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Joined 2 months ago

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West Virginia University (CFB and CBB)
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Unsurprising. Bans gender-affirming care but he wears heels to help him feel more masculine. Only thing he hasn't done is wear a cowboy hat (that's I've seen).

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Crazy that was what disqualified a candidate in the 2000s and here we are now.

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This is my thought as well. The whole point of this system is that if you feel like you have better choices and ability, you are well within your rights to spin up your own instance and manage it, and make your own choices. Just follow the standards, and you should be able to integrate with existing platforms. They are free to defederate, but that's their call to do so. It's always been a tradeoff, and one of the big things with Reddit is that, even to a point now, it's Reddit or nothing. With federated sites, leaving a platform isn't starting completely over like it is leaving Reddit.

There are $105.6 billion in reasons. Public knowledge of safety measures and quality control directly effects stock price. That's billions of dollars tied up in knowledge not becoming public. Who benefits? Shareholders. Not knowing who did it doesn't mean it wasn't murder. Plenty of murders happen without knowing the culprit or even specific motive. The guy outright said "if I die, I was killed". And then he kills himself for the memes? What's his motive for suicide, especially given his quotes regarding it?

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As someone in WV, it isn't just the transgender care coverage policies that discriminate. Lmao

I'd argue nah, cause JNCO jeans were huge when I was in middle school, and those are like...comically baggy. Like the bottom cuff would swallow your shoe. Even with standard jeans, boys showing ankle was a mortal sin, (for girls not so much, skinny jeans were in but I don't remember anything specific against baggy clothes either) and it was a huge issue in the school with people wearing saggy/baggy pants and hoodies that were too big. And this was early 00s, and through high school as well. Some "groups" did the skinny jeans in high school, namely like emo kids, but they'd still have other articles of clothes that were baggy.

I think a lot of it is algorithm based. Interacting with anything is going to start skewing the page, and it builds an echo chamber of "this generation has a bad opinion", when the reality is not so. Everything is driving engagement, and rage is always a top factor in engaging.

Wonder if all these pro-Israel pundits who said "The US finds no wrongdoing" will walk back their claims that no laws are being violated and that Israel is only doing what is necessary....

In my experience it kind of means both. You get more speed obviously, but that comes with better quality materials and control processes at the manufacturer. People expect the $5 SD card to corrupt eventually, they get more upset when the $40 card does.

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I love driving. HSR is still super nice, because the worst part about driving is long distance trips. Day trip to the hills to drive fun windy roads? Hell yeah. Trip across the US where I spend 9 hours a day driving straight in Kansas/Oklahoma/Texas? Awful. That section of argument never makes any sense to me. "I love driving. Nothing better than sitting in the right lane for 7 hours on a perfectly flat, straight road". Morons lol

As much as I hate to say it, Ubisoft has a really solid game on their hands. Some issue with netcode and I think the XIM/Cronus use is going to rise pretty quickly, but other games have dealt with it before. I've enjoyed the few hours I put in so far and will be playing it tonight with the boys. I'd like to see a classic TDM but hotshot works for now. Also a really cool take on the Kill Confirmed gametype

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Idk if I'd consider that nefarious moreso than just "we added a button and want to keep reply right of the options dropdown".

The addition of the awards button so prominently is easily deemed shitty tho lol

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I didn't post any useful information, all I did was shit post during college sports game threads. Just lemme be spiteful against Reddit lol

I think that was the intent. OP is also the OP of that thread lmao. Maybe he also just wants us to know?

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Nah, just it's the quintessential conservative costume piece when they're desperate for votes.

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People stormed the capitol and it's a big deal that there are consequences. Hamilton Hall means nothing to the Institution of America. I wonder how many of the same people are defending these students?

Which is why I'm so regretfully enjoying it. It plays well despite being a Ubisoft game lol

I don't get it. I modded one community with about 30k users, maybe 5% of which was active. The only thing I ever did for years was remove obvious reposts by bots and sticky weekly discussion threads. Communities normally police themselves decently well. Past a critical mass, I'm sure it gets a it harder but unless it's a personal attack or completely unrelated, let people vote shit down.

I also don't know why you'd want to be a mod of 45 subs with millions of users each. Shits shady AF.

Was the reply button the biggest previously? I never installed the official app so I don't know how it was previously set up

Thanks! I've been bouncing around post-Reddit '23 on KBin and Fedia, but never really stuck anywhere. My issue is a need a big sports community, game threads were my absolute favorite part of Reddit, but the communities currently aren't big enough to really support them.

See, that was my take on it, but I have noticed a shift, somewhat recently. I check /popular every now and then just to see what's happening around the internet, and they'd always pop up. It's gotten distinctly more "accepting" of taxation and stuff. I literally thought this yesterday, like "am I crazy or has it flipped a bit".

I wouldn't quote me on sub narratives, my browsing is sporadic at best, but that's what I'm remembering.

Same, I was middleschool/high school then and even then I thought it was weird seeing someone basically get shunned because he was excited for a job that traditionally was very reserved, ESPECIALLY after the war on terror issues. He was excited to try to help lol

I bet Drake just clicks the check boxes and doesn't unsubscribe from marketing emails.

I very vaguely remember that lol,now that you mention it

It's the exact same argument for the company. Protect the money. Benefits for the Union? It's money via benefits. If stock price isn't motivation for the company, it isn't motivation for the Union. If keeping the negatove publicity of a drug problem on the lines a secret is motivation for the Union, keeping the negative publicity of a corner cutting secret is motivation for the company (ESPECIALLY amid previous negative publicity with the 737 Max fiasco). If maintaining power is motivation for the Union, keeping power via Boeings 42% market share is motivation for the company. Unless Boeing is not motivated by money, or it's not motivated to keep a positive public appearance, or it's not motivated by keeping power, which I'd argue are ALL motivations of a publicly international corporation worth hundreds of billions of dollars, then I fail to see why these are motivations that preclude Boeing Co.

It really sucks what we have to choose from. We have Manchin, who is basically a Democrat in name only, Republicans, and then those Republicans. And the ironic part is, these shitty politicians were exactly who our grandfathers and great grandfathers were fighting against all the time. Everyone says this is a live-and-let-live area until they disagree with their neighbors choices. It's hypocritical as fuck and only serves as a way to escape criticism about themselves.

I'm hardly an engineer, but I'd say the less movement the card takes, the better. SD cards are pretty old tech now, so there aren't many improvements to be made anyway. Cheap card, expensive card, as long as the contacts don't corroded or constantly get worn, I don't imagine they fail often. Photographers probably eat through them because of the transfer processes or people using them with phones/handheld games because they're always inserting/removing them. If it just sits there, it's just getting power and losing it, so it's squarely on the internals and no physical wear.

I've had the same cheap card in my dashcam for almost 5 years now, and it's never failed. High and low temps every year, but I attribute it's longevity to never removing it ever lol.

You're right. It makes a difference that they moved it one spot to the left vs one spot to the right. If they had kept it second from the left, there would be no one upset about it.

Except the headline would likely be "they moved the dropdown button to put the award button in its place".

I'm not arguing that they added it in the first place. But given that there is an award button, where is the acceptable place to put it on the UI?

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Kinda par for the course for Reddit. There was like a whole thing a while back about how they were monetizing the site, selling off data, etc. Anyone who stayed should expect this and more.

Would also be crazy if they allowed 3rd party apps that let you change how you interacted with comments. I think I had one that was swipe reply, so I didn't have to tap anything at all. Whatcha get staying in a clearly money hungry platform I guess lol.

That might be my disconnect with the UI change, cause I wasn't tapping anything to interact with comments, I was only doing that to do formatting, etc, and didn't have that muscle memory. I do still think it's a bit "damned if you do, damned if you don't" in terms of where they're going to put it, but again, that's to be expected from that company at this point.

Oh no idea. I'd imagine so, it was a fairly big app on Reddit

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Boost! Dev was great on Reddit, very active. Has a client for Lemmy now!

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