What's something you want to tell us lemmy users ?

x4740N@lemm.ee to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 64 points –

Considering a lot of us are here from the Rexodus and have cake days coming up (or recently passed): Happy cake day.

What should we call cake day on lemmy?, should we leave it alone or change it to be something more reflective of lemmy

I'm content leaving it be. It rolls off the tongue and has the right meaning. I'm also not feeling creative enough at the moment to propose an alternative lol

the main lemmy developers are evil people, and they also admin the lemmy.ml instance. Stay away. other lemmy instances are admired well enough, but look for a mbin instance just to give the lemmy devs less power.

That’s the great part about the fediverse. We’re not bound to a specific app. I like Mbin myself.

What makes them "evil"?

I see that there is a lot of posts removed due to breaking Rule 1, but I can't see what community you posted to to check what rule they claimed you violated.

Please tell me what community you posted in so I can look at the rules and form an unbiased oppinion.

I did find other posts about how lemmy.world admins are terrible, but so far I have only seen anecdotes either way, and untill there are proven trends that tells me otherwise, I will refrain from bashing either side.

Supposedly the modlog is being altered to remove the rejection reasons so that the posts are removed, but via database alterations rather than the traditional process, so a very serious accusation of deceptive admin practices. Someone would need to be running their own instance to see this, and get to the modlog quickly enough, and take screenshots both before and after the event - which reportedly has happened, as described in the comments section of that post.

Separately, regardless of whether the modlog itself is being abused, those admins are reportedly also banning people from communities that they have never commented in, for comments made in other communities. That is a lot easier to see happening, bc the record is retained in that case. And tbh that might even be understandable for reasons of spam or promoting violence or some such, but for merely disagreeing with the statement it is a rather extreme response that represents an abuse of admin power.

Those admins write the Lemmy code - they are worthy of respect for that no matter what. However, they are losing trust in their ability to administer an instance in anything close to a fair manner (vaguely similar to Ernst and Kbin).

I realize that it's a lot of comments, and it is now spreading to be discussed in multiple posts - e.g. our comments here as well as the linked one - but the screenshots are available if you want to view them. Or indeed, look at the raw modlogs themselves, for the second but not the first issue. You don't need the community name btw, just OP's name and the instance (Lemmy.ml) should be sufficient, here this will get you started: https://lemmy.ml/modlog?page=1&actionType=All&userId=2502607.

Check the mod log yourself. I don't know how to link it, but it doesn't take long to find an on topic comment with a 'right wing' slant removed in my experience. If right wing comments break rule 1 then I don't want to be a part of anyplace with rule 1.

Currently, lemmyverse.net doesn't appear to be indexing mbin servers, which is a drawback for finding communities on them. It isn't indexing all kbin servers, either, and the kbin results are only available via the hamburger menu, not mixed in with the lemmy results.

Mbin is not lemmy. It interoperates with lemmy but is otherwise different. Thus they strictly should not. Though you can make an arguement they should, it is the decision of the site owners and so while I think they should index mbin I won't fault them for not.

Mbin is not lemmy.

No, but how many users out specifically want results from one instance type? I can imagine that someone might, but I'm pretty sure that virtually everyone is agnostic.

I don't think that the lemmyverse.net guys are opposed to it. They did put in kbin support (though it seems to be partly broken ATM). I just think that it hasn't been updated. And that makes it hard for mbin communities to get visibility.

Has anyone forked lemmy yet and if so have instances switched over ?

8 more...

Gutenberg was a grifter. He stole money from people, sometime his own family, and ran up debts that he couldn't pay.

The only reason that he started printing bibles and became religious was because he was going to be thrown in prison for swindling people out of money, and it's a bad look to throw someone in prison who prints the word of God. In fact, most of what we know about Gutenberg comes from his court documents.

Also movable type and the printing press were already known in Europe and had already been invented in East Asia several hundred years earlier than Gutenberg. (the first printed texts date back to 700 CE and movable type prints around 1000 CE, both in modern China). It was nothing new.

I really like you guys ❤️

I'm learning rust and going to contribute one day.

The weather outside is nice, go enjoy it

The weather is not nice today, but I wish it was. Had to run through 98f yesterday with my baby to pick up some lunch and did not enjoy it

Two things:

  1. I have taken over !eldenring@lemmy.world from the squatter who had created it because I anticipate some action once the DLC comes out and the only other ER community is on .ML.

  2. When I made and deleted a post after just a few seconds to add my primary account as a moderator (since you can only do that with users who have posted in the community) it got down voted twice in less than a minute, which makes it feel like someone is following me just to downvote me. Just wanted to say hi to my stalker.

You're fairly visible with the way your username is (I see you in lots of different communities myself, this may not even be the first time I've spoken to you lol) and while it doesn't matter to me or probably ≥99% of posters/commenters here it also appears you're a furry judging from instance

It's unfortunate, but that's all it takes to get a few losers with too much time to creep and downvote

Also: I look forward to the ER content friendo, I'll be subscribing momentarily

Never take laxatives and sleeping pills at the same time.

Similar vein, don't wash down your sleeping pills with like 4-5 glasses of water

I know the world is rough but they to have a good day.

You shouldn't rob a bank without a plan. You shouldn't use your tongue to stop a fan.

Hope your having a good day or night wherever you are.

If tripping has turned ugly for you, but you love the potential of psychedelics, then you should seriously consider doing some kind of shamanic ceremony, instead of your next random death-metal-concert-on-shrooms-in-a-strange-city or whatever your usual pattern is.

Set and setting really matter a lot, and ceremony has culturally evolved as a very healthy and productive setting.

Erh... yes... ehm... fine weather today, right?

I awkardly gaze to the ground while I wait for the elevator to arrive at the right floor.

That link led me to a thread on /generaldiscussion where a user posted about how they want their teacher to dominate them sexually.

We really need to figure out a canonical way of linking to content in the fediverse.

I think that was the intent. OP is also the OP of that thread lmao. Maybe he also just wants us to know?

Oh shit. I assumed it wasn't working properly since I've seen too many examples of linking not working

I've never seen a problem with links not going to the right post.

But there is a problem that you can create a link to a community that will be visible via a user's home instance. Here's an example:


Any user, no matter where, will get hyperlinked to a "local" view of that community via their own instance.

But there's no analogous syntax to create compatible links for posts. If you just slap an URL in, it links directly to the view of the post on the instance that was linked to.

I know that it's possible to do this mechanically, because the Firefox "Instance Assistant for Lemmy & Kbin" addon adds a button in the sidebar of posts on remote instances to "view this post on your home instance", and it works. But there's no native syntax in lemmy or kbin to generate a link for someone else's client to do that.

But there's no analogous syntax to create compatible links for posts. If you just slap an URL in, it links directly to the view of the post on the instance that was linked to.

Yeah that's my problem. Compounded with the fact that the instance will try to load its own version of the link which may end up somewhere completely different. There's a decent chance it's an issue with Jerboa as well on my end. I think the only reason it actually worked here was because the weirdo I was responding to is on the same instance as me.

Compounded with the fact that the instance will try to load its own version of the link which may end up somewhere completely different.

...I don't see how.

If someone links to a post on a remote instance, your home instance won't rewrite the URL to point at a local view of the post. It'll just have a link to that remote instance.

Like, the problem that should come up isn't that you see something random, but rather that you're not on your home instance, which is obnoxious.

If you're manually copying post IDs and changing the instance name, yeah, that won't work.

There’s a decent chance it’s an issue with Jerboa as well on my end.

I mean, maybe Jerboa tries rewriting URLs itself and there's some kind of bug, I guess. I could be wrong, but the last time I was using Jerboa, which was some time back, I think that it might have opened them in my web browser instead of the client.

checks to see what Eternity does

It looks like Eternity goes to the remote instance, but does so in Eternity.

The Firefox addon does it flawlessly, in my experience, so I can't imagine that there's any kind of great complexity in the mapping.

I don't know if there's a way to link, in a universal way, to your home instance's view of a comment, though. Just a post. The Firefox addon can't do that.

You guys and gals a pretty cool! Ok, a lot react way too hard at stuff (I've done it a bit too, check my comment history). But overall, a reasonable online space.


Remember that veganism is an ethical way of living affordable and available to everyone*. Eating and using animal products is a choice, therefore killing and abusing animals is a choice. Stop abusing immigrants to butcher animals for your taste buds, thanks. Stop falling for obvious propaganda and cheap lies by the agricultural industrial complex, thanks. This is still a message of love despite the fact that this makes you feel dissonance in yourself, you're human, we get it. Do your best, actually try, the world needs us to be kind to animals and nature.

*as far as is possible and practicable.