
27 Post – 299 Comments
Joined 1 years ago


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Should not it be "I would not have posted it?"

I am confused because my english isn't good

Not OP but I personally don't have enough patience to read entire book. I just can't. I don't know how other people read whole book in few days.

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I don't think it's related to poor quality of video


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Sounds like something that could be implemented client side.

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Took me a while to get the joke since I didn't read the username.

It's "roku" Right?

Mathematicians of Lemmy it's your chance to shine⭐✨

Mom me too!!

I got my question's answer in a different post LOL

what kind of data does it export? post, comments, upvotes, downvotes, subscribed communities?

I used to enjoy average Bollywood movies but now I have realized it was full of stupidity, cringe, fascist propaganda.

You are.... Old?

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no they have firewall enabled on their side so even if I use my own router it won't do much.

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It's definitely not CGNAT. I have tested it using traceroute.

Huh I thought it's a country name.

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Mine is green🟢

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Yes I know what's preventing me from opening ports. I also called my ISP they said we can't open the firewall so the incoming connections will be blocked.

If you throw some money at me I would

No, I travel 1 hour on my bike in afternoon under full sun. It has only made my skin color changed from white to dark but only the part that was exposed to sun.


Could it be that the person saying it because he thinks those person could be talking about them and it makes them uncomfortable.

There is also hindi quote "peeth piche burai karna"

Ublock origin ofc

Jellyfin ftw

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I was beaten for standing against authoritarian government. The situation is so bad in India that I am afraid to reveal my religion in university. Lot of people in University tries to oppress me and I can't even complaint because everyone is ok with this and they enjoy oppressing us minorities.

I honesly feel like a jew living under nazi germany. 😞

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Youtube premium

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let's look at this in a positive way: "half of them are not!"

I don't understand why people are downvoting the post. I know it's because of Meta but still it's just a news guys

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People don't even know about manifest v3 let alone switching to Firefox. They will just use whatever google throws at them.

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I would love it if you could have helped me.

Did I get it right? :D

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Done! I have changed the text color. this website is great to get color contrast. https://coolors.co/contrast-checker/d2e2f4-083445

It's the developer's responsibility to moderate the discord server properly.

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for me personally I like to be able to install software temporarily using nix-shell command it's awesome. the installed program will be gone once you leave the nix-shell. It's just awesome for me.

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what if YouTube crosses the line. which corporation is interested and have enough computing power to make a YouTube alternative?

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I really don't think requiring login will kill YouTube. only the privacy conscious people will leave but majority of people won't even notice.

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Why not IRC!!!!!

People keep forgetting about this awesome protocol which has existed for years.

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Concerning level of fascism and violence against minorities are norm in India.

Should be first

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