1 Post – 171 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

As an orgonian, fuck yes, that entire group can go eat a bag of dicks.

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Please do it to Eliquis. My fucking insurance just jumped it up to 275 a month.

Edit: also, I don't have anybody to vent this too. But the hospital just called and I have to have another heart surgery In 22 days. I had open heart surgery 9 months ago. I'm just so fucking tired

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For Christmas dinner I vote we just eat the fucking rich

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Housing prices are stupid. My house went up 150,000 since 2020 and the only "improvement" that occurred was me breaking the garage door.

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I use three so the middle one doesn't get dirty.

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To be fair, Trump could go in there and take a giant shit on the middle of the floor. And Fox News would still try to find a way to say that it was Bidens turd. These people are just fucking delusional.

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I 100% agree, but is there any way we could kind of keep working to phase out retarded from common vocabulary. It's just such a charged and unnecessary word to use as a pejorative.

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Ahhhh, So this is why they're really cracking down on banning plex shares.

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I had heart surgery last Thursday. And I was shocked that they didn't have me mask up or test me for covid. And a lot of the doctors and nursing staff did not have masks on. I finally just put one on because if you're going to get sick a hospital sure seems like a place full of sick people

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To be fair, if somebody starts streaming without their skin on I'm going to nope the fuck out really quick.

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Whole fuckin basket of em.

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As someone who will need a heart transplant, holy fucking shit fuck yes, please let this be more than just a cool story and help me live too.

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They want us to fight a generational culture war rather than a class war. My parents are boomers and were born poor and will die poor. There is no windfall. And what little savings most boomers have are going to be completely ate up by end of life care that has been designed to rip them of their last dollar. It's the rulling class who needs to be living in fear for what comes next.

This extends to their supporters as well. Especially my piece of shit father-in-law.

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In December 2022 I realized I skipped seeing my cardiologist for 6 years. Did a 24 hour monitor. Apparently my heart rate was dropping to 21 bpm and stopping pumping for up to three seconds. So in February 2023 they cut me open and give me a pacemaker. Months go on and I am still getting winded. So they did another heart Cath procedure (on the 28th) and it turns out my heart is doing worse than thought even, so in the next 3-5 years I'll need a heart transplant. But the make up of my organ layout means I'll need a specialist, which just all sounds so slim. I am 33 and so fucking tired.

I hope to leave some of this stress behind. I know there's a lot I can't escape now, but I hope I can leave some of the anger and fear behind. It's been hard to be a good dad or partner this year just from feeling so stressed, and if I don't know how long we will have I just want my daughter to remember a happier dad.

I was shocked and completely changed my diet recently when I noticed that the price per pound for chicken was greater than the price per pound for tofu. Now I'm experimenting with making my own tempeh at home.

It seems to me Republicans will find any way to get people out of any sort of government funded or public positions. They know that many people from the public sector will quit and go to the private sector if they're not allowed to work from home. This is just more and more bullshit to fuck over workers, and fuck over the American people at the same time.

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My local pharmacy canceled providing me with the heart medication I need to live because it didn't generate enough profit for them. So now I have to drive 30 minutes away to get my prescription. Fuck all levels of this Bs system.

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Thank you so much. My partner is a teacher and just got excited seeing all those ones as well. You made my day!

It honestly feels like Charlie Brown, Lucy, and that fucking football.

Honestly, I read more, do more gardening, play more videogames. Kinda a weird benefit, but I joined two book clubs and a walking group. Started going to a parenting group on Sundays so my kiddo and I are making more friends. I guess reddit just pissed me off enough to go out and be more in my community. It's kinda nice.

One time I went to a local Reddit meet up. Yep, it was all that cringy

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It's definitely "I was the highschool quarterback in 1997" vibes.

Thanks bud, I appreciate it. Unfortunately it's looking like I'm going to need a heart transplant in the next 3 to 5 years so that kind of fucking sucks.

This is going to be like Robinhood all over again. It's going to go public. It's going to shoot up in valuation, insiders are going to sell, and then it's going to crash back down.

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I know it's getting harder and harder to distinguish between what's real and what's fake. So I'm just going to accept that this is absolutely 100% what happened.

Man, as someone who knows nothing about super Mario 64 or speed running, that was dope to watch. I watched the whole thing and it was a blast.

I'm not the person you're asking either lol but I was curious so I poked around till I could find something. This says that the last time GPU mining for Bitcoin was 2014.!

This isn't an area I know like literally fucking anything about. So this was just me googling. I don't know how reliable this source is

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I still hold that if you entered the capital on January 6th, it's treason and should be given the punishment for treason. All of them.

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I think even the Keith collector in your grinder would be higher than 50%


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"He says he’s never read a book—not a single one, not even in school. He doesn’t have much of a dating life. He has a few friends, but they tend to “change every two years.'" - well that's surprising /s

Completely anecdotal, but it was able to get me, my wife and my father to all stop smoking by switching to vaping and then eventually quitting vaping.

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Conservatives always gotta be the victim, don't they.

Party of fiscal responsibility /s

A lot of my friends are vaccinated against this new strain too. They're still catching it. It's just a super sneaky variant. I'm severely immunocompromised and in congenital heart failure so COVIDs never gotten to leave the forefront of my decision making. So fucking tired of it

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Lol, if you block that obvious troll there are two comments in this thread that remain

Fuck me. If it was 10,000 that payout would be the equivalent of .53 cents. Wow.

The surgery that kept me alive at birth wasn't invented until the late '80s. So I guess I would just be fucked no matter what. So put me wherever they want, any time before 1950 is going to suck ass for me.

Now assuming that part of my time travel comes with being able to fix my heart stuff. I would like to be born in the early 1900s. I can't think of a single time where I'm not going to fight both war and awfulness in the general world. But at least then I could be around for some cool developments.

That's super interesting. I did not know that