
1 Post – 31 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

This is a rad photo but Daria wore an army jacket!!! Ahhhh

My Android phone fucking blows. The one I had prior was great but I lost it. I hate the constant alerts from the apps I can't delete, I can't take up close photos anymore without it looking like shit and not focusing, the screen will flip horizontal at random times when it's got the lock screen option turned on. I don't want a Google phone, though.

Anyone have opinions on the OnePlus phones?

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Black vinegar and dark soy sauce. I started fiddling around preparing more chinese/asian foods and these Sauces just have SUCH depth and strong flavor, I love it

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Not only is it popular with cis women, but like the entire queer community. Also, it looks so insanely hyper stylized that I think that appeals to a lot of people who are into cinema that may not otherwise watch it. I really want to see it on a microdose of acid tbh

I had experience with mastodon several years ago and so when I moved over here from Reddit I was excited to try and find an instance that resonated with me but alas, the only niche ones are like, furry instances, porn instances, and tech instances. Bummed that there haven't been more that have themes.

I usually bring my own reusable bags and regardless if a bagger is there or not, I offer to bag my own groceries unless it's more efficient/faster for me to just ring up my card. I used to be a cashier and I absolutely hated when people would just stand there and watch me bag 3-5 bags of groceries while there's a line of 4 people behind them. I always appreciated customers who do it themselves. A lot if the time people who bag groceries that aren't cashiers also clean messes, gather shopping carts, face aisles etc, so if it's a huge supermarket they'll probably be happy to skip that job.

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I'm pretty decent with tech. I definitely know to turn things off and on again, check wifi connection, etc. I'm good with troubleshooting and such, but the IT person at my work who I interact with most treats me like I'm SO DUMB. But I try to remind myself that there are probably so many people who don't know where the power button is on any of their devices lol.

An example: I get logged out of an account on my computer, so I go to reset my password. The password reset requires an account number that I don't have

Message to IT: hey, I need to reset my password for this program, can you send me the account number for it?

IT: on the main login page, beneath the password bar, there should be a link that says "forgot password?" Click that and you should be able to reset it

Me: 😑 explains that if you click on that link it requires you to enter account number to reset it

IT: oh

Seriously 😭😭 my grocery bill for two people went up from 80 dollars a week to 130 practically overnight. Houses doubled in price in like 3 years in the town I live in. They also raised the cap on rent to 14 percent here. I only bring home 27k a year with 6 years of experience in a field that nobody cares about (social services).

He was just playing the "Errrrr" game.

We seriously need to just toss all of these corpses in politics into the incinerator already.

Most recently the complete lack of understanding of a wet bulb temperature comes to mind. In articles discussing this, people completely left out the "wet bulb" part, which they didn't understand, and went on to post comments about "65 DEGREES IS NOTHING, IT REGULARLY GETS OVER 90 WHERE I LIVE!!!". The audacity of some folks. It took me 5 seconds to Google wet bulb temperature to not look like a dumbass saying something like that with my whole chest lol

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It's like night and day....I don't even think the kraft stuff is parmesan at all really. Still bomb on pizza though

Ever since I worked at a hippie grocery store and was taught about what GOOD fresh organic food looks like and tastes like, it's impossible for me to go back to things like that, or frozen bags of green giant veg, or pre sliced or shredded cheese and so on. I'll still eat frozen pizza and nuggies and fast food but as far as cooking for myself, never again

Same here! I've been organizing g a union at my job, and my coworkers all value transparency and collectivism very highly, when when it comes to the actual work and effort of being collective....it falls short.

I'd spent mo ths researching, writing down meeting minutes, making Q&A sheets....All to be asked the same questions OVER AND OVER AND OVER. It's even worse when people are skeptical of the subject at hand, too. Sheesh

Thanks! It's just wild to me that people don't have the curiosity to at least search up something they don't understand first. Also lol at me not seeing my whole mess of cellphone typos before posting, haha

Yeah, that's a good point. I feel like in terms of tracking you have to unplug completely to be successful. No Square card readers, no social media, no Google anything, not to mention having to vet every service you use which doesn't feel like it would be worth it.

Yep, I hate it so much

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Hahaha aw I wish! I definitely round up stray shopping carts and put them in their corrals, though. That way I'm helping staff AND other customers by freeing up parking spots!

Oh man that sounds amazing. I always forget that you can buy pre cooked rotisserie chickens, that right there sounds like a huge game changer for motivation to prep a hearty meal

Mm, I think what you're likely arguing about is super contentious, AND complex. I agree that picking the lesser of two evils is still choosing evil (because it is, it says so right in the phrase!). That isn't to say you're necessarily endorsing the second evil, or that youre evil for making the choice. The world is fucked up and complex and no one is perfectly good.

But yeah I think conversations around voting, especially in the US, are really difficult to have because people are extremely opinionated and none of us REALLY know what would happen if we stopped voting altogether, which makes a lot of people anxiously compelled to do it(such as myself)

(Kent Brockman voice) JUST TAKE A SCREENSHOT, PEOPLE!!

Aside from reading comprehension, it seems as though people absolutely lack the ability to problem solve. Head scratching is as far as many will go. I can't count how many times I've found inefficient, tedious, or straight up broken systems or out of date info in my office and when I ask people if they've ever contacted IT about it or tried to figure it out they just say "Eh, nah, I just leave it and it works itself out." No. My guy, you're just doing it wrong/taking an extra 15 minutes to do everything you're doing because of the workarounds.

Ah that's fair, I actually liked bagging groceries when I was an actual courtesy clerk, unless the person was SUPER anal about how things got bagged. Like damnit I know it's meats separate from veg separate from cleaning products and heavy to light from top to bottom!!! Don't kill my vibe! Lol. I think it was more bothersome as a cashier to bag groceries, I'm super fast at cashiering so if it's 3+ bags that will need to be done and the person is done paying and just staring at me the whole time....I just don't get it. I'm a huge fan of efficiency though so maybe that's more of a me thing

I was gonna say kombucha as well, the experience of drinking it is kinda similar?

Bring it back! Fuck the normies!

I've done that before but after updates it seems to reset for some reason? Having to do it over and over is frustrating, unless I'm missing something which is not outside the realm of possibility

I think you can see logs on lemmy, I'm pretty sure I saw a beehaw log but I don't know how to access them

I wonder of more and more people using cellphones for social media has affected this? I use my cellphone primarily and....I definitely don't write my finest work, shall we say. The typos are aplenty too since I type furiously. I'm investing in a laptop for this very reason. I miss having more robust writing skills.

Depending on the instances you look at, reddit is center right compared to lemmy. Lemmy is full of socialists and communists gasp

I hope so, it's been like two full months since lemmy has been 85 percent posts about reddit. If I see another fuck u/spez post I'm going to vom. I'm happy to be on the connect app though where I can hide those posts, makes browsing way more bareable

Lol instinctively I read your first sentence then skipped the rest, but my brain said "NO, that's what they want you to do!" So I made myself come back and read it. Good content

I think I have noticed more crappy behavior as well over the past week or so that I've been more active, but I have tended to notice that not as many people feed the trolls as they would on reddit. Downvotes and people move on instead of engaging, it's nice.

I get bored kind of easily depending on the food. Batch cooking and meal prepping are things I really want to do, though. Like having one or two Sundays a month where I just go crazy and drink beers and cook all day actually sounds fun...but then it's the prep part (figuring out freezable recipes, buying the right amount of ingredients, making sure I have the right kind and amount of tupperware).

At this point though even cooking one meal feels off the table, it's wild. I'm hoping that the extreme aversion will just be a phase cuz I do love eating lol

Charcuterie for the win! I think adding olives and nuts are a good idea too I never think of that. But yeah that sounds totally doable and super appealing to me, I fucking love cheese and will eat a whole wheel if given the chance lol