1 Post – 82 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

lmao I didn't know what was happening in this one for a moment

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Tax meat, subsidize healthy meat alternatives.

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Its by design. CEOs are replaceable, the corporation is not. Once all the shit changes are done they'll get rid of Huffman (who will get a fat golden parachute for his hard work) and new CEO will walk back maybe 2 of his changes. Suddenly reddit is loveable again and to say otherwise is asking for too much.

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It's so strange to see all the comments here defending CNN of all things.

Imagine a game where you can buy sustainable, ethically sourced resources for $5 and unethically sourced resources for $3. The manual tells you it's nice of you to buy ethically sourced but there's no governmentally enforced consequences. Which ones are you going to buy as a consumer?

Now worse, which ones are you going to buy as a downstream corp CEO? Your shareholders demand maximum profit and you are required to give them maximum profit. Justifying that you're "doing your part" for the environment gets you thrown out as CEO.

At the end of this game, it's cheaper, and necessary, to buy the shit that kills us all.

People unironically saying we're all to blame. No shit, the system is designed so we are all complicit. It takes authoritative intervention to prevent corps from using and selling unethical and unsustainable products. You could also tax it for things like carbon emissions

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Yep saw the guillotine thanos snapping before my eyes... This could've actually been fun but fucckkiinnnggg reddit.

Can we start out own lemmy place?

Is he threatening birds?

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They purposefully distort information to brainwash people.

Prageru is not run by idiots - they are evil with intent and they will train the next generation to be good slaves if allowed.

The best speech he's ever delivered

Nailed it. Virtual pizza party really drives it home.

Thanks for reminding me meat is subsidized for some reason 😮‍💨

Where the source

When I first saw this tweet days ago I thought it was a fake tweet. Just realized it was real.

Why is this asshole in charge of getting himself dressed in the morning? Not because he's incompetent (he is), but because he's clearly malevolent.

Bring me the blue pages

They'll all wear their prison sentences as badges in 5 years. You're looking at future senate candidates.

IDK why you're being downvoted. It might not be feasible for op to do that but doesn't mean its not worth doing or thinking about.

A lot of non-profits have truly dysfunctional leadership. They leech off the hard work of people who do genuinely care about the cause. My friend worked for one of them that was supposed to help underprivileged children. They ended up getting burnt out and leaving, though her former boss who did jackshit was fired shortly after.

It's still working? The engineer must've fucked up on the built in 5000000 click failure trigger

Great advice in here. Now, how do I de-radicalize my mom? :(

One of my friends won't quit twitter because there's no good sportsball on mastodon/Lemmy/kbin that I can find. Any groups, people, communities that talk about sportsball?

Would appreciate recommendations

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It's crazy to me that anyone can be ok with someone sharing nudes of someone who did not consent. They're both adults at this point but it's literally the president's son, too. I'm not big on appeals to authority but maybe a modicum of respect for a politicians family insofar as not sharing naked photos of them?

And the response so far is that she can get away with it. So it continues to be normalized.

The people who dismiss her as "just a dumbass" - whether she's doing this because she's literally insane or because she's been told to - recognize the lasting damage this type of behavior is inflicting.

"Karen" is a term to make white women feel isolated and side with right wingers. Any woman who complains about anything, valid or not, can be easily dismissed as just another Karen

To somehow analogize that to trans people is so fucking weird.

I actually think a lot of people are confused because they didn't read the article or know what community they're in, so I'll take the downvotes in stride.

Trans people are people too no matter which arrow you hit.

without the propaganda garbage.

I'd disagree, still rife with garbage. Is it more palatable and more subtle? Sure.

I'd still rather not push any views or engagement to them in the first place. Link one of the countless other news sites with the same talking points. Hell this article was copied from Reuters on to fox business.

Totally agree - when people start coming out as trolls/bad actors/fascists is when they're rightly silenced

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You're right, but Biden won't do shit, he's a status quo boomer in a suit.

And I'll be voting for him again next year.

It's sad because "both sides bad" can be a valid argument, if it hadn't been coopted as an undercover facist dog whistle.

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I was looking for something like dwarf fortress adventure mode or cataclysm dark days ahead and this is as close as I could find.

Sacrifices a lot of the smaller details of CDDA by being easier to play (not a bad trade off necessarily). You'll still die a million times in Qud though.

And bots. And sponsored content.

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I really like Potholer54 - he doesn't do any ads so youtube NEVER promotes his videos. He will read, cite, link all his sources and more importantly, will respond to misrepresentations of science in the media. He will usually explain the science behind the articles he sources and explain why the media gets it wrong.

I've also found Skip Intro is really good regarding copaganda. He has some great videos on a lot of the media I was exposed to growing up and its good to reexamine it with a more modern take. He also dunks on paw patrols which is fucking terrible.

I'd strongly recommend the book "The Beginning of Infinity" by David Deutsch for a wider perspective on what you've stated. Humanity has always had problems and been in some ways on the verge of extinction perpetually, but we as a species find ways to solve these problems.

It's weird how many users resort to instant doom and gloom (like not having kids?) when its another problem that will take hard work to solve. Just a quote from his book -

"It is inevitable that we face problems, but no particular problem is inevitable. We survive, and thrive, by solving each problem as it comes up. And, since the human ability to transform nature is limited only by the laws of physics, none of the endless stream of problems will ever constitute an impassable barrier. So a complementary and equally important truth about people and the physical world is that problems are soluble. By ‘soluble’ I mean that the right knowledge would solve them."

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I agree with you when it comes to AI in its current form - I wouldn't even call it a party trick, just dumb luck. Machine learning through repetition will use existing ideas and tropes.

However you can provide the model with unique ideas, new tropes, characters, environments, and settings. The model in its current form could generate something nearly usable (script wise) and still be a valid piece of art with some cleaning up. Just because you save time doesn't make an idea less "good"

In the future we could have near sentient AI that generates actual pieces of art far faster and better than a person can.

I just loaded the front page without logging in out of curiosity. It's utter garbage.

The timing of twitter collapse, threads paid celebrity launch, and reddit implosion feels... Very foreboding.

Engagement is a two way street, you need to post something worth engaging with.

Occasionally I've seen a valid opinion/idea with some downvotes but there's still usually responses that get a discussion going. Only the true shit has the massive one sided downvote ratio with, unfortunately, a few replies from people who took the bait.

Nice! We went to a trampoline park and it was a blast.

I'm raising a kid right now and he has some really bad takes, but I make it a point to talk through his choices with him. Definitely still feel like I have a lot to learn.

He T posed before it was cool

Maybe a feature request, but is there an addon that just blocks videos with shitty thumbnails or all caps? Might make the front page almost presentable.

If this extension could just hide those videos as an option, or at least flag them it might make browsing better.

That feels a bit unfair. The explore tab could be a useful feature, and should link to good content, but YouTube's implementation of it fucking sucks.

If this addon makes it better I'm all for it.

I do agree with the concerns of another poster. Clickbait thumbnails lets me know the video wasn't worth watching most of the time.

Yeah you're right, didn't mean to say that doesn't already happen. Even Amazon has made it an option to have your delivery be delayed to be more "green" while they pocket the cost savings themselves.

Yep. Taxing is the logical solution that fits within capitalism, and yet corporations are so vested in the machine they realize it's cheaper to spend money to lobby and advertise against it.

It's a busted system that needed correcting decades ago, and here we are.

Bingo, at best they are heavily exaggerated.