1 Post – 38 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Fuck sake. Sick of ai being added into everything. Please dont ruin firefox

Lol, year of the Linux desktop here we come XD

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Shaun of the dead has so many jokes in that its hard to catch them all. There is some good YouTube videos that also explain them in case you missed any.

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Enjoy the rabbit hole, its a lot of fun.

Yay, newpipe is one of my favoutite apps


Sweet, really cool that you decided to give linux shot. Its nice to see someone try it before dismissing it, due to thinking its too complicated.

Reader mode in browsers is great for this situation. Firefox has one for both desktop and mobile. I think brave does too

Linux gaming PC, steam deck, SNES, ps2

Going upstairs and forgetting what i went up for

An app on android called "should i answer" is good for blocking spam

Kill tony - stand up comedy

Outdoor boys - bushcraft

Channel 5 - journalism

Beard meats food or matt stonie - eating challanges

Cold ones - funny dumb memes

Mental outlaw or hated one or surveillance report - privacy content

David bombal or pc security channel - pc security

The linux experiment or distrotube - linux content

Gman lives or pyrocynical - long form gaming videos

Big lez show - tv show made in ms paint

Sheiy - urban exploring

Lockpicking lawyer - lockpicking content

Healthy gamer gg - content about mental health by a qualified doctor

Louis rossman - right to repair and simmilar content

Bald and bankrupt or geowizard - travel content

Cart narcs - man pretending to be a robot shaming people for leaving shopping carts and littering in car parks

Captin disilluaion - special effecrs content

Coffeezilla - internet detectives

Some ordinary gamer or penguinz0 - commentary

Micheal reeves or mark rober or i did a thing - making cool stuff

Dont hug me im scared - short horror show (also has a tv show now)

Edit: adding more suggestions and spaces between suggestions

Deleted discord recently because of the ads. Glad I did as iv been looking for reason to delete it for a while.

We recommend moving to linux eheh (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Bleachbit is good for clearing up some space

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I use Fluent Reader on Linux and subscribe to a variety of tech related blogs and articles to keep up to date. It’s nice to see what you want to see and not just slop articles and ads all the time.

Another reason to use piped or invidious

Thankyou. I will have a look at this and possibly test it in a vm first to see how it works

I recently tried streamio on firestick, the app worked great in terms of ui and responsiveness but the services it connected to never worked. 5 was on it by default and each allowed me to browse movies and series but when i attempted to watch them it returned an error or buffered forever. I also tried with and without a vpn to see if that affected it. Personally the way that still works best for me is using a browser such as sideloading firefox and then visiting the websites using a vpn like you would on a laptop

Edit: while im here, sideload the newpipe apk. Amazing frontend for youtube

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Fluent reader for linux has been the best iv ever used

Thankyou. For locking i have i3lock but i havent got round to customising it yet so i still have the defaults and my bar is polybar which has a has some customisation. Ill see if i can find a caffeine moduke to add to it

Dont hug me im scared

Big lez show

Kill tony

My Wahl shaver has a charger like that

BONES/ Surrender Dorothy. he's gained a lot more listeners over the past few years so more people are discovering his music

Artix is light and systemd free. Some super lightweight distros are tiny core and antix

Do we all agree that the original Tetris music slaps

Hopefully ublock, piped, invidious and newpipe can keep successfully working. Not had a problem with them so far

Im lazy and use spotify for podcasts but i do plan to stop and use RSS at some point in the future

I had a similar issue with lutris and decided to switch to heroic game launcher which works great

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Im not sure ill have to check. I've just been using it for GOG and Epic at the moment


My secondary school had a card system based on behavior. If you got in troubled 3 times that semester you had to go to the "trainee" lunch line which had really long lines and less variety of food. You was also restricted from areas of the school at lunch like IT suite, music room and library.


I've already given up on online games. I don't enjoy them like i use too a few years back and endlessly grinding doesn't come close to the satisfaction of actually finishing a game. My friend streamed some of this to convince me to get it, the gameplay looked bland and he clipped through the map and had to start the mission again. I think ill stick to finishing my backlog of single player games.

Thankyou ill try this

Signal is a good alternatives as you can group call and screen share (no audio), share images and videos etc. Messages are saved locally on devices unless a timer is set on the chat

The cope iv heard from friends that this is okay behavior