
8 Post – 810 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Let's not pin cult leaders against each other now

You make a good point

The problem with cooperation and compassion is that it literally takes one dick to ruin it. If we could incentivize the psychopaths in society to collaborate for their own good, then at least we'd strike a nice balance, but our economies aren't structured that way.

A system that can be so easily destabilized is not a system that has planned for the long term. I think we're slowly getting there, as even the dicks in society are beginning to realise that they can be shunned for their public actions, and that shunning does come with real financial consequences.

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large efforts are being made, its just not up to par with what people are expecting from their governments

Yeah you can, music artists do it all the time - you get them on branding, merch.

we understand the implications, we just assume that the negatives will happen to others and that the positives will grant us a temporary reprieve in which to plug existing holes

Here's the Lee Lemon clip:


No one is naked. Kiff is reacting to the statement itself. The nudity comes later and isn't reacted to.

Here's the Lola clip:


Note that before Zapp even mentions Leela's name, the patrons are already sickened by him singing it. Kiff doesn't react here, so I might have confused a memory, but still, that's quite a reaction by the audience, no?

They make the shows actually accessible so that they can reach the desired audience and generate a fanbase in the first place, which producers could then use to exploit for revenue.

If you covet a precious jewel behind closed doors, people will just walk on by without knowing its value

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producers don't make the content, they speak to the right people in their exclusive circles to finance it, put their name on it, and then pay the directors and actors a tiny fraction of what it earned

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"Today here at Microsoft we are celebrating the legacy of the late Linus Torvalds by releasing a new kernel, re-written entirely in Golang using Copilot. No GPL code was touched, merely re-written, and we will offer ISOs to the coding community for free! Stay tuned for more updates, as we will be exclusively developing on this kernel going forward! This is a great day for open source!"

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The comment about it being dominated by rich streamers, who could afford the entry + could train full-time, definitely made me draw parallels between them and duelling knights of yore, who were usually part of the nobility.

It would be nice to see some more random contenders from more mixed backgrounds

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It very well might be a real exploit. Lemmy was briefly taken down by an XS attack using the emoji library... so who knows, maybe a 3000% smiley face is all that is needed


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Rio Rancho officers talk with Cardana about the firearms inside the home.

“You’re a firearms guy?” an officer asked.

“Oh, yeah,” Cardana said.

“Nice,” the officer said.

“They’re loaded. They’re ready to go,” Cardana said.

“We don’t need to see them,” the officer said. “There’s one probably right there in that case. And I see another one over there.”

The officer continued saying, “I like folks that have guns,” since he is a gun owner himself. As the officers begin to say their goodbyes to Cardana and Fannell, she begs them to stay at the home.

You cannot make this stuff up.

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That bonus really looked like it was going somewhere else for a second there.

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They have spurred on the solar/wind movement successfully though, albeit whilst using coal as a crutch. Even so, without the greens, alternative energy might never have been a discussion in a country like Germany which is positively obsessed with gas and cars

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  • Newpipe (adfree YouTube client)
  • Thunder (responsive Lemmy client)
  • Geometric Weather (great weather app)
  • FBreader (low resource eBook reader)
  • KDE connect (sync between phone and laptop)
  • Glider (HackerNews app)
  • Orgzly (needlessly complex org-mode renderer)
  • Skymap (Position-aware constellation viewer)
  • Open Camera (impressive photo app)
  • PianOli (fun piano app)
  • Moonlight (game streaming client)
  • WLANScanner (find hidden WiFi camera/devices/networks in hotels)
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webp is a great format though...

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I bathe 2-3 times a day. A quick one in the morning to get me out of the house, or I just skip it if I don't have time. Cycle to work, real shower there. Then a nice long bath in the evening where I just soak and watch anime. Or browse Lemmy.

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Ctrl-Alt-Cat is the worst

Normally yes, but MapMen are British gems - up there with Curious Droid, and the Red T-shirt guy

I remember back when I thought all FOSS was part of the FSF, and that itself was formed of hippie liberal progressives. Had a rude awakening when I found about the MIT vs GPL rift, and then another on HN when I realised half the people in software were just there to make money.

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Took me a while to realise that he was being hung, and that the trapdoor wasn't actually a spring propelling him into the air

That's a pretty weak take. Do you know how profitable it is to hire a short-gain CEO, pump his stock, sell before the inevitable crash and follow him to his next venture? Immensely so.

Think how great the world would be if everyone did that, jumping from sunken venture to sunken venture, burning through any and all good will, until the only thing that still has worth is the planet you're on, but even that is nothing because Mars is the next frontier you can sink our money into.

Think before you speak so poorly of those better than yourself

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Sled. It's his sled from when he was a kid. There I just saved you two long boobless hours.

That's not fair. Do you have any idea how hard I work to put adverts into your products without making them crash? God, think next time!

I have a small PC I use for exposing a private PC to the wider web via nginx proxy. It had two accounts on it: mine, and one I called "remote" with some basic password I set up to forward the proxy connection.

One day, this machine started making 100% CPU noises, for several hours. Wtf? I check the processes and a Tor node had been setup and was transmitting gigabytes to some Russian IP.

My brain goes into panic mode, I kill the process, wipe the remote user, and eventually pull the Ethernet plug.

I wish I hadn't wiped the user directory as I wanted to know what was being sent and where. Nonetheless the logs showed that several Russian IPs had been attempting an SSH brute force for literally months and one finally guessed "remote" and weak password I set for it.

I have decades of experience on Unix system, and I cringe having made such a rookie mistake.

Lesson learned: change the default SSH port to a transient port, have one dedicated SSH user with a non-standard username, and use auth-key entry only.

I still wonder what was being sent over that Tor node, and why it required all the CPU cores. My best guess is crypto mining, or it was used for a DDOS attack net somewhere.

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shakily points to an Etch-a-Sketch

Its a thought experiment involving a room where people write letters and shove them under the door of the Chinese kid's dorm room. He doesn't understand what's in the letters so he just forwards the mail randomly to his Russian and Indian neighbours who sometimes react angrily or happily depending on the content. Over time the Chinese kid learns which symbols make the Russian happy and which symbols make the Indian kid happy, and so forwards the mail correspondingly until he starts dating and gets a girlfriend that tells him that people really shouldn't be shoving mail under his door, and he shouldn't be forwarding mail he doesnt understand for free.

Um, Australia is required to exist to stop the weight of the US from flipping the Earth plane over. It's literally the counterweight continent.

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They used to moderate. Scientific discussion there was also top tier

Related XKCD: https://xkcd.com/705/

This. Someone who is willing to come down to my ignorant level in a subject and reward me for my tiny effort and interest in it, is an immediate win in my book. Though it is a hard line to cross without going into smirky/mansplaining territory.

For example, Veritasium videos are always fantastic, but I can't get over how the man smirks when he explains concepts, despite the fact that it's his natural smile.

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I wrote my webserver in pure bash.

bash -c "python -m http.server 8080"

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Eh, I'm not a huge fan of fixing deep societal issues with quick lazy rebranding of words either, but I do admit that AllowList / BlockList is much clearer in intent than Whitelist / Blacklist is.

"Sir, I saw a... a..."
I swear to god if one more private brings up UFOs...
"..a screaming skeleton that teleported."

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"...sometimes it's whole months. I take the battery out of the phone and just walk into the desert, ready to embrace the wilderness."

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Exactly, if you don't own a car like a real murderer, take the bus or ride a bike

Yep to the EFF, a few GNU projects, and previously to random developers I liked.

Something tells me they survived.