Old school shitposting

MacN'Cheezus@lemmy.today to Lemmy Shitpost@lemmy.world – 574 points –

I totally didn’t see this somewhere and start writing it on the walls in middle school:

Those who write on shithouse walls

Roll their turds into little balls

Those who read these words of wit

Eat those little balls of shit

I have some questions about the events being described here, but I think its best not to ask.

I heard it as

"In days of old,

When knights were bold

And condoms weren't invented,

They put their socks upon their cocks

And babies were prevented."

Yeah that's the one I know, though I think it sounds nicer with the wording I know:

"A sock was placed upon the cock, And babies were prevented"

Here's some toilet poetry I read once:

Some come here too sit, think, and write on the walls. I come here too shit, stink, and scratch my hairy balls.

Wie Adolf Hitler throne ich hier, die braune Masse unter mir.

i used to fold a paper towel into a kind of bubble box and get it wet. then i'd throw it hard onto the ceiling where it would stick for about a minute. then i would wait for it to fall on someone coming in and i'd giggle for decades about it.

Here I sit, all broken-hearted

in Germany it's the other way around.

…the road lays a load upon you?

Wie der Führer sitz ich hier
Die braunen Massen unter mir

In diesem Klo da wohnt ein Geist, der jedem in die Eier beißt.

Mich hat er nicht gebissen, ich hab ihm auf den Kopf geschissen.

Ich kenne das mit "In diesem Klo, da wohnt ein Geist, der jedem, der zu lange scheißt, von unten in die Eier beißt."

Am unteren Ende der Klowand, dort wo sie zum Durchwischen aufgeständert ist:

Vorsicht vor dem Limbotänzer!

We have a variant in Dutch.

In de pot zit een geit die graag in je kont bijt

Mij heeft hij niet gebeten want ik had op zijn kop gescheten.

It’s the same person, they wrote on both walls