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Joined 11 months ago

There are dozens of us.

My friend has a dog who once had a black man accidentally step on his paw. Not sure if he hated black people before but to this day he still hates all black people he encounters.

Vote every time. Polls mean nothing. Vote.

58 more...

The sad part of all of this is that traditional Republicans have handed the party reigns over to extremists for the illusion of maintaining power. Had they told their crazies to go pound sand and fallen behind Democrats they would likely be capable of course correcting to retain some level of competition with liberals. Instead they gave power to nut-bags who have pretty much ensured their eventual, permanent demise.

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That's why film piracy slowed for a while there - when people weren't being gouged they were happy to pay what they felt was reasonable. But now that the gouging is back... yo ho ho.

In the book Freakonomics they made the argument that the sudden decline in crime in the late 90's appeared to be tied to Roe v. Wade. I wonder if this is similar.

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They guy refers to liberals as a "very small segment of the US population". So at least he isn't shy about exposing his extreme bias, and in turn invalidating pretty much all of his own words.

They said "throw the book at 'em". Sadly, the book was the 3-page leaflet detailing conduct becoming of a marine, apparently.

It is enlightenment. Literally a term from the early 1900s meaning awareness of racial injustice. It is just another term the conservative movement has turned into a dirty word through unrelenting coordinated media efforts.

Killing it means engaging them - so, enjoy that. Just ask things like "what does that mean?" And literally, about any of their dirty words. They don't know what any of those words mean mostly because those aforementioned efforts rely on vagueness to be effective and any solid, consistent definition would weaken its power. So get them to define it. Then, repeat their definition back to them in terms that make them sounds as fucking stupid as they are.

Why is Nikki Haley starting a war on Christianity? Does she hate Jesus? Does she think she knows more than God? She is oppressing good religious people who follow the bible which says life begins at first breath. She will burn in hell.

Never work in tech, friend. It is an endless parade of buzzwords. Idiots will think it is a revolution, people who put even the smallest amount of effort into understanding it will know it isn't. Sadly, the idiots tend to be the ones making the decisions. So you get to spin your wheels on a fool's errand until their surprisingly lengthy attention span moves to the next buzzword. As the parade continues you just lose more and more faith in humanity.

I wish I had an answer for you other than some people are really fucking stupid.

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There's no way the board could justify costing shareholders that much money for absolutely no reason at all. Can't wait to see the lawsuits if it gets revived.

Tucker Carlson: "Many people are saying he isn't an actual American. If not, who is he? Is he a Russian spy? And if so would he like to come over to my home to discuss Putin's dreamy eyes and masculine physique? I am just asking questions here."

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In their defense, they don't see the authoritarian boot and feel compelled to lick. They see how their hated enemy, normal people, get upset because of that authoritarian boot and in response lick the shit out of it so those normal people feel sad.

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You forgot to add "again" to your sentence.

What a lovely way to ensure that your customers will never return.


Reasoned person: "We should help poor people"

Christian Conservatives: "STFU you woke liberal piece of shit, I hope you die! Go suck Biden's dick, loser"

If they go the route they did with Roe it would be because of some European dude who believed in witchcraft that died before the United States was formed. Very reasonable... /s

The people who previously ran Twitter wouldn't have done it. C'mon Elon, are you as scared as they would be?

Failure is just emboldening fuel for the narrative that everything is rigged against them. I mean, they couldn't be that stupid and that wrong so consistently, right?... Right?

While their thoughts and opinions are irrelevant their votes are absolutely relevant. Their susceptibility to basic, low-effort manipulation can unfortunately affect us all.

They aren't interested in innovation, they are interested in profit. Tech billionaires are not innovators, they are immoral businessmen. Jobs stole, Musk buys and squanders, Bezos buries - each for their own benefit with no care for whether the things they destroy will help others. You are looking to the wrong people for help in any of this - they aren't saviors they are parasites.

Which in turn allows them to now, more strongly forever deny whatever they want.

So on top of not being able to convince them with facts, you also won't be able to convince them that the facts are facts... so then how do we pull these idiots away from the cliff's edge?

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they have more important things to think about.

The child rape lawsuits?

To be fair, most religious leaders don't preach hate - but they can't normally speak out against it. Much like FOX News' excuse for spreading the stolen election lies, if they speak out against what their followers believe, they lose followers. Shit excuse, shit people.

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They must love that guy. Does all their shitty deeds and takes all of the heat for it.

bOtH sIdEs

He could pay all of his own money and still not know how to post the entire bond because of how much would still be left to pay.

This is a little misleading. Famous coward Don Bacon? C'mon. Sure he is only known for being a spineless coward. But he isn't that well known.

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Which in itself is a vote for Trump. I wish we were a society where voting for your personal choice for most ideal candidate was a viable option - but it is not. Protesting a vote over this fact is small-minded and destructive. I am sorry if you feel like you have to pick between two evils... might I suggest comparing how evil they are.

It's not insane at all.

They know that without the cult they lack the numbers to win any election. They, and their positions, are so frail that they bend knee to the absolute worst humanity has to offer for a chance to feel like they aren't as neutered as they really are. They can't even just let the Trump boot-lickers fade away, those willful idiots will just not vote - they have to win the scared racist vote, they need the wheezing Nazis, they can't survive without the religious who have turned away from their god for Trump.

It's fear, weakness and desperation. It is more sad than insane. Sad and dangerous.

Some of their recent coverage about Reddit was pretty insulting. When the IPO was going live they tried to explain the people who Reddit burned over the years who weren't buying into the IPO as "acting like children" needing to "grow up". It was the most one-sided coverage I have ever heard from them - even with all this left-leaning talk.

He fucked himself into buying it by knowing nothing about how business acquisitions work, no one tricked him. He was and remains still a fucking idiot.

Here's a thought. Name your bullet train company like an oil company, call the bullet train the "oil pipeline".

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Uh huh, sure she was.

Every time anyone shares information about someone they are dating they lead with unsolicited information of why the relationship is technically legal. It's how you know the love is pure. \s

It's not even AR... Didn't they back down from that? Isn't it mixed reality or something?

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Water? You mean like in the toilet?

So you think it is scary because it isn't as small as a small town. Thanks for the contribution.

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It's also wrong a lot. Hence the requirement for understanding. It can be helpful to get through a stretch but it will fuck up before too long and relying on it entirely is a bad idea.

His life is filled with dumb decisions that ended up resulting in something good. I think he just wore out his accidental luck button.

It's because we elected a great, black president. Racists can't handle losing that hard, so they react.