What is your favourite open source software that you discovered in the past year, that you can no longer live without?

Shape4985@lemmy.ml to Asklemmy@lemmy.ml – 515 points –

Mine is Local Send which is a FOSS alternative similar to air drop that works across a variety of devices.


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Termux. A Debian-based Linux system running on top of unrooted Android.
It lets you interface with your phone's functions (GPS, calls, etc.), and install packages to extend functionality.
Turned my phone into a mobile network troubeshooting device, lets me grep through my sms, and I can ssh into my server on the go.

With AnLinux you can install a full standard linux system in it, including a GUI, and connect to it with a VNC viewer. (AnLinux is just a helper script linking to some dude's repo, so if you are at all security-minded, you can also bootstrap and install any Linux distro manually).
So you could have a Debian with Gnome desktop running on your unrooted phone.

Oh my god, that's amazing. I'm getting on something that can be rooted posthaste, but in the meanwhile...

And here I thought this is running with the Android subsystem in a limited environment utilizung "plugins" as the packages.
That sounds so cool

Not to mention that with proot, you can even run kernels greater than that native to your phone.

anlinux feels like junest but configured it with gui and vnc , I might use it someday.