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Joined 6 months ago

Is that the one that works in VR? Apparently the effect works even better when you have stereo vision.

I was actually thinking of 4D Toys.

LOL I hope you have at least one NVME SSD to run the OS at least.

Your link is broken BTW.

You unplugged a DVD drive to plug in a hard drive?

What does it feel like still living in 2010?

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Don't worry, you'll knock it all out in a single day literally hours before they arrive.

Why are bananas with things inside of them that aren't banana a thing? Who started this meme?

Also put foil-backed insulation over any single-paned windows you don't use. Or do what I did and cover only half the window if you still use the room occasionally.

And if you have an HOA that bans this, placing the insulation behind the blinds instead of directly on the window will do the trick and make it difficult to see what you did, especially if you keep the blinds closed or only open them partially and angled downward.

32°C is not hot, no matter the humidity.

Come talk to me when it's 45°+ with 35-45%RH for three months straight.

Wow I would have murder on my mind if I couldn't adjust my water heater temperature. I set mine above 140°F/60°C so that the dishes in the dishwasher actually sanitize properly. Most water heaters hang out around 50°C out of the box, and I doubt the apartment community actually bothered to increase the temp.

Why do they do this? It's your power bill.

It's not; literally no carrier forces you into a shitty contract anymore.

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Then this thread isn't for you because it doesn't get hot where you live.

No sane person would live in a home without a central HVAC in an area that gets real heat. Swamp coolers and those portable window A/Cs just can't keep up.

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I'm one, and the SO is a Zillennial; neither of us own irons. Just don't see the point. Dryers are fairly effective wrinkle removers, and any remaining creases will eventually come out simply by wearing the clothing.

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Who says that you have to live alone in his house?

By "creases" I meant wrinkles. I have this weird quirk where I don't like reusing a word too many times in a paragraph, so I'll try to find a synonym.

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Since when does Rick Rolling have a symbol?

We don't own anything made out of linen, lol

Regardless, delicates get air dried. I live in a "right to dry" state (i.e. it's illegal to ban clotheslines here), but even if I didn't, you can always hang them over the shower rod.

Thanks for the tip. I've only ever worked for one extreme or the other.

I just figured it was cause he's an egotistical asshole.

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Don't use Many of its tracks are YouTube rips.

Use one of these websites instead. Every single tune is available in 320Kbps MP3 and FLAC. No rips nor re-encoding:

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Man, 33 really hit a lot harder back then. Dude looks closer to 53.

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How fucking massive is your shower that you can't simply reach into it and grab the handle?

Cause they're always on their phones so they literally never have to BRB. The few of them who still use computers will just open Discord on their phones and continue the conversation if they have to step away from the keyboard for any reason.

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I once saw a video of a farmer killing two cows. The second one saw what happened to the first, looked directly at the farmer, closed its eyes, and just accepted its fate. Didn't freak out nor try to flee.

It knew. It fucking knew. Fucked me up so badly.

(And no I don't have a link cause this was about 5-10 years ago. Not that I'd want to share it anyway cause I'm not trying to inflict the same trauma I went through on someone else.)

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That's it? Wow, a lot fewer people were upset about the loss of 3rd party apps than I thought. We need to add at least 3 more zeroes to that number if this place stands a chance at taking down reddit.

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I hate them because I work 12 hour shifts and so I have very little time to myself at the end of the day. But what I hate even more is smelling like shit. So I figured out that if I buy a water resistant Bluetooth speaker and listen to podcasts in the shower, suddenly I don't feel like I'm cutting into my limited freetime as much anymore.

That said, if some technology came out that automatically bathes you while you sleep, I'd be an early adopter.

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Aren't there already a bunch of forks of Firefox already? How will one more help anything?

The "border crisis" is made up. If we opened our borders, suddenly there wouldn't be a "crisis" anymore and the vast majority of Americans would see no change in their day-to-day lives.

America needs to stop worrying about non existent issues and focus more on taking care of their citizens.

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My rule is if the device doesn't move much (or at all), it should have a wired connection.

Basically my phone and my watch are the only devices in the house on WiFi.

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When it comes to multiplayer games.

Please actually read the article next time.

*sigh* 2024 will be the year of Linux on the desktop...

I don't get it.

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If we had open borders, I bet 99% of Americans wouldn't even notice a change in their day-to-day life. Old peoples' obsession with the border is tiring as fuck. I just don't understand any they care so much about something that doesn't affect them, other than to simply be racist.

On the contrary, I find it more ridiculous when news media pretends like nothing is wrong over at Twitter HQ. I wish more journalists would call Musk out like this every time they're forced to mention Twitter.

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I've been avoiding eSIMs like a Boomer avoids anything tech because I don't understand them, and now I'm glad I did.

SIM cards work fine; other than waste reduction, what's the point of eSIM?

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The Old Reddit Redirect addon for Firefox still works.

The day that breaks, is the day when I finally come to the realization that I will have to find someplace else for niche content that isn't available here. I'm not so sure that such a website exists. Reddit killed off all the competition.

Firefox is less sketchy, and is one of the last browsers left that isn't based on Chromium. Just saying.

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Nobody wants Biden, but would you rather have Project 2025 become a reality?

Please, for the sake of the country, vote blue no matter who.

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So you mean to tell me that you're weren't raised by hardcore Christians who drilled this "fact" down your throat well into adulthood? And that it's our fault for being sinners so we can't live 969 years anymore?

You're lucky son of a bitch, you know that, right?