nah. He fuckin diddled that kid.


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Dude this movie is what gave me fear of clowns as a kid lol.

I miss having a hero I can directly control in an RTS game. Rise and fall civilizations at war was the closest there was, but it won't even run on windows anymore

10 more...

This is what I've just now started trying. I'll let you know how it goes in a few months lol.