2 Post – 59 Comments
Joined 2 months ago

I switched to Linux mint. No ragrets. It takes a bit of fiddling and a teensie bit of a learning curve. But it's way easier than Microsofts endless deluge of shit.

Right? Done properly and without profit motivating every decision it could be a good thing. I mean I'm sure someone will find a way to make it creepy and weird, but you never know.

Most Americans have no clue what socialism means. I almost got shot in a truck stop in Elk City OK because I pointed out roads and the armed forces were socialist institutions.

Edit: I just wanna say I was drawn into a conversation with a crazy person. It's telling that that situation (me being threatened with gun violence) doesn't seem to stretch anyone's imagination.

What I really wanna say is I've spent a lot of time in trump country, and his supporters can be some of the kindest, and in their own way thoughtful people. The kindness and hospitality I've been shown in some of these places has been truly awesome. The tragedy here is they've had their minds poisoned with propaganda that serves to distract from any other problems that may be annoying.

Don't fall into the trap of thinking these are all horrible stupid people. It would only be a disservice both them and yourself.

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Linux mint, alright I'll give it a go

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I went for it, kept what I wanted on an external hard drive and nuked the rest. No ragrets

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Lol right!? It's been ordained

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Cinnamon I think

Burn the witch!


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You're yesterday grandpa(ma?)!! Gotta keep it fresh yo!

I want the term "parking desert" to take hold in place of parking lot. I hate most aspects of automobiles. The amount land we pave over for storage is just tragic and rude.

We should build solar farms over our parking deserts to reduce human footprint.

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No elections because Hamas wouldn't allow any form of democracy. I know people are (rightfully) focused on Israel right now, but let us not forget what massive pieces of shit the Hamas leadership is. As far as I can tell this is the exact situation they were aiming for. Endless war. A situation we (as Americans or just humans in general, take your pick) have been, are, and most likely will continue to enable and inflame.

Same as it ever was

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Ya I was wondering why I couldn't download it in that state already directly to the drive. But I suppose there was already some formatting that needed to be stripped down before it could function as a boot strapper or whatever it's called.

Seriously thank you all for reaching out. I thought like maybe one person would begrudgingly link me a copy of Linux for dummies, but you all were so helpful!

And it really wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. I have memories of messing with Linux in like... 04 or 5 maybe? The ease of use has come a long way, applications are just working without fuss. 10/10

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Lol wtf is that bird?

It's like seeing the Dracula myth reborn. They periodically come to wreak great violence, but always draining. Always unseen. Always feeding.

Man, forget evil for a second. Every interaction I've ever had with the police I've ever had has left me feeling the ghost busters would be more effective. Just fucking pointless

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Dried beans. Their cheap AF. Nutritious AF. I make up a pot of soup every couple of days. Soak you beans the night before. Boil next day.

Start a new pot off with butter. Sauteed up onion, carrot, and/or celery(all cheap AF, all optional). Add In meat if you like. Sear outsides but don't worry about cooking all the way through. Add chicken stock (or water) and boiled beans. Simmer covered 30 min-ish. Add in frozen spinach, cook another 5. Salt and season to taste.

Congrats! You just made a pot of bomb ass soup. For like 3$! You can eat for days off that pot. Delicious AND nutritious. Your gut likes variety, give it to it.

I used to live in that region. She'll do some jail, maybe even prison, depending on priors and exactly what went down, but not 30yrs. Just asshole cops making the most out of what they got. No judge will let that shit fly. Maybe in Alabama but not MN.

This is exactly what I was looking for. Thank you!

I'm struggling with the constant enshittififcation of widows, not the settings menu.


Probably a day late and a dollar short but here:

I was having issues until I turned secure boot off. I also have to have two graphical drivers running.

This page helped out

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I have USI for the first time after having delt with charter my whole life. It just worked. I plugged my router into the wall and the cat5 jack that was already laid in, and it just worked. Within seconds of opening my account. As advertised.

Usually charter sends some asshole who's definitely sober and not on any lists to do awful things to your wall. Then the speeds you do get are just straight criminal.

Love my USI. It's the way an ISP should be. Now if we could just slice the price to something more reasonable.

Ty, great advice

That's exactly what I'm looking for. I don't need much out of it. I just can't take widows shit anymore. The latest update broke me

I know! I'm past the point in my life where I wanna rave, but I feel sorry for kids these days. Who knows what's stuff actually is anymore what with bath salts and fentanyl. Sucks for the chillen. I had some really good times in barn raves out on the prarie

I don't want anyone to take this as an endorsement of recreational drugs, but it sucks you gotta risk od and brain damage to do some molly.

People used to have bumper stickers that said "grass cash or ass" as in payment methods for a ride. It often meant they were willing to give a stranger a ride. As fear and irony took over our nation it eventually became a shitpost. No one hitchhikes anymore tho

I just switched using mint as my new OS. It was so easy. My computer runs so much quicker now. All my steam games just work. Feel free to DM me if you need any pointers!

I've always said Trump's not the hero we need but the villain we deserve. We did this to ourselves, with citizens united, 24 hr "news", straight up stupidity, and a just really strange sort of egotrip. Conversely my boy Bernie is the hero we needed, for the same reasons.

As to that egotrip. I don't think losing the Soviet Union was good for us. We need someone to lean into. Those goat spooning terrorist assholes just didn't cut it adversary wise. China is too foreign to make a truly good enemy. Now we're just vs. ourselves with predictable outcomes. If only there were a better way.

This is what stops me from leaping to phone Foss.

You're throwing logic into a shit storm

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Most of our houses have to stand up to the cold too (at least presently). Idk how much this affects what kind of designs are possible, but some brain roughage for ya.

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Congratulations on the degree!

Thank you. Compassion for all things and beings.

Replying directly with my above edit

Edit: I just wanna say I was drawn into a conversation with a crazy person. It's telling that that situation (me being threatened with gun violence) doesn't seem to stretch anyone's imagination.

What I really wanna say is I've spent a lot of time in trump country, and his supporters can be some of the kindest, and in their own way thoughtful people. The kindness and hospitality I've been shown in some of these places has been truly awesome. The tragedy here is they've had their minds poisoned with propaganda that serves to distract from any other problems that may be annoying.

Don't fall into the trap of thinking these are all horrible stupid people. It would only be a disservice both them and yourself.

Such a helpful kitty!

Good to know ty! I've heard of proton but don't know a lot about it. I'll definitely be looking into it. I have a crappy Nvidia card. We'll see how that goes

I run mint on my "home entertainment center". Just an old laptop with a wireless mouse and keyboard.

Granted I don't use it for much, but once I had mint on it, I've only used the desktop environment. Mostly because I'm leaning back in a slothful, shameful lump, and this is not conducive to typing. So I spend way too long pecking at things with the mouse.

Pain in the ass? Yes.

Way more tedious and time consuming? Yes

Possible? Also yes

Yes! I'm into it. Just imagine the dope ass garden towns we could all be living in.

Damn commies should be rich as Crassus by now!