1 Post – 550 Comments
Joined 6 months ago

Preemptive: take what I'm saying with a heavy grain of salt, obviously and as always.

The true liberals will vote Dem no matter what - Kamala Harris, Pete Buttigieg, hell this group would vote for Pete Davidson at this point!

The true conservatives... same, mostly. Unless the liberals advanced someone like Liz Cheney or Mitt Romney, who may be able to chip into that? (This is when we finally stop pretending that liberals have any options in this race, midway between neoliberalism and outright fascism.) Bc just like Dem != liberal, but differently, Repub != Trump-er.

There are probably like 5-100 people in the middle somewhere, but bc they live in swing states somehow determine the course of the entire nation. Would this be a time to be risky and advance AOC - as a young, passionate, genuine person, since the votes of neither liberals nor conservatives are likely to be affected either way? Except the old money probably worries too much that they could not control her, whereas both Trump and Biden have been vetted in this regard.

Okay but... worse than Biden is already doing?

At this point is there anyone, anyone at all, who isn't merely voting for "not Trump" on the "left"?

Conversely, there are a few on the right who actively like Trump.

And there may be a handful of people - in key spots though - who may vote for a younger candidate?

That's the thing: Trump is playing to his base, whenever he is rude. It is unfair that liberals demand more from their candidates than conservatives but that is the way that it is. Knowing this, someone could aim to win, or else they could... not, I guess.



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It seems to be really well thought out. Like the original meme is nice too:


But would be a lot of paint that would flake off easily so the above design looks like it would work much better for a shirt:-).


And since this is Chidi:


Imma ultimately decide:


Long-term: facing them and dealing with the source. e.g. I would get nervous about job interviews, but like... as I should, right!? Bc it means that I care about the outcome. Nothing will ever reduce that, except experience doing it over and over, but in the meantime that fight or flight response "helps" to go over everything, e.g. to practice and prepare in all the various ways needed.

Short-term: reading a new/old 400pg tome for an introduction to some random topic... 😜

Why u gonna out your neighbors like that?

(Bc if they aren't "in" either, then they are likely...:-P)

This joke brought to you by my brain. Are you sure you wouldn't rather have the AI now? 😜

So I take it the trucks are now piles of rust then?

As before when they were merely potential piles of rust.

How long before the AI answer to every question is simply "username checks out"? :-P

The death of many people from excessive heat and other effects of climate change will be quite a natural consequence of our hubris indeed.

"You mean like Biden?"

That is how many conservatives on the streets talk, when interviewed by e.g. The Daily Show.

Words apparently mean the precise opposite now - people "defended" (rather than attempted to overthrow) the government, in "support" (rather than defiance) of the Constitution, and despite Trump's felonious facts, he is touted as a fucking "hero", and the legitimately elected President as the one who is "traitorous".


A large part of the confusion is that dinosaurs did not emerge from birds in the same way that humans did not evolve from Chimpanzees (nor monkeys) - but rather, both groups in those pairs evolved from a common ancestor (but different ones:-).

Birds have feathers and for the most part fly, while alligators not so much. In attempting to simplify, e.g. Avians to "birds", it causes confusion. Alligators also are not warm-blooded as birds are, not do they have beaks, all hallmarks of modern birds, but they do have four legs, long body with a tail, moveable eyelids - and don't they have external ear openings as well? - all hallmarks of modern lizards.

Scientists use precision language like "non-Avian theropod", but those don't map perfectly to common words like "birds", which everyone knows are just government drones anyway:-P.

To increase the number of people who would click on the article to read it.

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So the law would demand it, but the "trust me bro, I got yo back" defense says to ignore what the law actually says?

Okay, I think I will.:-P

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And yet, still CEO I see...

Sorry for misinformation - see comment below.

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the rhetorical question: β€œAre you better off relative to previous times? Housing leads the list of things where the answer to that question today for many people is: β€˜No, I’m not better off.’”

There, now you've read the article.

Who would downvote something like this, without leaving a comment to explain why!?

Sometimes I wish I could see that info, in rare circumstances like this.

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Get along little doge.


For many years now, almost the only way to find tech-related answers was to add the word "reddit" to your search. Before the Rexodus ofc.

Nowadays a lot of people go straight to where they wanted to find info - Wikipedia, StackOverflow, IMDB, etc. - and search from there.

Google itself has admitted how bad it has gotten, and in response they decided to voluntarily reduce their profits and return everything back to when it all worked... - no I'm just kidding, they said wait a bit and AI will save us all, somehow (from ourselves?).

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Tbf the evidence for the second person is not strong - that stuff does legit happen.

But the first guy? Damn! That's enough right there.

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So China acts aggressively while blaming the US, just like Russia blamed the invasion of Ukraine on the West too. It seems like I've heard this playbook before...

"Stop hitting yourself, stop hitting yourself. Look what you made me do!?"

Lemmy will grow, but for right now it does not meet every need. Perhaps it never will. Especially with lives and livelihoods on the line, you must do whatever works best for you, so please do not feel guilty.

The entire world is going through this right now. Many of us will never own a home - and no I don't mean just Gen-Z and maybe Millenials, I mean people your age even. Fwiw, you/we still are doing better off than at least 95% of the world, but that is not to diminish the pain that we are losing hope b/c we are not doing as well as we thought we would. Find a way of coping that works for you - I am still searching for mine...:-( I just thought it might help to say that you are not alone:-).

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I highly doubt that this orders search results like it did ten years ago ignoring SEOs though. This looks to only fix the latest category of screw-up.

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Idea πŸ’‘: Biden tells people he will show up for a speech, with or without Trump present.

Say that Trump will refuse to show up, bc he's too weak and pathetic. Use those exact words.

Trump doesn't show = profit.

Or if Trump does show, doing his usual falling asleep during talky talk, then profit even moar!

Most likely Trump will try to do the identical thing in reverse, but everyone would see that Biden did it first.

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It has nothing to do with bash specifically - other shells like sh, csh, tcsh, zsh, etc. are the same. Whitespace in UNIX is just that way by design. And it's been a long while since I used a Windows CLI but they were that way too - plus added all that weirdness about ~1 at the ends of filenames, and Mac OSX also. So not even just UNIX, but it's how the CLIs tend to work, where whitespace acts as the "delimiter" between arguments sent to a program.

program_name arg1 arg2 arg3 arg4

So if you use whitespace like "cp file 1 file 2", the CLI sends arg1="file", arg2="1", arg3="file", arg4="2", rather than arg1="file 1" and arg2="file 2". These are just the foundational rules of how CLIs work - a computer can't read your mind, and this is how you precisely tell it what you want, within this highly rigid framework to avoid misunderstandings.

The alternative is to use a GUI, so like see file, drag file, and ofc that has its own set of tradeoffs good and bad.

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If you don't want it, don't buy it, problem solved!

bUt MuH fReEdOmS!?

The only thing that can stop a bad meat maker is a good meat maker?!

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Can something be done? Possibly, who knows?

Will something be done? I wouldn't hold my breath.

This isn't the only potentially human civilization-ending event I first heard about this past month, and that doesn't include climate change that we've known about for literally decades, which many of the major players involved including the USA and China still don't seem to care much about even now.

There is a saying: "put your money where your mouth is", meaning that if people want to truly "care" about something - e.g. to be Pro-Life - then we need to actually get up off the couch and do something about what we otherwise claim to but don't really care. For instance we could... I dunno, wear masks when we feel the slightest hint of a respiratory illness coming on - cheap, trivially easy, and can save literal lives. And not to trivialize this, some people truly do care - even as I type this I'm listening to a livestream talking about restoration taking much more effort but yielding much greater results than merely shaming people by pointing out something bad.

However, and a bit ironically, Big Tobacco and Big Oil and Big Sugar and Big Tech and Big Plastic etc. all do this, investing great efforts into stopping efforts to try to stop them. Without equal or greater efforts in opposition... well, like I said, I would not hold my breath.

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Actually the real answer, iirc, is that his brain was too toxic for it to survive. I'm not even kidding!! :-P (he ate so much fish that he gave it mercury poisoning)

Then he used that to claim that he had a mental disability that was so bad that he should not have to pay money to his wife after the divorce.

Now his campaign says that despite the brain worms, he totally doesn't have a disability.

This man is amazing - he is literally all things, to all people, at all times (at least in his own worm-addled mind, that is!:-P).

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Which is already a red flag right there. Too bad there are no real consequences for their attempting to lie & cheat their way towards finding someone willing to put up with their BS, and at this point I don't mean the on-site factor that is perhaps a legit need that they may have. It's just how capitalism works, except that they'd really rather it work for rather than against them...:-(

They know. The difference is, they like it, thinking it projects "strength".

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Managers are willing to spend company money - and your goodwill - chasing that feeling of "being in charge", which is apparently a more pure high in-person:-P.

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I HATE my Samsung S22+ - it is literally the only phone I have ever regretted purchasing.

Probably most of that is b/c I refuse to make a Samsung account:-P.

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OMG reading through that comment chain - no not this one, the one on - makes me remember what Reddit (outside of the tiny niche subs) is like, . Leadership flows down-hill, and it is not just spez over there, it is his entire empire of hate, small-mindedness, and bigotry. Who on earth would see what Elon did to Twitter and think, "me 2!" (then overthrow the mods who loved the communities that they themselves built, replacing them with scabs who ban the humans and upvote the bots)?

Edit: for those who cannot bring themselves to go THERE, I brought it here for your amusement - you're welcome:-P.


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McCarthyism predated social media, and when we fought against rather than for it, it retreated into the shadows - for a time. Now it's back, and it won't take less effort to stop it again.

And imho, coming to the Fediverse is a great step towards that end - stepping out from the direct influence of Zuckerberg, Musk, and Huffman is an enormously crucial component. Thanks so much for the devs (backend, frontend, and apps), instance admins, community mods, and community builders/supporters that make that happen daily! And to the community members that promote kindness and acceptance even of newbie Fediverse converts who may require patience as they catch up.

Maybe with continued efforts - that will be labeled "subversive" by the likes of Marjorie Taylor Greene - we could vote such people out in local elections, and replace the trash with people willing to stand up for better laws that protect the People rather than enshrine protection for the police to crush moral people under their boot heels.

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US education was abysmal before that already

Solid points all around, but I wanted to add one historical tidbit: at one point the USA had literally the best edumacashiun in the world. After WWII, the other nations (like the UK + those in the EU) were bombed all to hell & back whereas the USA was relatively fine. People like Bill Gates advocated strongly for US education funding, b/c it helped feed that behemoth giant of a corporation to have an already-educated workforce, funded by US tax dollars, that they could take advantage of.

We have fallen FAR down the world rankings since then. Tbf, some of that may reflect changes in measurements e.g. does "every" kid need one, or can some be excused to go be a farmhand without needing to finish? (this affects averaged measurements, but not peak ones, or the previously thus-filtered ones)

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