2 Post – 316 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Literally every insurance company in California is seeking the same or more.

I haven't had a reason to watch that nonsense in at least 2 decades.

Black and White

What year is it?!?!?!

How many carbon emissions will the chartered plans release when they transport all of the athletes and their gear to France?

Please backup all this copyrighted material

similarly, I've removed Microsoft from my system.

84 more...


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Immediate mandatory drug testing for Congress

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Half Life 3 is super late

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Just the law firm is in trouble and none of the clients who had their money laundered.

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my HP version won't let me read a book without replacing the Cyan e-ink

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sound like a great reason to stop using Facebook

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People who talk about "wokeness" will not be detered by your facts.

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Bring back sliders with full keyboards

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Until another judge says it will stay sealed.

take the pen and leave. when they ask for the pen back, say it's $10.

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Stop making so many mediocre IPAs. Other styles do exist.

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-Dr. Cox

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WTF is even happening anymore

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He should resign as President now

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I've never been close to fighting a fast food worker so I'm fine with this. No one can say they weren't warned.

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Don't let them tell you what to do!

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I grew up next door to a sovcit family and witnessed their descent into madness. They think they have all of these loopholes and they only end up ruining not only their lives but the lives of their children too.
This family had a house that is now worth well over $500k and they lost it for $0. The son spent over a year in jail because he and his dad claimed you only needed drivers license if you were engaged in commerce and then got busted driving without a license IN HIS LANDSCAPING COMPANY VEHICLES.

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I'm in year 17 of my 5 year starter home. I can't afford to upgrade now. I'm gonna die in this house.

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That dude is from The Good Liars. A hilarious duo that you should check out.

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these crusty old farts need to retire. their dumbass voters keep reelecting them so it looks like it will take retirement or death to get rid of them.

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What a loser

The amount of pure bullshit I have to go through every day just for an hour of enjoyment in the evenings.

It wouldn't have been so high if it wasn't based on the fraudulently-inflated valuations of the family's properties. Get fucked Eric.

People who speak English as their first language don't even get this stuff right

Sorry dude but your god meant this to be. Its all part of his plan, right?

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Now I feel silly for eating all those packets

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I'm not sure he was illiterate but he did play football at Alabama so it's a distinct possibility.

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I can, not well, but I can. damn hill starts.

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Its been at least 10 years since I've watched one. They dont even answer the questions that are asked.

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Elon can't deliver on a promise. I'm shocked.

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I work from home lol

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