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The lighting doesn’t feel very natural. It’s inconsistent.

Her hair and face suggest a direct sunlight from the left, but the environment suggests indirect sunlight. The background trees should have more direct sunlight to the left.

The tentfire should also spill out some light to the environment.

The tent also suggests the sunlight comes from the right.

Consistent lighting is something AI is currently struggling with. It gives off a Photoshop edit vibe.

I would think it was a weird photoshop job.

There’s still something uncanny about it.

Still incredibly impressive. I wouldn’t believe this was prompt generated just a few years ago.

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Sega’s only console success was Mega Drive/Genesis. Probably because “Sega does what Nintendon’t”. Sega managed to sell themselves as the alternative for the kids who were too cool for the SNES.

They couldn’t compete with Sony on that front. Sony was the new cool guy. Dreamcast failed because everybody was waiting for PS2.

So I’d say failed marketing killed Dreamcast.

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Is anyone using Eclipse anymore? I’ve barely heard anything about it the past 10 years.

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The numbers I can find of Master System is that it sold between 10 to 13 million units worldwide, so not that much better compared to the short lifespan of Dreamcast.

Mega Drive’s sales numbers isn’t too far off from SNES.

That’s good to hear. I haven’t touched Eclipse in maybe 15 years and back then it fueled me a burning hatred for IDEs. It felt like a huge confusing mess. But maybe it has become more streamlined lately.

Now I have grown out of my hatred and can’t imagine a day without (non Eclipse) IDEs.

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I’m bad at being a good person, so that would make me a bad person?

It’s not that funny.

Docker is like a virtual machine, but you only run one specific program in it. About exactly what the meme describes.

I think this is a bit disingenuous. There’s no customer interaction in these panels.

So waterfall would be:

Customer says they want to go to Mars.

You spend years building a rocket capable of going to Mars, draining all the company budget in the process.

Customer then clarifies they actually meant they wanted to go to Mars, Pennsylvania, USA - not the planet!

The author is also hyping up waterfall too much. Agile was created because waterfall has its shortcomings (e.g. the team realizes too late that what they’re building isn’t what the customer wants).

But I also think it also represents how poorly implemented these ideas are. People say they do agile/kanban/scrum, but in reality they do some freak version of these.

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NASA also successfully flew a helicopter on Mars first try.

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That’s fair enough. The common misconception is that waterfall is great for space missions, when in reality NASA is doing agile.

I agree that not everybody is NASA, so what works for them doesn’t necessarily work for everyone.

It’s barely waterfall planning either. Often there’s no planning, at least no coordinated one.

Currently at my current workplace we lack coordinated planning between teams. It seems like everybody is working in their own directions and it can take months until we get feedback from other teams. Mostly a product management problem.

One grain of rice in A1

A new hope started with blood line. It was established out of the gate that Luke’s father was a Jedi knight and a good friend of Obi Wan.

Force Awakens and Last Jedi seemed to go in the direction that Rey and Snoke are unrelated to previous blood lines, but nope, it’s all Palpatine.

You have two lists of size n. You want to find the permutations of these two lists that minimizes a certain distance function between them.

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When someone writes API docs, should they assume the reader knows nothing or can they assume the is already experienced?

It takes a lot of effort to write documentation towards newbies, at the cost of making it more difficult for already experienced to find the answer they need.

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Recommendation is part of the service. If they know I like something, then it’s reasonable they recommend me something that’s similar. It’s like going to a restaurant and asking for recommendations.

Advertising is when things are promoted outside the service. It’s like going to a restaurant and they tell me about Raid Shadow Legends. I don’t want that.

I think recommendation should be linked to usage data like watch history on that particular service. Location and other external information shouldn’t be used. I don’t want my recommendations depend on which friends I have or recent activity on a different service.

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Which doubles the maintenance work to keep docs in sync

Freedom is obviously when I can be an asshole without repercussion.

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Had a coworker who was a bit like this. They were tasked to do one simple thing. Required a few lines of code change at most.

They end up refactoring the entire damn thing and introduced new bugs in the process.

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That XKCD is almost 18 years old and is still as relevant.

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Being a bit nostalgic, but Gmail was such a leap forward when it was released. In a world where everybody took the shittiness of hotmail for granted, using Gmail was like peeking into the future. In many ways it was.

Now Gmail is that shitty hotmail we took for granted.

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Blockchain is only potentially useful if there’s no single entity that can be trusted. If banks can’t even trust themselves to manage their own internal ledgers, they have much bigger problems to deal with.

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That wasn’t real communism. Everybody’s equal under real communism.

Hetero people would get executed too!

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That’s right, it goes into the square hole

1 dead whistleblower is a tragedy. 10 dead whistleblowers are a statistic.

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Just accept it, all languages suck

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Yeah, it has always been the “don’t log my porn activity” mode. I don’t understand how so many people misinterpret it as some kind of privacy protection mode.

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And search engines are unable to index the questions and answers, so good luck finding the already answered question.

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Bit shift magic.

My guess is that all the individual characters of Hello World are found inside the 0xC894 number. Every 4 bits of x shows where in this number we can find the characters for Hello World.

You can read x right to left. (Skip the rightmost 0 as it’s immediately bit shifted away in first iteration)

3 becomes H 2 becomes e 1 becomes l 5 becomes o


I guess when we’ve exhausted all bits of x only 0 will be remaining for one final iteration, which translates to !

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Let’s test in prod

A more proper title would be “study finds 268% higher failure rates for poorly planned software projects”.

“Agile” as a word is mostly an excuse of poor planners for their poor planning skills.

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I wonder how many kids watching Skibidi know what Half Life 2 is. They must be shocked if they ever boot up HL2 for some reason. “OMG! They made a game with the guy from Skibidi!”

Why should I do that?

Especially considering most fun innovations get scrapped either way.

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At least US families can expect all their children not to die by tuberculosis or malaria or something.

And fuck Australian magpies.

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This is a non-US perspective, but my take is this:

Alcohol production has a long and rich history. Many cultures, in particular western, have their own relationships to alcohol. The development of different alcohol production processes tells a lot about the history of a culture.

Belgian monks with their beer brewing styles. Scotch whiskey. French wine yards. Even Japanese with their sake.

Remove wine from France, and we will have another French Revolution with guillotines again. It’s difficult to remove something that’s so heavily ingrained in the culture without public outrage. Alcohol is part of the identity.

Few cultures have marijuana as part of their identity, hence it’s easier to ban.

X11 was originally built when computer monitors were commonly monochrome. It’s quite amazing it has lasted this long.