
@Aviandelight @mander.xyz
0 Post – 209 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

American here. I love the German meme communities if even I don't always understand the joke. Thanks for letting us know how you guys are doing and I hope everyone lands safely in the new server.

So this is China's take on Facility fees. They just actually have the balls to list what the charge actually entailed.

I previously had an LG Stylo and now I have a Motorola G stylus. I love both of them. The stylus is kind of thin but it's stored in the phone. I use the notepad pretty frequently so having a phone with a stylus is a must have for me.

You most definitely can overfeed scorpions and tarantulas. I once had a rose hair that I bought off someone who didn't have time for it anymore and the little girl was so "fat" that I had to put her in a low top cage to keep her from climbing for a few months until she slimmed down. She would have ruptured if she fell from a height of a foot or more.

I had a very stodgy surgeon and I actually got a laugh out of him. He checked in with me pre surgery and as he was leaving said he would see me in the OR and I was like I hope I don't see you (meaning I hoped the anesthesia worked). No one else got what I meant except for him and he had a genuine chuckle.

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I really don't understand why streaming business are so surprised. They are providing television for rent and users are renting it plain and simple.They seem to think they are entitled to lengthy subscriptions from users when in reality they aren't providing a service that's even stable or worth it.

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There's a good reason anesthesiologists get paid as much as they do. There is no way paramedics get enough training to be granted the ability to use sedation like this. And any tool given to police becomes a weapon. This whole policy is a recipe for disaster.

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I mean the most obvious malicious compliance here would be to make a bus line that runs to the tiny little parking lot at the entrance. Nothing the wealthy hate more than public transportation in their backyard.

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Geez the judge told the jurors that they would never have to serve jury duty again because the case was so traumatic. I don't even want to imagine what everyone involved went through.

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I tell myself every day that I'm not working out for my beach body, I'm working out for my old lady body. I just want to be able to tie my own shoes when I'm 70.

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There are dozens of us! But seriously I've been so happy to be a lady on here and have good conversations with damn near everyone. As for treating myself, I am looking forward to my husband cooking us a nice dinner this weekend.

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Catholic hospital leaves this women sitting and waiting for care while they debate on whether or not to provide treatment because of laws and policies. They never provide her treatment and she goes home. What choice did this poor woman have but to have a miscarriage at home. I can't begin to imagine the horror and hopelessness this woman endured. She would have been in no good mental state to deal with this and honestly her actions shouldn't be held against her.

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I wish more people were aware of this. One year I made a rather significant number entry error and should have owed a couple thousand more than I paid. I got a fairly routine letter later in the year asking me to correct the error. I had a little mental panic, reran the numbers, and filed an amended return. There was no pressure, you always have payment options, and they send you back another letter confirming the acceptance of the amended file. I understand that many people would have significant problems paying extra unexpectedly but unless you are actively committing fraud you are not an immediate priority for the IRS.

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I dare say that anyone working in healthcare knows a coworker who's committed suicide because of the job. I know I do and it still haunts me even though I managed to get out.

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Parrots need the same level of commitment and resources as a child. Think of having a permanent 3 year old that welds scissors constantly (beak) for a minimum of 30 years.

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Invest in anything that comes between you and the ground; shoes, mattress, and tires.

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Small town pissing contest becomes nationwide concern because once again police show everyone that they believe they are the law. The irony in this is the paper never even had to publish the story to get it out. The cops did that with their actions.

I don't think the article is misleading. If you take money from the federal government you have to follow their rules. This is how Medicare and other programs have always worked so there is precident. The republicans want to argue semantics on whether the funding agency or Congress have the right to make/change the rules as a stall tactic for positive change. Regardless of their disagreement, their behavior and beliefs in fascism are still abundantly clear.

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Technically this is a grey area and they are blatantly misusing the exception for court order/warrant rule. HIPAA just states that records must be turned over but doesn't get into details concerning how much or how little should be provided. I really can't believe the judge allowed this but I suspect (hopeful anyway)that this will get kicked up to a federal court since federal law supercedes state laws.

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This is making me miss r/imsorryjon.

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Seeing the moon and stargazing in general. Oh and everytime I see a picture come back from the Perseverance Rover. I just look at them in absolute wonder and still find it unbelievable that we have clear pictures coming back from Mars. Every new picture is like Xmas for me.

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20 plus years ago when I first started working in healthcare anal pap smears weren't covered by insurance because paps were considered a "woman's test" and good luck finding a provider that would do them or a lab that would process them. Now it is considered routine testing covered by insurance and more doctors are learning to include this type of care while in med school. It breaks my heart to think about how many people don't get the care they need because of social prejudices and the slow crawl of progress.

I mean the US has been fine with letting insurance companies second guess doctor's decisions forever why not governments too.

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I agree that it is unclear to folks that Lemmy is not a platform and this causes frustration and disappointment for new users. It probably should be clearer on join-lemmy.org that this whole thing is just a bunch of servers talking to each other.

Fuck it I'll gladly take the rebate and still not vote for that useless piece of shit.

I really feel like everyone is letting their emotions and ideologies run the narrative here. Lemmy.world was already defederated with Hexbear, everyone was. What they are doing is choosing to remain defederated once Hexbear federates. And that is perfectly within their rights. Until we get better moderation tools and the ability block instances at the user level I can completely understand why the admin and mods don't want to deal with potential issues. Maybe once we all have better tools then we can try playing nice together. This is the same reasoning Beehaw took and I think it makes sense in this case as well.

I believe that's called narration.

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The lobbyist, Matthew Albright, used to work at the CMS division that implemented the electronic payment rule. In fact, he was its chief author. He had since moved on to Zelis, a company that handles electronic payments for over 700 insurers and other “payers."

This is straight up corruption.

Citizens United will be the death of this country.

To be fair it doesn't help that Microsoft keeps moving the damn thing.

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Omg yes!!! I was just ranting the other day that all these drug shortages should come with consequences to the companies. (Looking at you Ozempic) If you can't produce enough of your drug to keep up with demand then other companies should get a chance at making it. It shouldn't be the patients that have to suffer.

The fact that they staged the patient being on life support to hide obvious medical malpractice is beyond words. The psychological trauma to the family is horrible. How could you even justify putting that type of guilt on others to hide your own misdeeds is beyond me. There has better be some revoking of medical licenses happening after this case.

That's because these executives don't care about learning. They want examples that they can use to rationalize their shitty decisions.

Now this is a quality shit post! Happy New Year and thanks for all the laughs.

That's because rape is not about sex or being horny. Rape is about violence. It's a power play where the perpetrator's goal is to dominate and harm someone else to boost their own selfish and misguided self esteem.

It helps build exposure to foreign antigens which helps build immunity.

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If that is true then it makes me wonder if they were just hoping he'd kill himself. That's really dark and I'd love to think they were just negligent and not malicious.

I was concerned about the weight when I got mine as I am used to Nintendo handhelds. After playing with my Steam deck for over a year now I don't notice the weight anymore. I actually feel like I'm going to break my Switch when I play it now.

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I think they don't care if AI does a good job. I think that they will provide the AI capabilities to their lowest clients and keep the human sales team for the clients who are willing to spend more money. When you can no longer increase your sales base you start focusing on the ones you can milk for more.

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13 years ago I bought my childhood home from my parents. They basically gifted me the down payment and my dad helped me update it. I was exceptionally lucky them and I'd have no chance in hell buying a house now.