3 Post – 498 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

If there is only one predetermined person running does it still count as “winning”?

How is it different with two predetermined people?

the us will be a true shithole in about a decade.

are you surprised when they tell you to pay at a check out?

Things aren’t free.

Ah yes. Demos is greek for the democratic party.

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the only one who decides if he continues is Biden … vote for to keep our democracy.

I … I don’t think that’s a democracy.

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I wouldn’t be surprised

You know what? If that happens to be me just do it.

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You’re supposed to remove windows


Shareholders first

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Just one more bro, i promise that’s all that you need

Polska przejmuje ten wątek

The father spends 10 hours a day on twitter and facebook looking at memes about liberals and millennials.

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firefox has a lot of bugs with our store

Well, I think you got that backwards.

Grown motherfuckers believe this bullshit.

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Later after you turn down this very generous offer.

„How can you bring such shame to me, ive already told him you’ll do it”

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Oh, another system wide crapware that nobody is going to use.

The asshole is out of the meme. I’ll allow it.

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The future of information ladies and gentlemen

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The biggest media corporations are allowed to advertise literal crime. Meanwhile saying the word cigarette on tv will get you jail time.

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What a pile of bullshit. It is widely known that drunkenness is a natural phenomenon and people were drunk long before the invention of modern beer. Those NWO assholes will come up with anything to stop our drinking.

He is facing his second Christmas without his mother

He’s fucking 70 or something.

People spend real money on reddit. What a bunch of loosers.

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So we’ll get a couple of big players who managed to gobble and hoard everything before any regulation was in place and nobody else. Oh the sweet smell of monopoly

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I do partially agree but making the language less and less expressive because some individuals can’t or won’t learn simple rules is harming for everybody else.

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No, it’s gonna be a stupid decade or even longer. And it’s already been going on for a while. Thats what you get when for years you ignore a dysfunctional education system and promote idiotism. It doesn’t vanish over night and finds its way into public discord. Then it’s years of not strong enough responses to totalitarian practices and you get another fascist italy or nazi germany.

Trump tried to overthrow the government and he is still allowed to run for president. Im just hoping the title of a history book chapter describing this will not be “causes for 3rd world war”, but I’m not optimistic.

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They are actually banning books in the US. Guys. I think you have a problem

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I hate this format of content so much. An automatically reloading, never ending stream of snippets that are hardly informative even if they try. Fucking looks like they are trying to hypnotize us.

Oh wait, they absolutely are. Stop thinking about not being able to afford a living even though you bust your ass of everyday. Stop worrying about the climate. Get a new iphone and obediently watch citizen.

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These adhd memes are made like horoscopes. They fit everybody.

This is just what living in late stage capitalism looks like.

Have you seen the real fucking world?

It’s gonna make the rich richer and the poor poorer. At least until the gilded age passes.

This thread is full of wonderful workarounds. It reads just like windows forums.

Just stop using canonicals crap.

They say they advocate communism but in fact they’re a bunch of edgy Stalinism fanboys

I swear you fucks photoshop it a bit more each time to gaslight me.


I think it’s because my rent is a third of my income and im not allowed to function without not only feeding the parasites but making them morbidly obese.

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So the government will fund it with tax money, and pharma companies will sell it back to the government for “undisclosed” amount. Did i get it right? Oh what capitalism will do for our collective good.

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Inb4 microsoft is forced to bring back support for windows 10. Seems nobody believes in innovation anymore since all it means now is AI „helping” you with tasks you could do yourself or ads everywhere you look.

Same shit going on everywhere. I recently fixed my iphone 12 pro because upgrading by three generations literally would get me a usb-c port and an additional fucking button.

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This post will surely result in civilized discussion.

Why the fuck would people even have a problem with that? The lead poisoned generation which believes in jesus the crucified zombie telling everyone that THEY have a mental illness. I just wish conservatives would disappear.

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Next email from duo: give me your credit card details

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