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Joined 2 months ago

look under the hood
They're Gnome with extensions and a theme

Any good alternatives that use the same engine, but aren't just "Firefox after rustling the about:config a bit"?

Relative to what? Wall Street?

Every big open source project now has ties to one corporation or another.
Linux isn't a hobby project of a few hackers anymore.

My guess is the Google deal is running out soon, and they're desperately throwing shit against the wall, hoping something will stick.
I still think you should be able to make a decently working browser with the money Mozilla's CEO earns alone.

When you do a dist-upgrade on anything but the stable main repos, you're on your own.

lunatic girl threatening me

You could switch to KMail, which is developed by the KDE community, organised in KDE e.V., an actual registered non-profit.
Or Evolution, developed by the GNOME project, organised in the GNOME foundation, another registered non-profit.

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origin of meme with this text:

origin of this version of the meme:

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Then you finally give up and zone out for a bit.
Until you realize they just asked you a question.

the fur?

I tried GTA Online once, thinking I could just cruise around and have some fun.
Within 2 minutes I was killed by some dude in a flying motorcycle rocket launcher thingy.
He then proceeded to spawn-camp me and kill me every time I came back.
Haven't logged on since.

SInce the legalization, I keep getting home-grown weed for free from friends.
Cause you can legally keep 3 plants, but only legally have 50g of dried weed at home. So everyone gives away the surplus after harvesting (which is also illegal, but impossible to control).

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I have an old Soviet mechanical wristwatch that cost 3€ on an Eastern German flea market.
Compared to other watches it sounds like a Diesel tractor, the bezel rotates freely and the wristband pulls my arm hair out.
When I wear it, it's too fast and when I don't wear it, it's too slow.

But I only wear it during the day and take it off at night, and that way it's been keeping perfect time for 15 years.

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Don't turn this into "The Jews are behind it all".

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Termux. A Debian-based Linux system running on top of unrooted Android.
It lets you interface with your phone's functions (GPS, calls, etc.), and install packages to extend functionality.
Turned my phone into a mobile network troubeshooting device, lets me grep through my sms, and I can ssh into my server on the go.

With AnLinux you can install a full standard linux system in it, including a GUI, and connect to it with a VNC viewer. (AnLinux is just a helper script linking to some dude's repo, so if you are at all security-minded, you can also bootstrap and install any Linux distro manually).
So you could have a Debian with Gnome desktop running on your unrooted phone.

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In Berlin you could smoke weed in front of cops before the legalization.
They've got bigger things to worry about.

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...among Muslim voters

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We are cheering because people are trying to kill an insane man hellbent on destroying this country

Your cheering for an assassination attempt shows that your country is already well and truly fucked.

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Nope, also illegal to give away. So you legally have to destroy any surplus.

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They would be classified as a foreign-backed political organisation, which puts any member still in the country in danger of spending 15 years behind Russian bars.

I used to have an old Zenit ET. I loved that thing cause it had a small solar cell that powered the lightmeter (which was just an analog indicator moving over a scale).
So it needed no batteries.

When I moved to a new place I accidentally toppled an oak wood wardrobe which fell on the camera.
The wardrobe then had a hole in its back panel, the camera still worked fine.

"Not you, soldiers!"

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Me too.

In the late 90s and very early 00's you could google yahoo song names and get a downloadable mp3 link as one of the first results.
Cause search engines simply showed websites that contained your search terms, without filtering and AI algorithms.

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When you come home after a night of heavy boozing, just chug an entire liter of water before you go to bed. It prevents the worst part of the hangover, headaches, which are just from dehydration.

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Why are text editors cloud services now?

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"Hi, I'm Vincent Adultman. Just in case you're wondering, I'm definitely not 3 kids in a trenchcoat pretending to be an adult. Now let's do a business."

It's like watching a drunk gorilla in a weird dress stumbling around, doing ridiculous things while acting tough.
It would be funny, except you're stuck inside the room with it, it's holding a rocket launcher, and half the people in the room with you are imitating its moves.

This is art.
A strange mix of pop art, existentialism and dadaism.
And I love it.

There's also been a Republican campaign for years to actually try and make those votes not count.

The real pro tip is to not eat fries with ketchup. Eat them with satay-sauce instead

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Does there need to be a solution?
Do E-Sports competitions on identical certified hardware and otherwise ban people caught cheating.
Root kits aren't necessary for having fun in a game.

This is art.

Eat microwave food. Or "remove foil and put in oven" food. I wouldn't call that home cooking.

And then you tell them you lied.

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It's vanilla Fedora preconfigured for gaming on Proton, then made immutable.

I'm not sure what you mean.
Why would it affect what bars look like?

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After he loses, it can be easily changed to "Tramp".