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Joined 12 months ago

Banks and hospitals sell your information, too.

When my wife gave birth to our son at the hospital, I have to put down my phone number as part of the check in form. Immediately the next day I got call for "Home care services for new mom and baby".

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The advantage of iMessage is SMS fallback when you don't have internet access.

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I don't think they really care if it's not actually illegal.

Or they could sell the data in bulk. And the day I put in my number just happens to be the day they sell their database.

How is it Thatcher's fault? I'm genuinely curious.

I learned that Hong Kong is under British control because it's a leasing contract that last 99 years (from 1898 to 1997). So when the time comes it's nobody's fault that Hong Kong went back to China. Because China at the time would never extent the contract or even except negotiations.

Old Logitech are great. New Logitech are cheap craps.

Let me introduce you "The Bug Spray Can". 🤯

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Can someone explain why a job application called "resume", like in Play/Pause/Resume?

How is it relevant?

(I'm learning English as second language).

Edit: So we're speaking French now? What? Why? You guys butchered so many words already, can you just made up one more?

Ps: Is that also the case with the word "fiancé"? I've been wondering where the hell did that "é" came from.

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While we're at the matter, could you recommend a small woofer that's not break the bank but good enough for music (no genre in particular, I listen to all kind of stuff).

They could just raise the prize to $198 and slap another 4GB of RAM on it.

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There's a cheap machine that dip the can in ice cold water and spin it really fast. It cool the can down to <5°C in less than 3 minutes. I think it'll work even better with your salt method.

Edit: changed the time and temp because it works even better than my memory.

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EV are much heavier than petrol cars, maybe the offset weight will help regain some grip? Normal tires wear out so fast on EVs.

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In my entire life I've spent less than $50 in micro-transactions.

Does it mean "that's scary"?

"we're still learning What's best for PC players"

Translation: We're trying multiple predatory methods to see how far we can push PC players and figure out what we can get away with, compared to all the shit shows we successfully pulled off on our own platform.

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The old chef forged documents to take over the restaurant for himself, stealing from the protagonist, took advantage of the name Gustav to sell cheap food for profit.

Have you even watched the movie?

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So they pulled a "reddit"?

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If Joe Biden hasn't done anything, then why does Trump have so many things to revoke and reverse?

Feel like almost every day there's a headline about something new that Trump promised to reverse (for the worse).

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Don't even need Steam deck. The Steam store has put an end to my pirate life over a decade ago.

On multiple occasions, I have found myself rather wait for sale and bought a game on Steam, than receive it for free on Epic store.

I put every single games that I have ever pirated in Steam's wishlist (if it's available). Then slowly buying them one by one when they goes on sale. I'm not rich by any means and it's the least I can do.

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Out of all the method and things on Earth to fight with, man choose to pick a LEGAL fight with Disney.

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Apple in 2027: This is not a battery, it's a.....umm ....... Ultra High Density Low Current Super Capacitor.

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We need to support and embrace this kind of games and studios more. They put so much love and effort into the game. But in the end, this game will probably profit as much as what Fortnite make in a couple months.

It's always sadden me to know that even something as successful as Elden Ring, which sold 20 millions copies and made 1.2 Billion dollars, is nothing compared to what microtransactions make in games like CoD (2 Billion dollars per year) or Fortnite (over 5 Billion dollars per year).

And people complain why they "don't make good games anymore".

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One thing I took from the article is they're trying to sale the idea of having MORE space in a car due to smaller transmission system. In 1 presentation, they show the idea of putting a FUCKING DOUBLE BED IN THE CAR!

I DON'T want MORE space in the SAME sized cars.

I want the SAME space but in SMALLER sized cars.

The space we have now is FINE, and the car sizes are TOO BIG.


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Sure it is, grandpa. Now let's take your pills and go to bed.

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Am I crazy or does he looks like Trump and Elon Musk fused together?

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Hollywood lied to me. Growing up, if I see a gray-haired black judge, I would assume he/she is the most trustworthy person who's wholeheartedly devoted to justice.

Imagine the shock when I heard about Clarence Thomas.

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What even the point of making laws and regulations if corporate can just force you to waive all your rights?

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Idk if it's possible, but if someone with the resources to make a bot that slowly clone reddit posts to Lemmy, so instead of searching for "something + Reddit" we could search for "something + Lemmy", that would be the end of Reddit, at least for me.

I'm 100% on lemmy now, but occasionally when i need to troubleshoot my PC I still have to search on Google for Reddit posts and I hate myself for giving reddit traffic.

I miss the 2 dozens Cat Subs that flooded my feed with Cat memes and funny cat pics everyday. If anyone knows about any cat subs on Lemmy please reply here.

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Human centipede.

You just said "vibes", not "good vibes".

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Today I caught myself unconsciously went to Duckduckgo to make a search (even tho the browser start page is already google).

Thinking back, I've been using duckduckgo more than google, and often because I can't find what I'm looking for on Google but ads and autogenerated fake webpages.

History will prove it once again, there's no such thing as "too big to fail".

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To think that Trump is still a running president candidate and endorsing by republican is crazy.

Or am I too sensitive? Maybe I'm just an outsider (not American) and doesn't know what I'm talking about.

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Adblocker will die when there's no more ads to see.

OP: EARTH get an update.

Also OP: let me rewrite the laws of physics that apply to the entire universe.

And the fact is they still make a mountain of cash every quarter, just by focusing on their customers.

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Fucking Tencent?


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I'm not American, but your Republicans need to chill the fuck out.

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Never knew she quitted LTT. Back then I was so happy for her for getting her "dream job", she seem so happy.

She is charming and I love every second of her on screen. She was having a huge approval from fans for every videos she was on, even though there's not much of them, only a handful afaik.

I was wondering why she wasn't appear in more videos but then I just thought since her main role was social media, she needs to focus on that.

Now I feel really bad for her after reading the whole thing.

For now, I'll give LTT the benefit of the doubt and waiting for their response.

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That's the difference between the East and the West "idol" culture.

Tay Swift would just tell those guys to go suck a big one.

The Korea's idol industry treat their stars like livestock. Milking them for every penny they can. No doubt she was forced to apologize by her management company.

But now they got a plan to kill you which they has planned on for 1000 years.

Oh it's definitely worse. If it was Trump, Ukraine would be lost by now, and the Gaza war would be over (because there would be no survival left, population: 0).

I don't understand why corporates are so against the idea of savings millions of dollar in office spaces. More people working remotely mean smaller office required, cut on office supplies and utilities bills. Higher employees moral, motivation, and productivity.

What are so bad about all that? Just because the boss can't spy on their employees and assert their authority ?

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