
6 Post – 74 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

Main Account, x4740N@lemmy.world is going to become my alt account as I'm switching to this as main

Moved to lemmy with same username from reddit

If you're peeing blood you should probably go and see a doctor because that's not normal

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Screenshots for those who don't want to open xitter

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Local media said the 25-year-old man had been accused of assault, adding that he knew the girl was under 16, the age of consent in Japan.

A litany of base-related woes has long grieved Okinawans, from pollution and noise to helicopter crashes and COVID-19 outbreaks, leading to complaints that they bear the brunt of hosting troops.

The 1995 gang rape of a 12-year-old girl by three U.S. soldiers in Okinawa prompted widespread calls for a rethink of a 1960 pact that outlined the legal status of Japan-based U.S. military personnel.

What the fuck america

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I'm happy that there's no trolls on here spreading misinformation about Japan

Also here's some repellant because I am aware some of those trolls are likely 50 cent army:

50 Cent Army Repellant:


1989 Tiananmen Square Massacre

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It came out that shit like that happened before more than once and the army protected the perpetrators.

Why am I not surprised

At first i read this as Reese being am actual girl and the cups being hers

Even worse is that she looks like a terribly done knock off wax statue

Probably is part wax with the amount of caked on makeup they're using

Even the eyes look like those fake plastic ones

I'm going to need sources on that copyright law especially because of the amount of misinformation that is spread online about Japan deliberately by trolls and misinformed users

It was more prevalent on reddit but when posts about Japan hit the front page on reddit it always got barraged with negative comments with the same accusations



The second link may take awhile to start working because Internet archive is being slow woth updating that particular one for some reason


You'll find mention of it in the archived reddit discussions

50 Cent Army Repellant:


1989 Tiananmen Square Massacre

UwU sounds cute but OwO sounds deep to me for some reason

I can do even better gibberish than LLM's with autocorrect on your side politically and I hope its not just me and allow yourself a little water to be stronger than regular people under the sea.

There used to be a parents and disabled persons unisex toilet in my local shopping center and I used to use it because it was clean and comfortable to use without having to be near random people but they removed it for some reason now I have to use the regular bathrooms that always have a wet floor for some reason

Whoever put that reference piano together knew what it was from.

reference piano

It's a cult

What does this mean, I don't get it

I'm guessing this is from america

What the fuck is that title, nothing alleged about it if it was caught on security cameras

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Are you american

Where is the option for that on steam because I haven't seen it the last time I looked through my steam settings

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Just give them some bullshit email like banana@dole.com

Yeah I feel for them as well, because the kid was essentially forced into a one way trip they will never come back from because of their father emotionally guilt tripping them into it

If I where to play a hentai game I'd probably find a free one on itch.io but the quality there varies or I would pirate it

What anime is the elf girl from ?

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Pretty hostile and toxic thing to lump those that don't subscribe to veganism in with transphobes especially when I've seen vegans online be transphobic when it comes to hormone replacement therapy for transgender people saying they shouldn't have it because it's derived from animal products as vegans claim

Hormone replacement therapy is life saving for many transgender people and can save them from depression or worse

And to attack people by calling them "meat shills" just because they don't want to choose veganism is very "us vs them" attitude

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For me it was the inconsistency with sounds in the English language

Said trump troll replies to comment warning people to be on the lookout for trump trolls

It's laughable and you remind me of the other types of trolls that name starts with v

This is either something totally innocent or their is a necrophiliac and / or cannibalist out on the loose

Only certain people will get this reference

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I'm assuming boner here means mistake but actual boners can be mistakes sometimes and lead to unintended consequences

I saw a women holding up a massive pair of tits

With gender dysmorphia wouldn't it be better just to morph your whole body to align with your gender identity instead of just the hormonesp p

Didn't read the text, thought it was a man boning a chicken

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I agree

Id personally choose power mimicry (the version where you just have to see a person using a power once and can just mimic it at any time) then I'd just build my set of powers

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I hate that, please stop