Open Source 'Eclipse Theia IDE' Exits Beta to Challenge Visual Studio Code -- Visual Studio Magazine to – 188 points –
Open Source 'Eclipse Theia IDE' Exits Beta to Challenge Visual Studio Code -- Visual Studio Magazine

The project home page.

The Github

Looks just like VS Code and I think it's still built on electron so take that as you will.


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That’s good to hear. I haven’t touched Eclipse in maybe 15 years and back then it fueled me a burning hatred for IDEs. It felt like a huge confusing mess. But maybe it has become more streamlined lately.

Now I have grown out of my hatred and can’t imagine a day without (non Eclipse) IDEs.

I have used it about 3 years ago and it was still a confusing mess. I recommend sticking with IntelliJ for JVM development for now.

It's still a hot mess. Helped my wife set it up for developing a Java webapp with Tomcat and it's such a mess to set up, compared to IntelliJ that I could just set up a Springboot easily.