4 Post – 48 Comments
Joined 6 months ago

Hehe Biden blasts

Open world, MMO and AAA are like red flags to me lol

Same! I don't have ADHD, but I do 7 + 3 = 10, then 10 + 3 = 13

For some reason, 7 and 6 aren't addable to me.

I had a nightmare where a gory monster was in my attic, and got scared when I saw it.

I teamed up with my family and we dissected it after killing it :D

It's not really that I interpret it in another way, but I never really thought about the structure of the word ๐Ÿ˜…

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Associates faces with names easily.

Like I'll remember who you are, but I won't remember your name. Got me into trouble a few times

Edit: also forgot, but this includes associating the names of places. Combined with the fact that I can'trememberr paths and situate places I see IRL on a map, I get lost often.

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Depends, in my experience.

In High School, I forgot someone's name, and being autistic and all, I just said outright "You, I forgot your name". We knew each other and all, but I have an issue associating people's face to a name. Of course, they were upset, but since they used sarcasm I had a hard time figuring it out (autism) until one of my friends asked me why I said that, and told me it was impolite.

Now I basically explain that I have trouble remembering names, and usually my new friends understand. I guess you just need to say that you usually have trouble with it and you should be fine.

Saw a thread on hexbear and all I see is this lmao

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I have Ublock Origin and use Revanced

So no :p

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Idk. I'm really bad at history and such cause I never pay attention. I used to take everything I saw on the internet at face value, so I decided to slow down on current news. Doesn't help that I like programming and video games a lot, so I don't spend a lot of time thinking about world events.

I just like communities that are tolerant and won't let people bully the lgbt or the disabled. It feels less tiring.

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Does Discuit use ActivityPub?

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It feels kinda weird for me to weight in this question, but as an asexual, I don't understand why people are so hung up on that.

To me at least, life is pointless, so I'll do what I want! If you have any hobbies or things you wanted to try out, why not, yk?

Me me me me me me me me me me me me

I never got called a tankie, so idk about that.

Then again, I rarely participate in political discussions that I don't know about. I try to read as much as possible to get an idea, but I never go in dept, like read sources.

I'm going to go to uni soon. I'll try to spend more time into learning history properly.

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Thanks a lot for taking your time to send me all of that. It always shocks me how much all of you know so much about several texts and all.

I'll try my best to read through all of this.

I really like you guys โค๏ธ

I'm learning rust and going to contribute one day.

Right as in correct.

hi nww :D

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I dont know a lot of things that you're talking about, but I promise I'll read the texts that you mentioned to try to understand ๐Ÿ‘

I'm so happy I avoided gamergate because I was too much into splatoon lmao. The community there was really friendly.

Ok. Thanks a lot for the audio books aswell!

I was thinking of diving head first into das kapital. I'm not sure if 3 courses of philosophy are enough. I was going to ask my philosophy teacher about it, but I'm a bit scared to ask haha.

I would be glad to get some recommendations though.

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I would also like to join in! Is there a way to be notified as to when the reading club would start?

That reminded me to finally delete my account ๐Ÿ˜…

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My parents usually don't help me very much with it, but maybe if I'm alone, they'll be slightly more worried.

As for friends, I'm willing to ask for help when things get really bad. I'm not sure if I'll be able to ask for help, since they will probably live in another building. It would be quite troublesome to ask them to go to my house.

As for strangers/acquaintances, I'm very scared of asking them for help. I would rather avoid being in a situation where I would need to, but I know it's bound to happen at some point if I'm not careful enough. So I ask for advice.

I think it has to do with the fact that this particular slogan has been used to persecute a group of people.

Like atheists not believing in god is just their personal belief about a metaphysical question. The only reason one would be offended by it is if they didn't consider it to be up to what one believes, but if they believe it should "be the truth for everyone".

But "there are only two genders" is a sentence that was made specifically to persecute non-binary people. This is no longer about a person deciding there are only two genders for themselves, but rather denying what other people decide about their gender.

I'm pretty bad at explaining things, so if there is a part that I didn't explain properly, please let me know :)

There is a new functionality for users to list all images they have previously uploaded, and delete them if desired. It also allows admins to view and delete images hosted on the local instance.

I remember this being an issue a while back. Glad it has been addressed ๐Ÿ‘.

I like citrus sodas, like San pellegrino, or Fanta.

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Ipod touch 5.

I keep my electronics for long, so seeing my iPod turn slow and not being able to do anything about it really pushed me away from apple.

I'm bilingual.

They just sent me to an English daycare and spoke French with me at home.

Then I could do the rest on my own.

Although I do not lack friends, it still feels pretty lonely, even with my family around, idk why. I still usually enjoy solitude, but I like to talk with people on the internet. It's easier to find people with similar experiences. I was also thinking about housemates. It would be nice to have someone who could help me, but I'm not too trusting of others.

I hope that if you're thinking about getting a housemate, that you have a great one :)

In French, it's also the same origin (nouvelles = news; nouvelle/nouveau = new)

I mean it's more that it's "working" because it's "work"

This is getting confusing to read lol

Syncthing is pretty good.

There is more to that due to my familyโ€™s religious cult like extremist nature, but fighting that is a direct path to homelessness.

That's what I'm mostly scared of. It's not due to religion, but mostly my parents disagree with my doctor's advice most of the time. I'm taking medication without them knowing, but if they ever found out, I'm legit screwed. I would be able to live on my own easily if it weren't for my illness, but I try not to think about that.

I can handle the pain part okay, but the psychology of weeks spent like a zombie without focus is unbearable. I canโ€™t tell you how many times I was working on some hobby project that got shelved because of weeks spent in a zombie like state

This also happens to me on a lesser scale. I couldn't imagine weeks. Take care.

I know, right? My brother and I nickname him "Quicksort man"

It's federated with Threads. I dont wanna be on an instance federated with Threads. Don't know why I got downvoted but whatevss

Gaming PCs by far.

Since some computer games require the mouse, I'd rather use a PC mouse than the touchpad or a mouse plugged to the laptop.

No particular reason, it's just more pleasing to the eye.


There's always a specific restaurant plaza I go to. The food there looks really delicious.

So that's what it's called...

It's actually one of my faves ๐Ÿ˜‹