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I've kinda learned over time what is appropriate for what through personal experience or by listening to others. I also ask myself questions like can it wait a couple of days? Being in America I also ask myself is it worth going to the ER for this? Someone mentioned too that a lot of insurance companies now have nurses you can call for this sort of help.

If you genuinely think it's life threatening, go to the ER. If it's something that isn't life threatening but should be taken care of ASAP, then Urgent care is a good choice. Something like a broken bone, stitches. They have a lot of equipment. If they can't treat you or discover it's something worse they will send you to the ER.

I had an issue with heart palpitations a few year ago. I went to my primary care doctor and then went to a specialist. I think total it cost like 300$ or something. I was worried it was something worse yeah it turned out to be stress and anxiety. But the specialist did rule out any heart problems which included those scary ones where healthy people drop dead. That was worth the peace of mind. If I had gone to the urgent care they would have ruled out any immediate life threatening conditions and then have you follow up with your pcp or maybe get you to the specialist.

When I first started driving I was terrified all the time, but over time fear disappeared. It gets easier with experience.

That men should be able to fix things and be mechanically inclined.

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No joke, my mother used one when my dad was was away on work. I know because she forgot about it and my sister had the bright idea to go snooping around in her drawers one day.

I would hope that in our modern age with more access to privately get sex toys (thanks to the internet) that most people would not resort to using vegetables. However, is someone saw buying sex toys as somehow "wrong" then they might.

I had a friend once who thought that doubling up on a condom meant double protection. That's a huge no no.

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I remember working in fast food and almost nobody ever thought to clean the nozzles or clean out the ice bin.

There is probably a ton of mold inside where the ice is kept.

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Keyboarding class. I actually thought they were teaching how to play the keyboard. Oh boy was I disappointed. But yeah, now I can type ungodly fast.

I didn't vote for years because I was busy trying to keep my head above water and I just couldn't wrap my head around politics. I had my own shit to deal with during that time.

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Sloth. From what I've heard, they can move fast when they want to and will fuck people up with those claws. B

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Shit, I forgot Google bought fitbit. I just bought a used one not too long ago.

Things like gift bags, disposible table cloths, tableware.... Get all that at the dollar store.

Learn how to learn. Having the ability to look up things on the internet, watch YouTube videos, go to the library and find books, ask people for help and even show you how to do something. Most people are willing to teach others if you're willing to learn.

I wouldn't necessarily recommend it unless you feel comfortable with it but sometimes money is tight and it's easier just to replace that 10$ part rather than call a repair guy. I've looked up how to replace a part on a water heater on the internet because it was cheap at Lowes and I didn't want to pay weekends rates for the plumber.

Also learn how to do basic things like learn how to change the oil on your car, replace your belts and change a tire. You'll save some money and feel good about being able to do these little things. Look for tools at yard sales and pawn shops if you don't have a lot to spend on tools.

Last time I went in there (probably 6-7 years ago now) I got asked 5 times in like 15 minutes if I needed help with something. Like fucking chill! I gave up on trying to find anything because I couldn't think with being pestered. I also could tell I was being followed through the store by one of their loss prevention people while I was wearing business clothes on the nicer end of town.

I remember going in there once to get a cable for transferring data between drives and it was awesome because otherwise I would have had to wait days for one to come in. Being able to pick up something specialized or computer parts was pretty awesome. It was even more awesome when there were stores dedicated to that. I feel like micro center was the name of the one locally before their stores disappeared.

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Gild the announcement announcing the end of reddit gold.

That "ideal" life has changed and is no longer the norm. Trying to live up to some bullshit idea that we think society says we should live is a trap.

Don't compare yourself or life to others or expect anybody's approval. Everyone has their own journey and idea of happiness. Figure out what yours is and live it.

If it makes you feel any better he'll be the one that gets slapped with malpractice if he fucks up. He's inherently accepting a certain amount of liability as a doctor.

The other thing that comes to mind is he is trained specifically in his field to diagnose and treat. As a nurse you are trained to do what you do best.

That doesn't give him a right to be on his phone all the time and be a dipshit. Eventually, that will have consequences of some sort. Currently he's receiving less respect and earning a shitty reputation. That might come to bite him in the ass some day. Him being lax may come out in his work and bite him in the ass too at some point.

But I understand your frustration. I've got shitty managers who don't know their ass from a hole in the ground and I constantly question how they got and are keeping their jobs.

Yeah that sounds like bullshit. My step son was recently at an optometrist and he's broken his glasses like 4 times since. His grandmother asked for a copy of his prescription so she can find a cheap pair elsewhere and they gave it to her with no fuss. This is in the United States.

Might be time to find a new optometrist.

Absolutely. I second the heavy use of blocking communities using an app. If you still want exposure to news you can consider downloading a couple news apps and checking them once or twice a day. You will still see the shittier aspects of humanity but at least you can do it when you choose to.

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Pick something and go with it. Something in ballpark of what you think you want to go for. It may not be the right choice but you'll have a degree and you can work on a second if you really have or take some certifications. But what's important is that you make a decision. Even if that decision is to take a year off and think about it, that's a decision.

I remember there were some cases of pensions disappearing about 20 years ago so you're not imagining it. I can't find any stories on it but yeah there were people who went to retire their pensions were just gone.

I found this on investopia while I was looking:

"A number of situations could put your pension at risk, including underfunding, mismanagement, bankruptcy, and legal exemptions. Laws exist to protect you in such circumstances, but some laws provide better protection than others."

So maybe they all sued the out of those companies and tapped into past insurance policies to get paid and that's why it's not really talked about.

Bottom line is that if someone else has your money, it's in their control. If you have the money in your 401k, you can watch it and control it.


I've been sexually harassed so much online that I never correct people when they misgender me on any sort of party chat, especially with video games. I chose an ambiguous username, talk like a bro, have and naturally have deeper voice which only tends to get deeper on the mic. It's actually really nice to be able to just play video games and be a human being.

I also put on corporate speak mask when I'm at work. Some days I let it slip and always regret it.

I know the world is rough but they to have a good day.

I think it depends on the industry and circle of friends you can find in that work place. Someone I know works in an oil chang place and they tell off color jokes and what not. I work in corporate and almost nobody does that. I also avoid creating that kind of relationship at work because I've been burned on drama from those types of connections. But I still manage to have a couple of people I trust and we'll joke around and curse.

I'd have to say I'm doing alright myself. I don't make a lot of money. I'm not happy with politics and other things in the world but I'm thankful for what I have and that I am okay. I actively work to make my life better in whatever ways I can. I've met tons of people who don't and are unhappy.

I think people are unhappy are more likely to say something in response to something like the Elmo tweet rather than say "I'm doing great/good/alright."

Secondsale.com has treated me well

Yeah I wouldn't trust it, you can get USB hubs for fairly cheap. I just googled and saw one for 10$-12$ from Anker.

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This for sure! I never understood the power of a 401k being a tax shelter and the power of employer matching. Do as much as you can, even if it's 50$ a paycheck. It's best of you can put in as much as the employer will match.

Less anxiety. For a bit there I felt like "nothing" and then I realized that's what it feels like when I'm not constantly ruminating on all the crap that brings me anxiety.

I had half a thought of getting the game, that just made me nope.

Not so much a traditional instrument, but I would love to learn how to make music through software like Sony acid pro. I had a friend once who did it and he did some really great stuff.

I stopped using all social media besides Lemmy. In part I realized how much of it is used by influencers and companies to sell shit and it's become worthless. On top of that, when I use Facebook I can barely find actual pictures when I attempt to catch up with family by looking at their pages. Once in a while I make an attempt then give up when all the bullshit gets crammed down my throat. The only reason why my Facebook still exists is the use the messenger to keep in touch with family that way.

I remember using Twitter to actually keep in touch with my gaming friends. Then they started with the algorithms. I used to use Tweetcaster. I stopped using Twitter entirely once that happened because it used to bypass those algorithms and the ads. I stopped using Reddit when Reddit is Fun went down.

Now I just scroll Lemmy. Even that is limited because of all the depressing news. Sometimes I get frustrated by the 15 reposts of the same article and I get tired of having to interact with them to get them to go away. I just don't get the same reward I used to get when I looked through posts or scrolled through tweets of friends once upon a time. I'm just tired of the enshittification.

Lately I've felt helpless in that I can't seem to get out of this rut. Other times in my life that I can think of was when I was getting paid minimum wage and couldn't pay the debt I was dumb and racked up many years ago. Another time was when I was in an abusive relationship that I didn't understand that I could end.

I'm sure there are many others but those stand out to me at the moment.

Personally, I try not to cheap out on anything I want to last. You don't have to buy the most expensive, but don't buy the cheapest either. Something in the middle usually does good.

I've done well buying second hand too. I recently found a bread machine for 3$ at goodwill. Works perfectly. But I also figured if I decided not to use it anymore or it was crap, then I lost 3$

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Me too! I had a dream when I was 4 or 5. In the dream I woke up and looked out the window at the backyard. There were a bunch of those things circling the tetherball pole in the yard and a light was shining down on them like a UFO hovered above them or something. But their yips got louder and more terrifying. I tried to hide but it only got worse. That was when I woke up. I couldn't stand the sound or sight of those things for years.

Got to sit around and play video games for half a day until someone from IT called and was like "yeah we need to walk you through the work around."

Agreed. We're around, we just like to hide for good reason.

I was there not too long ago. That's wild that before that, the area was just farm land with no special meaning.

I've had women do this to me with their crazy, fucked up life and issues. The last one I remember was a coworker that I was standing in line with at a food truck. She just started talking about the mountain of medications she had and the health conditions that went with it. I don't remember specifically what prompted it but it was completely unrelated and she intentionally steered the conversation to the subject. I was just like "uh huh" and as soon as I got my food I GTFO and avoided her until she got fired. I vaguely remember she had the biggest fucking melt down I've ever seen when they fired her. People heard her crying and wailing through the conference room door.

Idk how it's relavant to them that you are basically a van dweller. As long as you are taking care of yourself (eating healthy, exercising, showing, and whatever else) then it doesn't matter.

Maybe if there was some treatment that required you to have access to facilities you need in a house but I can't think of anything. This is one of those times I would omit or just say you live in a house.

Just make sure you're stashing away some cash in an account so you can replace your ride or put a down payment on a house if you decide you do want something a little less mobile some day.

Flying, stinging insects. I hate it when I suddenly hear the buzzing next to my ear. They can move faster than me and there is nothing I can do against them other than try to dodge them.