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formally of

I'm strictly reporting facts. How you feel about them is your decision. Though I suspect you didn't read everything I wrote if you come to that conlusion.

Sure, but they won't spread to the majority of the population in 100 years.

The danger is the crankshaft will hit the oil and foam up. Start the engine run at some rpm for a minute then check for foam at the dipstick if okay do a test drive with sharp corners and check again - if no foam you are okay. If ther is foam drain some out and then let the engine / foam settle overnight before driving.

That was last quarter. You don't have to be very good at economics to look at world crop supplies, the age of the current farming equipment fleet, and other such data and conclude this next year will be tough for ag companies like Deere.

Of course the above is nothing new - ag is a cyclical business, you see the above ever 5-10 years. Previous to the current CEO the last layoffs of this type of position was the mid 1980s - several other CEOs saw the same signs the current one does and were able to manage it without layoffs.

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Diesel is clearly better if you are driving 20,000+miles per year. However you are not doing near that, so it won't be worth the extra cost. Today diesel is so much more expensive than gas that the real advantage is only that diesel engines last longer, and in your case the body will fail first.

How much of your driving is towing vs unloaded? If you are only towing then a large engine is better - displacement = torque = more fuel efficient. However if you are mostly unloaded something like the Ford Ecoboost engine is much more fuel efficient unloaded and when towing you lean on the turbo to use more fuel (as much as the large displacement engine!) and so still have the power - but the engine won't last as long overall and will break more often - thus not a good choice if you mostly tow.

I would lean to the 3/4 ton trucks. While a 1/2 ton truck has the specs to do the job, all of them are aimed at the luxury car market these days, and so they will make compromises that make them not as good for real work. 3/4 ton still is targeted at people doing real work and so they will have better compromises. (if you were asking 30 years ago a 1/2 ton would be fine)

Do you need something now? Electric trucks are just coming out and should start hitting the used market soon. They only do about 100 miles when towing, but are much more environmentally friendly if you can live with that limitation. I wouldn't think about sticking with the truck you have now for 3 more years to see what happens here (and also 3 more years to get real world experience with how electric trucks really work for people in your application)

Only if rail has to compete with 'free' public roads. Private rail had a long history before cars. They were not always loved, but they worked.

That is the meme, but when I talk to military people they point out Russian incompetence. They do not believe NATO ships are that vulnerable. Ukraine is using a lot of tanks, but because they are using them according to good military doctrine they are not taking nearly as many losses. Note that Ukraine and Russia both got their tank instructions from the old Soviet playbook not a NATO book (though Ukraine as had NATO training as well), there is nothing about using a tank well Russia shouldn't know, but they are failing to follow their own book on how to use tanks.

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The bed is starting to rot off my 1999 truck, I'm not sure how or if I should repair it

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Finding the replacement is what worries me.

Well that and if the bed is going how is the frame

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They were never about hobbies. We were a niche that they were happy to have, but they never cared. Origionally it was about education (which has a large overlap with hobbies so they served well).

Possible, but it may come with downsides you don't like.

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Magnuson-Moss comes to mind. non oem parts cannot be used to deny warranty coveragi

There are evisting federal laws, right to repair laws, and plenty of attorny generals who will get involved.

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the main lemmy developers are evil people, and they also admin the instance. Stay away. other lemmy instances are admired well enough, but look for a mbin instance just to give the lemmy devs less power.

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Where I live they got it. While it isn't law, the local fast food is all starting at $16/hour or more.

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Because it is expensive and when your grandparents don't remember a time when food was scarce, but a lot of people can remember a time when money was tight it seems to make sense to not spend all that money on storage. (Until you reach the rich level any additional money goes to things like larger houses or nicer houses which means you live paycheck to paycheck and have about the same amount of money to spend every day - after all the deductions to pay for the above - as someone who is poor)

This is the same reason infrastructure in all areas is often left to rot - maintenance costs money and if the effects of not doing it are not immediately visible it is easy to stop doing it even if overall it makes your life worse in the long run.

Of course the above is easy to say. It is also easy to talk about places where you are an exception. However it is very hard to see the places where you are doing the same as everyone else and foolishly falling behind on something to your long term detriment. (also there are some people who talk about being an exception who are spending too much effort on things that don't need to be done)

I'm able to get the good parts of scrum without all the overhead with kanban. Sprints are worthless, work doesn't align on a 2 week cadence anyway.

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Despite the above study, if you are a male in an abusive relationship there often is no help even if you seek it out.

There are lots of great choices. I personally like natural oil stones. For rough work I will go with india stones, then fine Arkansas stones for the finish. Others like waterstones but I find water messier as the stones need to soak (not all do, but some do). I find diamond stones are too course but maybe the ultra fine grades are good. Sand paper works well at 1000 and 2000 grit but gets expensive fast as the paper wears out fast.

all of the above work though despite what preferences. you will not go to hell or something for a wrong choice. In the end try soemthing and if it doesn't work for you try something else.

i do have some stones that won't sharpen my exotic wood working blades, but a kitchen knife won't be made of those.

the kbin developer hasn't done anything in months (some form of personal issues), and his instance has been offline all week. mbin is actually developed.

I was too lazy to follow the money.

We are also hoping it doesn't turn into WWIII. It could for sure, but there is the possibility that things can calm down in a few years.

It works great however a lot of content isn't there.

There is a difference: data. Other software doesn't have data on what apartments are empty and what they are all renting for. They can only get data on the one landlord (even if they have more than one landlord in the system they cannot combine the data for the two). The know how many apartments one landlord has free, but not what others might have - only what they advertise. They don't know what other landlords are really charging, only what they are advertising they charge (which might be different). This lack of data means software cannot find the best possible rate for the landlord - instead each landlord has to guess what is best.

practice. Nothing is easy without it. With it even the hardest is possible. So he question is how willing you are to dedicate practice time. Half an hour per day, every day for a few years.

Suburbs have great pedestrian paths - if your only goal is to exercise. Those paths don't go anywhere, but living in the suburbs I many people using them for exercise.

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If China directly supports Russia NATO will throw sanctions on them and that will hurt China. China is supporting Russia, but they are walking a find line as China cannot afford to make NATO mad. (NATO also will hurt, which is why NATO is looking the other way, but how long will NATO put up with China is an open question)

The downside could be something that nobody has imagined yet. That is the problem with change. I'm not against this, but I demand reasonable study. (but not unreasonable levels - vaccines and GMO have been studied enough to conclude they are generally safe despite people yelling more study needed)

The plastic lining is for soda - beer tends to be less acidic and so doesn't need it. (at least in general)

Unfortunately China is not running out of everything and they are looking like they might back Russia here. Iran is also backing Russia and not to be underestimated.

No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President

You can argue that it doesn't say anything about vice president, but then he can't be part of the line of succession so what is the point. Though I wonder if maybe saying he can't be vice president on those grounds means speaker of the house also must be natural born... The constitution is short and so you can come up with weird situations like this all over.

1 more... has some good discussion including evidence. You can normally see evidenc looking at moderation logs as well

I rip physical media and then store it for legal reasons. my nas is much better than trying to find whatener disc.

WWI was called the great war, and the war to end all wars until WWII broke out. I sometimes call WWII just the great war part 2 - the treaties that "ended" WWI were clearly setup (on hindsight!) to make the war break out again in the future when Germany got sick of those treaties.

The point is names are added after the fact and often don't make a lot of sense if you know details.

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Be careful here. Experts would tell you that Russia was going to invade Ukraine. However as you say Russia wasn't ready for it.

Yes they were. It wasn't right then, and it isn't right now.

Mbin is not lemmy. It interoperates with lemmy but is otherwise different. Thus they strictly should not. Though you can make an arguement they should, it is the decision of the site owners and so while I think they should index mbin I won't fault them for not.

Why not get a loan and buy the house as narmal?

Some do, the birth rate isn't zero. However for whatever reason (time is often cited) many never do.