
6 Post – 86 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I'd bet you bottom dollar Ally is selling their customers' financial information to Meta, and this is a manifestation of that.

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You'd think with all of the money they're pulling in, they'd invest in solar panels or something to lower their overhead.

Or am I making the mistake of approaching the situation with common sense?

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The American people are so hopelessly broken, it's shameful.

I like the cut of your jib

Belle is a brainwashed domestic violence victim and nothing can convince me otherwise. I feel so bad for her as an adult.

You're never supposed to use pixels in CSS anyway; you should bare minimum use percentages to account for different screen sizes to make the designs responsive and not look terrible on different screen sizes.

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🤔 I wonder what the hell it is that's so scary about admitting they're wrong to other people.

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🤔🤔🤔 I guess I can empathize. People are always traumatized by whatever their parents tell them. What a shame.

I guess I'll never use Chrome or Google products again then

You're not a prick or pretentious or doing anything wrong. Part of the propaganda matrix is to shame people into not checking or calling each other out for not having basic knowledge they should have. It's how they keep people uneducated

It's because people are becoming increasingly violent as political tensions come to a head, and climate collapse drives it onward.

I read the article and the authorities were watching the cubs for two days as they watched them die. They first took notice when one dropped dead, and they only intervened when the other three collapsed... 😢😢😢

One cub lived, though. If there's any solace in all of this, at least one goddamn cub lived.

They'd better keep everything in the NSO store

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In other circumstances, I would agree with you, but given the severity of the situation vis-a-vis abortion, we need to accept any victories we get to save innocent people from what is a blatant attempt at sparking a political civil war.

Which is one of the things that is so troubling about the situation. Fundamental questions about our democracy are being sacrificed on the altar of protecting our most basic rights from fascists. That should terrify everyone.

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🤔 A shitload of us ought to move to towns like that and vote in new leadership that actually represents their majority Black populations. Or we should buy up the land and drive the racists out.

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As much as I am inclined to agree with the sentiment, that would set a very dangerous precedent and jeopardize future Democrat presidents.

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Because there are objective community standards to how a kid grows and develops in our society and you have to conform to that whether you agree to it or not. You don't have the right to raise your kids however you want and it's a damn good thing you don't. That's how child abuse becomes endemic.

If any of us were sent back in time to try to stop him, could we convince anyone that this is actually real?

It feels so surreal watching Trump take power. It's like living in a Simpsons cartoon.

D'aww, thank you 😅

Through IRC servers and not Discord's corporate control, yes

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It's what they want.

Oh. 🤔 That is actually a very good question.

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I'm not one for dramatics, but HOLY FUCK.

That's BAD. It's obvious what they really intend now. How do we stop them?

Probably just racism.

Just because bad things befell other lottery winners doesn't mean it'll happen to you, though. You have the power to act on the wisdom of the past and do better than your predecessors, and one needs to have the courage to do so to get anywhere in life.

Don't let your life pass you by, fren

You're drawing a dangerous false equivalency between the invaders and the invaded and because of it, you're not getting your message across. You may not care, but the rest of the world does, and the others in the thread clearly do feel that people like you complaining about the drone attacks unfairly burdens Ukraine because it limits their options in the face of genocide. They view the drone attacks as necessary, possibly as part of a larger plan to invade Russia, and you're not adequately explaining why it's unnecessary and unhelpful.

In principle, you are asking Ukraine to accept genocide rather than do things that, in these circumstances, are normal acts of war -- drone attacks on civilians has been a thing for over a decade now and is simply never going to go away no matter how much you want it to -- because ultimately, the situation boils down to a choice between launching drone attacks and accepting genocide, and if we accept your way of thinking, we'd have to accept the genocide. Is that really what you want?

Self-defense is a human right and a moral principle that the others stand for that you're clearly not respecting, yet you speak of principle. Why should your principles prevail over it? Why should innocent people have to die to satisfy you?

I don't really think you've thought this through

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I question this idea that violence should only be viewed through a lens of who is superior to the other. Morality is not about being better. It's about reducing suffering in the world. And your opponents think nonviolence simply doesn't accomplish that, and in this case I don't blame them.

They mean left

What happens when those that still keep going make up the vast majority of the population, including your customer base and/or employers?

What happens when people just lie and make shit up about you, and the population refuses to listen to the truth because the lie resonates with their political beliefs?

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🤔 We need solar-electric cruise lines, and solar-electric yachts. If the rich were forced to go electric, it would help solve a lot of problems.

I don't think this is about an eye for an eye and I think you are erroneously framing it as such.

Not really. They'll have to move to cities where they are vastly outnumbered by people who are far more anti-racist, way more organized, who have more economic power and who vote. That will dilute their power and allow Democrats to control more land and more of the gerrymandered counties the Republicans reserved for themselves, taking away their ability to dominate the political system.


Good people don’t get “canceled”.

I'm sorry but that's just naive.

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I mean, fair, but still. People should push them to go green.

This is way too reductive, insulting, and patronizing to be a valid argument. Yes, there are hurdles, but hurdles can and should be overcome. The future of the nation depends on it. And you cannot seriously continue to intimidate everyone else to kowtowing to a bunch of bullying racists simply because they have weapons, which most Americans can easily procure.

If you're not willing to respect anyone else, no one else should respect you.

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True. That's lobbying I can get behind

🤔 I wonder how one would mitigate that, if they were starting their own non-profit or managing another.

Normal people don’t just up and believe anything they are told by some rando.

Uh... MAGA? Trump? Alex Jones? Hello?