Mitch McConnell escorted away from cameras after freezing during a news conference

đź‘ŤMaximum Derekđź‘Ť to politics – 932 points –
Mitch McConnell escorted away from cameras after freezing  during a news conference

Has the appearance of a transient ischemic attack. But apparently "he's fine"


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Paying him empathy is a slap in the face to all of his victims.

You wouldn't do this shit for anyone else that murders children. I 100% guarantee you that this man has killed hundreds of children in his lifetime.

The issue you libs have is that you believe that the institutional murder that these fucks perform is magically different to murder that isn't institutional. It allows you to look the other way when they perform horrors that are unspeakably more evil, and then to performatively pretend you're on some moral high ground for being nice to someone far far far worse than any person that has directly murdered with their hands. You're not on moral high ground for it, all it does is highlight the incredible lack of principles that liberals have, that institutions and performing in the ritual acts of the civic religion are more meaningful to you than the actual pain, suffering and death they've reaped upon people.

It's one of many reasons so many people continue to stop calling themselves liberals and start calling themselves socialists, anarchists, communists, or some other variant of real leftist.

đź’Ż with you here. Fuck McConnell. Some people do deserve to die for all the horrible things they've done to their fellow man. He's one of them. Limbaugh was another.

Just wish it didn't take 81 years to happen. He's lived a long and full life, and that's a terrible reward for all the hate and evil and death he's brought into this world.

I don't have a choice of who I am empathetic to. It's just a core part of my personality.

I agree he is a terrible person. I agree he shouldn't be legislating. I agree he has caused untold suffering. I can't stand the man. He angers me, he infuriates me, and when I hear him I want to beat him senseless. I can even agree that he should probably be dead.

I'll still have empathy to him.

and when I hear him I want to beat him senseless

Clearly not. Or you wouldn't have this emotional reaction.

You can let go of this, simply recognise that some people are real monsters and that sometimes those monsters do in fact thoroughly deserve it. The emotional reaction you're having is, in fact, latent propaganda still living in your bones, put there by having heard it from liberals postering as the "good people" over and over again by doing this shit.

Nobody has empathy for Mussolini swinging upside down until he died. The institutional propaganda implying you should have empathy for political opponents is just not pushed for him, and so the feeling doesn't exist. That's what this is, a feeling created by institutional propaganda that you absolutely don't need to have for any monsters. You do not need to feel bad.

Well liberal means you're pro-liberty. Which is a virtue that is up there with freedom and justice, so I don't see liberals going anywhere soon.

Liberalism is the political ideology of free markets and capitalism.

Liberal' shares a root with 'liberty' and can mean anything from "generous" to "loose" to "broad-minded." Politically, it means "“a person who believes that government should be active in supporting social and political change."


When using liberal to refer to liberal parties that believe in liberal democracy then liberal means capital L - Liberalism. I understand that this is the first time you've actually spoken to people to the left of you but this is extremely basic political ideology 101. Socialists hate liberals, they are our political enemy, we use lib as if it is were slur, and we do not call ourselves liberals. Socialists do not support capitalism, liberals do.

If you have other questions I suggest that rather than arguing with me about it you visit basically any socialist community to see that essentially everyone in any of them will agree with what I've just said.

Yes "liberal" can mean "free" and "believes in egalitarianism and a live and let live set of living standards when it comes to peoples personal choices" when applied to cultural beliefs. This is not the political meaning. The two have been intentionally conflated by liberals(political) in order to confuse you politically and ensure that your political education and literacy is absolutely garbage.

A communist and being wrong, name a more iconic duo. Have fun forever fighting for a system that will be just as shit and corrupt as capitalism. Humans are shit, they will always corrupt and a system run by smarmy assholes is doomed.

Yeah tankies think liberal is a slur kinda like Republicans do. Weird how it's just used as some kind of boogieman dogwhistle to rile up their supporters? Not really based in reality as most people who like having rights and freedom are going to be LIBERAL. Which means don't FUCK with our LIBERTIES, BITCH.

This is absolute nonsense.

Humans aren't shit. We have plenty of evidence of how humans behave in different systems and environments. Human behaviour is determined by the system in which you place them. You just hate people, another reason we see liberalism collapsing and more and more people identifying as socialists instead.

Being an asshole within capitalism is as natural as coughing in a burning building. If it's all you've ever known of course you're going to think it's "human nature", but it's not.

Oh and going around using misogynist slurs to get your point across doesn't really help the image problem liberals have. If you're going to pretend to be good people you actually need to be consistent.

That is not what liberal means. It's an ideology from the enlightenment based on the emancipation of the individual as being key to the emancipation of society. It has completely failed.

You just described liberty?

relating to or denoting a political and social philosophy that promotes individual rights, civil liberties, democracy, and free enterprise

It definately hasn't failed. Not yet, as those things defined still exist.

Not really unsympathetic to the tankies plight, as it is my own, but I think some of you guys are smoking a special kind of Kool aid.

Communism isn't a magical fix for all our problems. Sure more of those ideas should be implemented into our system, universal Healthcare, a more centralized means of production, wealth caps, term limits, etcetera. All great ideas. The only way they'll happen is with a more unified country. Or war. A long and terrible one that will completely destroy us. Now I know the idea sounds romantic, but I promise you it's not. You're better off coming to the table with your head on straight.

Edit: But fuck mconnel. I hope he gets Ebola and shits out his own insides

individual rights, civil liberties, democracy, and free enterprise

Where do these things exist? They don't exist much in the USA for example.

Communism isn’t a magical fix for all our problems

Its aim is to fix these problems, capitalism's aim is to make money for a small group of people using liberalism to trick them into helping.

The only way they’ll happen is with a more unified country. Or war. A long and terrible one that will completely destroy us.

The political class are united, they have the country's workers fighting over niche issues like gay rights etc while they kill millions around the globe and do whatever it takes to maintain the privilege of a few.

Agreed about Mc Connell.

Where do these things exist? They don't exist much in the USA for example

I'm sorry what? Freedom of speech? Civil rights act? Freedom of assembly? The right to bare arms? Etcetera?

Its aim is to fix these problems,

How? Through violent revolution with a benevolent authoritarian leader? Seize the means and then humans just stop being corruptible shitheads? Okay buddy

capitalism's aim is to make money for a small group of people

Capitalism doesn't have an aim. Like communism it will do what you direct it to do. If you're going to try to revolutionize you might as well fix the system you already have instead of going to war.

using liberalism to trick them into helping

Yeah see this is that kool-aid bullshit you guys must have been smoking in the LateStageCapitalism ban chamber all those years. Liberals OPPOSE these same assholes they are not your enemy you dumb fuck

Spot on man. I used to call myself a democrat and now i hate (yes actually hate) the party with more fiery passion than the Republicans.

it could be the part they play in this farce, the browbeating to vote for them as if it's my duty to vote for them as a citizen to fight the Rs regardless of the Ds platform. Then they do fuck all and tell me its not that they don't want to, i just don't understand politics to know that they cant.

I prefer the naked hated of the R party. L, frankly. Its frightening, but less paternal, insulting, and demeaning.

I hear you, but I think there is still value in voting D, if only to make the Overton window shift slower.

If the election is close or contested, Dems can pretend their hands are tied and let Rs enact their facist bs. If Dems own the house, they'll need to do something or come up with some other bullshit excuse not to enact more left leaning policies. In an ideal world there'd be real consequences to them if they meandered like they usually do.

It's not great though, happy to hear your perspective.

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