2 Post – 101 Comments
Joined 7 months ago

It's incredible that this was viable in the first place. Of course these type of experimental surgeries are done on extremely sick people at the end stage of normal care. So, actually two months is nothing to scoff at. It means a successful operation. I hope autopsy will give insight. What this man did is incredibly brave and important for mankind. Hero in my books.

Google is great if you want to buy things. It's absolutely shit for information gathering.

7 more...

Missed opportunity to wear them in a bullet belt.

It's fascism... They want fascism. That's the joke.

One time i drove past a rainbow and thought it was beautiful. I'm pretty sure it was feminism.

America has a real problem if something very bad happens to Biden or Trump during the elections (or shortly after).

The world has a problem when Trump is elected again. As he's not known for keeping peace, or understanding international relations. In fact quite the opposite.

So the next big thing really is the elections.


Notice though how certain massive events are barely registering here.. Imagine a third of Americans threatened to lose their home.. But that's what's currently happening in China through floods, and rain season still having to start. I would call that big, 120 million people isn't nothing.. In comparison, 7 million died from corona (out of 700 million confirmed cases)

So this very much depends on your perspective and where on the planet you live.

Abrahamic religious traditions put the idea of men having dominion over life into our societies ideological underpinning.

You're obviously correct, and so have many people throughout the ages, about there being ethical inconsistencies.

When future societies look back on this period, the way we use animals will be seen as absolutely barbaric. Mainly because it's absolutely true.

No. Not because it's impossible. But, mainly because it's only after it goes past court that you're actually 'pinned'. So you're going to have to be certain that will happen, otherwise the political fall out isn't worth it.

Also let me remind you that the guy shot at a crowd so he was already applying for ending his life in prison. There is no need to turn it into some wicked conspiracy where the feds needed to pin him..

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Too late. Already finished my dissertation on it.

Depending on your definition of 'better' . In terms of repair ability and ease of maintenance, pretty much all old tech. In terms of price... There is no chance, it's insane how cheap tech has gotten.

The power consumption of old stuff is also extremely bad compared to now. So yeh you can have fridges, washing machines, or whatever appliances from the 70's that still work and are easy to maintain.. They use way, way, way too much power for what they do. In an ideal world where energy is free, sure that stuff is better. We don't tho.

Also, basically everything that uses software while it shouldn't, has a worse user experience than before.

2 more...

Google it.

Sounds like a one sided arrangement that's only good for you and not for the cohesion of the group. What's the actual problem with connecting to/socialising with people?

I get that it's annoying sometimes, and it's fine to have limits. But you're working in a place where other people are working, some people need socialising just like you need space. It's give and take. You're just asking for special treatment because you're introverted?

Sorry but the excuse that it's 'just work' is bullshit. You have responsibility, you're an adult, different people different needs, be accommodating to get accommodation.

12 more...

Yes. I usually join several cleaning groups per year, cleaning thrash from nature. I also don't buy cheap plastic clothing (basically stop caring about fashionable trends) and repair as much as possible. I think about packaging when buying stuff, which I btw also limit as much as possible. Our waste stream is extremely low, with 95% going into recycling and upcycling.

I live a comfortable modern life, these are minor adjustments everybody can and should be able to make.

Always keep in mind that apathy and fomo are part of capitalist consumer ideology.

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Very irrelevant.

Congratulations you just figured out how to have four jobs without breaks.

Capitalism is the underlying ideology permeating society in all aspects. Don't pretend that there is a choice between capitalism and non-capitalism.

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And his name? John Titor

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So let's be very clear here. This is basically true for any new car, practically no 'normal car' has come out (in the US) for the past few years. The amount of feature creep has been massive, some due to regulations, some because adding it is cheap. The only place where you can get relatively bare bones is in pick ups. Not in suv's. Cars except sportscars are no longer being offered, only two 'normal' models (accord and camry) still exist. These all have driver assist tech and large screens as well. You won't be able to get around features hiding behind touch screens, simply impossible to find in today's market.

The problem for Evs is that beyond styling the only differentiating factor is tech. They are all fast and differ not that much in range, speed, comfort, handling in their price ranges. This has pushed tech into the car industry, especially in the US where people are willing to go into debt for cars, to the point where the average price for a new car is 47k. Compared to eu: 27k

In principle, the less you pay the less tech you get. But for any new car, there is tech. No way around it anymore. You can buy the car and ignore it.

Spoiler tags please

republican bigfeet caused global warming

Yes sir.

Faked their suicide

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Do you realise how many politicians get attacked every day? Do yourself a favour and check it out. It's a lot, it's bot not the safest job in the world, many get killed. There had to be an attack by a time traveler at least once

Holy shit.

Maybe we're f-ed maybe not. Feeling sorry for yourself isn't going to do shit though, is it?

You're just spiralling into a depression at this point. All the while most of the things are completely outside of your control. You want to turn into the 'old man shaking fist at clouds' meme? Stop it.

Chances of a ww3 are incredibly low. Why? Because of the dependency on the global supply chain. Stuff is made from stuff shipped from all over the planet. Food, electronics, clothes, etc. We cannot just turn that off, and set up the infrastructure at factories, have workers, have the raw materials... It's incredibly complicated. We are already a global society.

Consider all the shit that is happening 'ironing out the kinks', we all know that the perfect future is fully automated gay space communism. Just try and be on the right side of history when you can help it.

It's clearly a plot by pigeons

Do you even know what communism actually is? I mean do you know where it came from, and why?

If you're 17 and in America, there isn't a lot of hope that you have been told about this in a non-biased manner. Young people especially are susceptible to the ideology that they can make it in life through hard work and equal opportunities. You might even already have felt some success in this regard, was able to achieve a goal because you worked for it. And it all makes sense to you.

And you think, In some way or another, that communist are perverting this, maybe by giving away shit for nothing or worse want to take shit from you.

But that's not true.

Socialism wants you to fully get your complete value of your labour for you, instead of most of it going to a boss who didn't work. And communist want to make sure that the system doesn't allow for bosses to make decisions about the conditions workers live in.

Sorry but oop is explicitly not doing identity politics. You have a point but it's getting lost in your accusations.

7 more...

Me too. And I didn't even had zip-offs.

Real men use an m16

That's a picture of the concept. The production version doesn't have the front window flow into the hood. And that really destroys the look. The production version looks more like the multivan, and i like the multivan in two tone better. It's a more honest design.

Life is fucking amazing. The intricacy of it all is just so incredibly deep, a neverending pool of knowledge and mysteries to explore. And then there also is a thing called creativity. The absolutely stunning, interesting, weird, crazy, lovely stuff around us is an endless adventure. And on top of that there is love, being able to care and support others is deeply rewarding.

I absolutely do not fear death and do not care about pain. I really just enjoy it here, so i avoid it as best i can. I eat healthy, active lifestyle, taking care of my psychological needs. I hope to live for another 100 years!

Organic mouse rule

Okay you need to calm down

It's a lot simpler that that. I mean not the cause of mass killings. That's never a single factor but a range of mental health issues, a combination of things leading to the act. Impossible to predict.

The main issue is the shocking lack of mental health care. The inability for most to speak to someone at an early stage. There is no (coordinated) safety net.

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Ewww clean up your trash from the floor.

Put it in bags like your gf does.

A doctors prescription.

I know several people with autism diagnosis. They all have ups and downs, problems and victories, joy and sadness. But they all are liked among friends and at work. It's usually family (parents) that is the most likely source of shit.

A few things you would want to pursue are a healthy relationship and a curated friend group. That takes a while, as you can imagine.

The fear of not belonging or doing something strange and being judged, or fear of not seeing a hidden agenda... It's something that you're going to have to work on. You are the way you are. It's going to hinder you and it's going to help you, you can't predict that.

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It has yeast eating sugars because of some problem inside the tree. This produces a lot of pressure, because of the production of co2 gas, and this is being released through a weak spot. That's what you see outside, it's leaking through the weak spot.

In the crown you should see dead branches and a weak crown. Most likely it has been damaged (badly pruned? ) in the past.

The long and short of it is that if it can cause damage when falling over, remove the entire tree and replace it, hire an arborist. If it doesn't matter and you don't care... Sit back and hope it's going to stay alive for as long as possible. Then just literally don't do anything, there isn't a fix. Just remove dead wood.

And then this guy showed a meme that was completely turned into a pickle... Funniest shit I've ever seen